A/N: This is long overdue but school is a bitch and a relentless one at that. Thanks for reading!

"It's nice to meet you Detective Shuester, is there a reason you're here?" Mercedes asked after she shook the detective's hand.

"Go wait for me in bedroom. Now." Sam's tone left no room for argue.

Mercedes nodded and left the two. She closed the bedroom door and instantly dialed her father's phone number. Sam watched the detective and the way he looked after his girlfriend as she walked away. He didn't miss the way his eyes lowered, no doubt checking out her ass. Sam gripped the doorknob tighter to keep from punching the shit out of guy standing in front of him.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Shuester asked innocently.

"Do you have a warrant?" Sam asked back.

"Do I need one? You got something to hide in there?"

"Shuester, between you and my girlfriend, she can't compete with how hard you ride my dick. You should know that I have nothing to hide and no reason to hide anything in the first place. If you have no warrant or justified reason to be here then you can fuck off and go write some parking tickets."

Will narrowed his eyes at Sam, the playfulness now gone.

"Watch it Evans, don't forget who you're talking to."

"No, you watch it Shuester. You have come to my home with no justification, and your allegations are getting real old, don't let my door hit you on the ass."

Sam slammed his door shut and locked it. Shuester had some fucking nerve showing up at his home and trying to intimidate Mercedes. Shuester had been a pain in his ass since his father's shooting. He would show up at the hospital with his bullshit allegations, wearing that cocky smirk Sam wouldn't mind shooting off. Gerrard and his father advised Sam to never piss off an officer, but Shuester was asking to disappear. Sam looked through the peephole to see if he was gone, he was. Frustrated, Sam punched the front door to get the cravings to kill out of his system. He shook his reddened fist as he walked to the bedroom. Opening the door, he saw Mercedes with her back turned to him talking on the phone. She sounded worried and on the verge of crying at any moment. Sam walked behind her, gently took the phone away and saw that she was talking to her father.

Sam held the phone to his ear to take over, "Shuester's back."

"What did he say?" Gerrard asked, irritation present in his voice.

"Nothing really, he just showed up random as hell, trying to be a smart-ass.

"He's planning something. Did he say anything to Mercedes?"

"No, I think he was going to try until I stepped in."

Mercedes watched Sam as he spoke to her father. She wiped her teary eyes and played with her sleeve, these pregnancy hormones were already having an affect on her, making her into a crying mess.

Sam got off the phone and looked her over, "You alright?"

Mercedes shrugged, "I guess I have to be right?"

"It's going to be ok, Shuester only shoots blanks. He's been trying to get me for a while but he has nothing."


"You don't believe me?"

"I believe you, I also believe that he has a reason to be after you. You're a criminal!"

Sam exhaled sharply and shook his head, "That's nice Mercedes, like I'm not fucking stressed enough right now."

"And what's causing you to be so fucking stressed?!" She asked with a louder tone, "You! My dad! Your dad! You all wouldn't have to be so fucking stressed if you all weren't doing things to be stressed over! Like killing people!"

"Lower your fucking voice!" Sam yelled right back at her.

"Don't swear at me and don't tell me what to do!" She yelled back, louder.

Mercedes turned away ready to storm out of the room but was halted when Sam grabbed her arm and made her sit on the bed. Mercedes tried to shake her arm out of his grip, "Let me go!"

"You're not gonna run away from me again."

"I wasn't trying to run away. I need some air," Mercedes told him, still struggling to get away.

Sam stood up and tugged her up with him, "We'll get air together."

Sam walked her to the balcony and pulled out a chair for her to sit. He pulled out another one for him and sat next to her, taking her hand in his as he laid back.

Mercedes looked down at his hand over hers, "Really?" She scoffed, "So you think I'm going to run away?"

"I can't hold my own girlfriend's hand now?"

"You're cutting off my circulation."

Sam loosened his grip a bit; he looked at her and didn't speak until she finally looked at him.

"When I tell you everything will be ok, I mean it. You have to trust me."

Mercedes rolled her eyes and looked back to the city, "I told you don't tell me what to do."

"Mercedes I-"

"I wasn't finished yet. You can tell me things will be ok all you want, but Sam, what you and our dads' do bothers me. I can't tell my or you dad to stop but I'm asking you to stop being involved with this. There will always be another detective coming around to try and finish what the previous one started. Like, doesn't this all bother you? We go to church almost every Sunday, doesn't being in God's house make you uncomfortable?"

"Of course it makes me uneasy, but Merce you act like I go around killing people everyday. I don't. And no one sin is greater than another; my committing a few murders isn't more of a sin than you eating all those grapes at the grocery store without paying for them. Thou shall not steal."

Mercedes pursed her lips and turned fully towards him, "Alright smart-ass, me eating four grap-"


She sighed and continued, "Ok then, ten grapes. Me eating ten grapes isn't killing anyone. Yes God judges all of us equal but between us two, who would be going to prison for life here on earth?"

"I get it. You think I don't think about this shit everyday? About my victims, their families? I'm not some heartless murderer Mercedes!" Sam lowered his voice, "I'm working on getting out but it can't happen overnight and your constant badgering definitely won't make it all go any quicker."

"I'm sorry," she whispered as she looked down at their hands. Mercedes knew her complaints were bothersome, but anxiety mixed with impulsiveness was getting the better of her and that detective only made things worse for her and her internal struggle.

"I can't stop being anxious."

"You need to, you can't putting stress on the baby. Just try your hardest to stop being so worried with all of this and let me handle it, like I've been doing. Don't get involved."


"No I'm serious. Shuester and the rest like him look for any type of weakness, and in case you didn't know, your pokerface sucks."

Mercedes scoffed in offense.

"It does, but if you don't know anything then you give anything away. You already know too much as it is so I'm telling you right now, don't get involved. And don't try any of that Nancy Drew shit either."

"Fine. From now on I know nothing, as far as I'm concerned, the last couple of weeks didn't happen. Ignorant Mercedes is back."

Mercedes pulled her hand back and stood up, walking back into the apartment. Sam rubbed his face with both hands and contemplated whether or not to chase her. He finally decided to give her some space and time alone to cool off. He knew what he had to do, for the sake of his relationship and for his unborn child. Sam walked out of the balcony and grabbed his phone. He dialed the number and waited.

"What you need kid?'

"You want to add seventy to your thirty shares?"

As William Shuester entered his small one bedroom home, he threw his briefcase on the mangy couch and looked in the fridge for something not spoiled to eat. Not finding anything, he slammed the door shut and stalked into his bedroom. All he needed was a break on the Evans case and he would be out of this shithole. He would be a fucking hero to his department, a fucking legend to New York. The lone guy who took down the Evans enterprise. And taking down the Evans pretty much guaranteed that the Jones would go down as well. They all thought they were so invincible, but everybody made mistakes, and when one of them did, William would be there. William dedicated a fraction of his detective career to busting the Evans family and sacrificed so much in the process. The stress of his dedication proved too heavy for his first wife Terri. She couldn't stand the late nights alone and found comfort with her co-worker Cooper. Will came home to a nearly clear home and divorce papers resting on the kitchen table. Her name was already signed.

A couple of years later, William married Emma, the relief counselor in his department. That marriage ended quicker than it began. Soon after tying the knot, Emma had a nervous breakdown and filed for an annulment. Apparently the different work schedules and William's hygiene were too much for her to take. After they ended their marriage, Emma transferred to another location in Ohio and hadn't contacted William since. Now the only things William had was his apartment and his dedication. All of his hard work would be worth it in the end. He was sure of it. The only difference between now and then, was now, William wasn't going to exactly play fair to get his happy ending. He was going to stoop down and get his hands dirty, just like the people he'd grown to personally hate.

The new routine of small talk became a regular for Sam and Mercedes for the next few months. When he came home she asked how his day went and never dwelled more into it. The only thing that stayed the same was their need to acquaint with each other's bodies. Sam didn't particularly care for her new persona but he needed the simplicity right now and his plan was in full effect. He'd let his father and Gerrard in on his plan and they both promised to do what they could to make it all go smoothly. Sam also had another plan in mind but he couldn't put that into effect until the first was completed. Santana and her girlfriend Brittany made regular appearances at the apartment, much to Sam and Mercedes' gratefulness. Sam wanted to make sure Mercedes wasn't there alone whenever he had to work overnight or commute out of state. Currently Sam was away in Jersey for business and Mercedes, along with Santana and Brittany were setting, or trying to set up a complicated crib in the guest room turned nursery. Santana held up a piece of wood and threw it over her shoulder.

"Fuck this."

Brittany looked at her girlfriend appalled, "No bad words in front of the baby!"

Santana rolled her eyes and started inspecting her nails.

"Britt, the baby can't hear her bad words yet," Mercedes told her, trying not to laugh, "What do you guys think it will be anyway?"

"What color was the little blanket?" Brittany asked her.

Mercedes and Santana gave each other confused glances.

"What do you mean?" Mercedes asked.

"Well if the stork was carrying the egg in a blue blanket then it's a boy, but if it was a pink blanket then it's a girl. "

Mercedes and Santana stared at Brittany, mouths agape.

"So was it a blue or pink blanket?" Brittany asked, naïve to their astonished looks.

"Uh…," Mercedes glanced at Santana, who motioned for her to go along with it. "It was gray? Gray! It was a gray blanket."

"Oh!" Brittany clapped her hands together, "Then it's undecided, the stork is still making up his mind and this crib thing is hard so I'm gonna make some cookies."

Brittany picked herself up and dashed out of the room. Mercedes looked at Santana.

"Don't ask me because I don't know," Santana stated.

"I hope it's a girl, or twin girls!"

"I guess, but twins equal twice the shitty diapers, no thanks."

"Babies are more than shitty diapers San," Mercedes remarked as she chuckled.

"Not by a long shot," Santana muttered to herself, "So why are we wasting our time with this shit when you could just hire someone to build the damn thing?"

"I need to do something to pass the time," Mercedes replied as she connected two parts.

"So you're going to keep playing Bob the Builder until you pop the kid out?"

"In nicer terms…yes, of course after we all get on a good stable schedule I want to start looking for a good job."

Mercedes bit her lip to keep from saying anymore, Sam's job had been anything but stable lately more so than ever, but Mercedes was going to keep her promise and not ask questions. Sam told her he would be back from Jersey later tonight and that's all she needed to know-at least that is what she told herself.

Soon after Santana and Brittany left, Mercedes went back into the nursery to mess with the crib some more. She had an appointment with her doctor tomorrow and they would be finding out the sex. Mercedes was too excited to sleep now, she could get at least half of this crib built by the time Sam would arrive home. She plopped back down on the floor and reached for her screwdriver.

When Sam entered his apartment, he immediately noticed the quiet atmosphere and wondered if Mercedes was actually home. He set his things down and quietly walked to the bedroom; empty. She wasn't in the bathroom, or on the balcony either. There was one more place she had to be; Sam opened the nursery door and saw his girlfriend curled up on the floor surrounded by various parts and tools. Sam smiled and went to her, careful not to step on anything. He rubbed her back softly, causing her to stir slightly and placed his arms under her to lift her up. Mercedes awoke groggy, "Hey."

"Hey, how was your day?"

"Fine, how was Jersey?"

"Productive," He answered as he set her down on the bed.

"That's good," Mercedes said, laying back.

Sam got on the bed and enclosed her in his arms.

"Everything will be better soon, I promise," Sam told her, "Just have a little more patience with me."


Mercedes felt his hands inch from her waist and further down.

"What are you doing?'

"Nothing," he replied simply.

"It doesn't feel like nothing."


Mercedes turned herself to him and he began to nibble on her neck.

"Are you trying to get me pregnant while I'm pregnant? She asked lightly.


"Soooo….am I having a grandson or a granddaughter?" Renee asked as soon as she answered the call.

"You can dust off my old baby stuff now."

Mercedes held the phone away from her ear as her mother flailed loudly. Sam looked over from the driver's seat and chuckled while slowly shaking his head. While Mercedes tried to get a word in over her mother's screams, Sam felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and took it out. It was one of his associates returning his call, he answered right away.


Mercedes looked at him and hushed her tone, she pretended to listen to what her mother was saying as Sam talked.

"Yeah that's fine, ok,-yeah I'll stop by tonight, see you then-bye."

"Mom I'll call you back."

Mercedes ended the call and glanced out the window, waiting for Sam to tell her that he would be taking a short trip…again.

"I have to leave for a meeting tonight, I should be back by tomorrow afternoon."

Mercedes nodded and continued to look out the window. She could either sulk or celebrate the fact that she was having a healthy baby girl. She was going to take her own trip to the nearest Sherwin Williams and spend her night painting her anxiety away.

Over the course of the next few months, those around Mercedes would have sworn she was the second coming of Martha Stewart. She was constantly busing herself with mini projects for the baby as well as redecorating her home. Sam would come home to see something new or something moved, and if he did come home to see that nothing had changed, he would actually suggest that she go see her doctor to make sure she was all right. He was happy to see that she was doing something to get her frustration out, in a nice and healthy way and he was very happy that their sexual appetites were still on the satisfied side. As Sam drove home from his last meeting, he smiled at the thought of the look on her face when she found just what exactly he had been doing and what he was planning to do next

The sounds of pots and pans colliding startled Mercedes awake. She heard a string of swear words slurring together and it sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. She heard another pot fall to the ground as she walked out of her bedroom.

"What the hell…"

She entered the kitchen and saw Sam struggling with a pot in one hand and a skillet in the other.

"What are you doing?"

Sam turned around to face her and smiled apologetically.

"Making you breakfast."

"You sure about that?"

He looked around the ruined kitchen and sulked his shoulders, "No I'm not."

Mercedes laughed at her boyfriend's cooking fail and walked to him, taking the items from his hands, "Here I'll cook, you clean."

Mercedes looked at the mess on the stove and saw that Sam had concocted something that looked like goose shit substitute. She emptied the disgusting continents and got started from scratch. Sam cleaned around her as she cooked their breakfast and fought the urge to spoil her surprise. Once she finished, she made their plates and the two sat at their dining room table. Sam shoveled the eggs into his mouth while Mercedes poked at her bacon strip.

"Why aren't you eating?" Sam asked her with a mouthful of food.

Mercedes giggled and wiped the excess segments from his face.

"I am eating, just not like I'm starved like you."

She took a bite from her strip and smiled at him.

"Your pokerface says otherwise."

"I just had a little trouble sleeping but I'll be fine, how was your meeting?"

"Great, and it's the last one I'll have."

"What do you mean?"

Sam dragged her chair closer to him and gave her a small peck, "Go get dressed, I want to show you something."

"What is it?"

"Get dressed and you'll see."

Mercedes hurried away and rushed through her morning routine. She threw on her jacket, grabbed her purse, and ran to a waiting Sam in the living room.


Sam propped himself up from the couch and held out his elbow, "You probably broke a record," he joked.

Mercedes slipped her arm through and playfully swatted his chest. Sam led her throughout Upper Manhattan and she had no idea where they were going but she was enjoying the time she was spending with him, she'd missed him. She missed hanging out and having a normal conversation with him, without any mentions of murder and crime. Sam brought her to Central Park where he bought her ice cream, and steered her to Bethesda Terrace, stopping in front of the fountain. Mercedes dug inside her purse for coins to throw into the fountain, stopping when Sam held up a penny. She smiled and took it.

"What are you going to wish for?" Sam asked her.

"Well if I tell you it won't come true," she replied and playfully nudged him.

"Not necessarily."


"Alright alright, you don't have to tell. You go first."

Mercedes faced the fountain and closed her eyes, holding on to her penny as she made her wish. Upon opening her eyes she tossed the coin into the fountain.

"Your turn!" She turned to Sam but he wasn't there. Hearing a short whistle she looked down to see Sam kneeling on one knee, a ring held up by his fingers.

Mercedes let her ice cream cone slip from her fingers as her eyes widened at the sight in front of her.

"You know I'm the luckiest guy in the world. There are people who wait their entire lives for a love that never comes, some experience it and lose it, where others settle for less than what they think they deserve and live the rest of their lives full of regret. For some reason I was lucky enough to have my love living down the street near me, always next to me, under me."

Mercedes had her hand clasped over her mouth as tears flowed down her freshly blushed cheeks.

"I remember the day I fell in love with you. We were seven and you came over with that Barbie convertible and tried to get me to play with it but I wanted to play baseball and threw the ball at you. It hit you right in the face and you started crying your ass off and my mom gave you a cookie so you'd calm down and sent me to the corner. I felt that tap on my back and there you were holding out half of your cookie to share, and I just remember thinking 'wow she just got hit with a baseball and now she's giving me havsies'. "

Mercedes laughed and wiped her eyes as more tears formed. She was completely engrossed with Sam; she hadn't noticed the small crowd forming around them.

"Then years later, after seeing you with Rashad, I finally got the courage to tell you. I've made some mistakes since then, and for the past months I've been working on fixing those mistakes. Last night sealed the deal Merce."

"Y-you mean…"

"Yep. I wanted to do this right, start fresh with you, I want you to be mine, really mine, not worrying about anyone else or any outsiders, no worries about that bullshit you've had to deal with, no dark clouds hanging over our child's head. So Miss Jones, will you give me the honor of becoming a certified Evans?"

Mercedes nodded her head enthusiastically and shoved her hand to him. She heard a symphony of 'awes' as Sam slid the beautiful platinum setting, diamond ring onto her finger. Sam instantly stood and pulled Mercedes into his arms. The urgency of his kiss was practically suffocating her but at this moment, Mercedes couldn't have been happier. The applause and cheers from their audience became louder with each passing second, Sam hugged her tighter but then pulled back, he didn't want to hurt or crush the baby. Looking into her watered eyes, Sam rested his forehead against hers, "I'll make you so fucking happy," he promised, his hands now wrapped in her hair.

Mercedes sniffed and grinned wide, "You already do!" She exclaimed.

She pulled away to get a better look at her ring, and noticed the amethyst diamond center.

"It's purple!" She cheered, bouncing on her feet.

"You said you wanted a purple ring," Sam quipped.

"I said that when we were like fourteen!"

"I remembered."

Mercedes looked up at him and gave him another soul trembling kiss.

"I was looking for you, Mrs. Evans," Sam murmured into Mercedes' ear as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.

Mercedes warmed into his embrace and held onto his bare arms, she sighed contently as she watched the Parisian patrons go about their day. It was only three days into their honeymoon in Paris, and come next week, Sam would be starting his new job as a civil engineer. It wasn't as exciting as his last job, but Sam didn't get that degree for nothing. Sam began rubbing her prominent stomach as he gave soft pecks to her neck.

"This city is so beautiful," she commented.

"Not as beautiful as you."

"Smooth, very smooth."

"Come on, let me show you how smooth I can be."

Sam brought her back to the bed and braced himself over her.

"Let's work on that double pregnancy, " he said lowly into her ear.

They both slightly jumped from Sam's phone ringing in the other room and Sam begrudgingly got off the bed to go and answer it. Everyone knew not to call unless it was an emergency so whoever was calling had better be on their last lifeline. Sam saw his father's name on the caller ID.

"Is everything ok?" Sam asked him immediately.

"No, a couple of guys from Geno's crew got popped by the feds last night. We don't know who the rat is but we have a couple of ideas. I know you're finished with everything but I need you're one of the few who knows as much as I do, you need to get on the next flight home."

Sam looked back towards the bedroom and moved further down the room, "I can't just jump into that again. I worked my ass off getting out of this and do you know how pissed Merce will be to leave Paris early?"

"Samuel I'm not asking you to pull a fucking trigger here. I'll take care of the most but I need your help before the rat gets more people."

Sam gripped the phone tighter and shook his head, "Fine. We'll leave as soon as possible."

"Thank you son, I'll make it up to you both."

Dwight hung up and Sam paced around the room, not ready to face his wife yet. He didn't want to lie to her, but he didn't want to tell her the complete truth either. He went back into the room with a guilty look on his face. Mercedes noticed instantly, "What's wrong?"

"We have to leave, tonight."

"What! Why?"

"There are some things back home I have to take care of."

"Like what?"

"Things, I'll pack our things."

"Sam what things do you have to take care of?"

Sam collected her clothes into her suitcase and started gathering her other items.

"Family shit."

Now clearly frustrated, Mercedes crossed her arms, "I can't believe this. You're going back to that aren't you?"

"Mercedes, the less you know the better. I'm sorry but we need to leave tonight and I promise I'll make it up to you."

Sam went to her and kissed her firmly, "My dad needs me right now and if I don't help something bad could happen. Trust me when I tell you that I'm not getting back into that life."

Mercedes walked away from him and started gathering her other things, not saying another word. Sam watched her for a moment before returning to their things.

The airplane ride home was nothing but awkward. Mercedes told Sam she was only disappointed, not angry, but Sam knew better. She was fucking pissed and he was going to know how pissed she was when everything was all said and done. They headed straight to the Evans home upon arriving back in the city. Mercedes exchanged hugs with her father-in-law and went off with Mary into another room.

"Whoa, she is not happy," Dwight noticed.

"All thanks to you."

"I'll make it up to her, hey! I'll babysit."


Dwight furrowed his brows and thought for a moment, "I'll get back to you with that."

"That's what I thought."

Mercedes set the last plate into the dishwasher and leaned back to stretch her sore muscles. The baby wouldn't stop kicking and Mercedes was feeling it all over. She rubbed her sore neck and went into the living room to sit on the couch. If she rested now she could get started on dinner before Sam got home from his legal job. She brought her head to the cushion and closed her eyes soon after.

Mercedes rubbed her tired eyes and groaned. Who the hell was knocking on her door? Getting up, Mercedes rubbed her stomach as her baby kicked and waddled over to the front door, opening it without looking through the peephole.

"Good evening Miss Jones, scuse me, Mrs. Evans. May I come in?"

Mercedes kept her hand on the knob, mentally cursing herself for answering the door.

"Detective Shuester, surprised to see you here, and the place is a little messy at the moment, we can talk here."

William chuckled and moved closer to her, "You got something to hide Mrs. Evans?"

"I've got nothing to hide but I do have a couch to get back to and my feet are killing me, I'll tell Sam you stopped by."

She tried to close the door but William stopped the door with his foot.

"It will only take a moment."

"I don't have a moment."

"Mrs. Evans I can detain you for interrupting with a legal persona or you can cooperate. Your choice."

Mercedes stepped back and William entered looking around in appreciation.

"Where is your husband?"

"He's working."

"Working…with whom may I ask?"

"Shouldn't you know? You stalk him after all don't you?"

William gave her a little sneer and invaded her personal space.

"I see your husband's attitude has rubbed off on you, let's hope your unborn child will get the good genes, it would be a shame to see him or her be taken into outside services after I bust your husband and if I feel like it, you as well."

Mercedes kept her posture even though she was seething on the inside.

"I don't know what it is you have against my husband or why you insist on imposing on his life but just know that if you ever try to impose yourself in my child's life, you will need the outside services."

"Is that a threat young lady?"

"If you feel it is, then that's unfortunate for you."

"Attitude from your husband and audaciousness from your father…what else are you made of Mercedes?"

"If you have to ask then you're in no position of knowing to begin with."

Mercedes held his stare for a few seconds then stepped around him to go to her kitchen. She opened the top cabinet and reached for a glass, and saw William's pale hand grab it for her.

"Look Sam's not here, you're free to come back later but I have things to do and I can't do them with you in my space."

William ignored her words and moved closer to her.

"What is it about Sam hmm? Is it the bad boy thing? Do you have a violence kink? Let me help you Mercedes, just tell me what you know and I'll help you."

"How many times do I have to keep telling you I don't know what you're talking about? Your slanderous comments about my husband are getting out of hand."

Mercedes shook her head disapprovingly at him and started off only to have her arm caught by William's firm grip.

"Get your hand off me!"

William tugged her body closer, his grip getting tighter.


William released her arm as soon as Sam's voice sounded through the apartment.

"In here!" Mercedes yelled, still glaring at William.

Sam walked in, his smile quickly turning into a scowl.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?"

Sam walked up and moved Mercedes behind him.

"I'm just having a chat with your beautiful wife."

"He said if I didn't let him in then he would arrest me."

"Do you have a warrant?" Sam asked him vexed.

"Do I need one?" William asked back.

"You're really stooping low Shuester. Lying to and threatening a pregnant woman to gain illegal entry. Come back when you have a warrant."

Sam gestured for him to leave. William looked past Sam and to Mercedes, "Think about what I said young lady."

William left the kitchen with Sam following.

Sam came back to her and rubbed her shoulders.

"What did he say to you?"

"That he could help me. I didn't say anything, denied everything, hopefully my pokerface didn't suck."

Sam rubbed her back and brought her to the bedroom.

"Lay down and get some rest, I'll order something in for us."

Mercedes laid down and closed her eyes. She could feel her anxiety coming and did her breathing exercises to keep it under control. Apparently somebody else could feel it as well; her baby began kicking again and Mercedes soothed over her stomach, "You and me both," she muttered to herself, "You and me both."

William shut the interrogation room door and took a seat across from the person that would make all of his hard work worthwhile. It had been a while since his visit to the Evans apartment and now he was getting restless. He pushed the coffee cup across the metal table and laid back.

"If I tell you what I know, nobody will know it was me right?"

"You identity is perfectly safe," William assured.

"Where should I start?"

Will smiled and opened his notepad, "Start with Samuel Evans."

It had been four days since her due date and Mercedes still hadn't given birth. She was a little worried but her doctor assured her things like this happened and that if she still hadn't gone into labor in the next week, they would have to induce her labor.

"Are you sure you want to go to this thing?"

Mercedes smiled at Sam as he helped her out of the car.

"Yeah I was going stir crazy in the house."

She held onto his hand as they walked toward the French restaurant. Brittany's pastries were being featured on the menu and today was the presenting day. Santana was standing outside of the restaurant on the phone with someone and quickly hung up as she ran to them.

She exchanged hugs with both of them and looked at Mercedes' huge stomach.

"Well shit! Shouldn't you be in a hospital bed right now?"

"She doesn't want to come out yet, and I was going crazy just sitting around."

Santana rubbed Mercedes' stomach and glanced over shoulder.

"You good Lopez?" Sam asked her.

"Yeah, you two aren't the only special guests coming tonight."

"Who else?" Mercedes asked.

"You'll see."

San grabbed Mercedes other hand and set out towards the restaurant. Mercedes suddenly stopped and placed her hands on her stomach, "Oh no…"

"Babe?" Sam saw the clear liquid splatter onto the cement, "Shit!"

"I'll get the car!" Santana told Sam. He threw her the keys and she ran off.

"Are you in pain? Are you ok? Are you dizzy? How man fingers am I holding up?"

Mercedes rolled her eyes, "No, yes, no, three."

Sam's next question was suddenly interrupted by the loud police sirens. They both looked to see a swarm of police cars halting near them. A crowd began forming in the streets. Sam placed himself in front of Mercedes as Mercedes held onto her stomach.

William exited one of the cars with another officer and ran over to the duo.

"Samuel Evans. You're under arrest for murder in the first degree."

The officer seized Sam's hands and placed the handcuffs on his wrists.

"You got to be fucking kidding me!"

"No, no I need him here with me! I can't do this without him!" Mercedes yelled as she tried to get to him. Another officer tried to steer her away from the scene but she continued to struggle.

"Mercedes everything will be ok, go with Santana to the hospital and call my dad on the way, I love you!" Sam yelled to her as the officer dragged him away.

Santana, who had witnessed the entire exchange, stole a crying Mercedes from the officer and brought her to the car, helping her get in. Santana took Mercedes' phone from her and called Dwight as she drove to the hospital.

William couldn't stop smiling throughout this whole thing. He strolled to the car that held Sam and waited until the officer finished reading him is rights. Once the officer left, William leaned down to get eyelevel with Sam.


A:N Sam and Mercedes can't catch a break can they? Who do you think the rat is?-Clue-you already know of them.