Title: Dalton Academy?

Characters: Kurt H., Blaine A.

Summary: AU. Kurt and Blaine been best friends since they were 9. Blaine suddenly moved the beginning of the school year leaving Kurt. Will Kurt ever find Blaine again? Will they become more than friends? Possible Mpreg.

Genre: Romance, Drama

Rating: T


Authors note: I changed some things in this story to make it more understandable:

1) Burt met Carole when Kurt was eleven.

2) Kurt never had his crush on Finn

3) Burt never had his heart attack

I think i have it all. If I missed anything just tell me and i'll add it to the list.

Chapter: 1

AN: Just saw the full performance of "Call me maybe" which Glee performed. That got me so pumped for Thursday so HEREE I COME SEPTEMBER 13TH. THREE MORE DAYS MAN! THREE MORE DAYSSSSSSS !

Dalton Academy?

(14 years old)

"Daddy, can Mercedes come over?" Kurt begged his father with puppy dog eyes. Burt groaned at Kurt and looked into his blue-green eyes.

"I already told you, Kurt, We are going over to your grandma's house to visit. No if's, and's or buts."

"But daddy!"

"No buts, now go get Finn so we can go."

"No." He crossed his arms.

"What?" Burt asked daring him to say it again.


"Are you seriously saying no to me?"

"Yeah. No." he said more clearly.

"Kurt Elijah Hummel go get Finn" Burt said pointing to the staircase.

"I already said no."

"If you don't go, Mercedes will never come over again." Burt threatened

"No but I can go to her house."

"No you can't"

"Yes I can. You cant stop me."

"Kurt Elijah Hummel, I am your father and you do what I ask you to."


"I will stop giving you money to go to those shopping trips."

"Ugh! I hate you!" Kurt ran up the staircase and barged into Finn's room.

"Dad wants your tall ass." He said and left the room. Kurt ran into his room and went to his bed. He slowly sat on it, threw his pillow at the door and started sobbing. "I hate you" he said in between sobs. "Why does everyone hate me? I'm a lovable person. Just because I'm in love with my GUY best friend that moved doesn't mean shit. Why did Blaine have to move?" He said and started to sob harder.

"Kurt..." Burt said softly knocking on the door and entering.

"Kurt, i'm sorry."

"Just leave me alone"

Burt picked up the thrown pillow and slowly made his way to Kurt's queen sized bed.

"Why does everyone hate me?" Kurt mumbled to Burt.

"Kiddo, everyone doesn't hate you."

"Yes they do."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because I get shoved into lockers, thrown into dumpsters, locked in port-a-potty's and rolled down a hill, locked in Janitor's closet's, thrown slushy's at, Books knocked out of my hands, " Kurt started to cry once again. "Clothes stolen while i'm in Physical Education, Book bag stolen, pens popped all over my clothes, Lunch trey thrown onto me. Lunch money stolen, Best friend taken away from me, Mother taken away from me. You see? The world hates me."

"Kurt.. Are those things really going on in school?"

"Yes."Kurt said through sniffles.

"Kurt, if you don't like it I can have you transferred."

"No, I can't leave Mercedes, Rachel or Tina."

"They can still come over. You know what? Give me 48 hours and i'll find you a good school. Just.. Lets get going to your grandma's house."

"Okay." Kurt wiped his tears and went over to his dad, Carole and Finn.

"Finn, I'm sorry for what I said to you."

"It's alright dude, you were in a bad mood."

"Don't call me dude."

48 hours later

Kurt limped into the house after another horrible day of school or as he liked to call it Hell. Burt was already home after his day of work at the garage. Carole was at her job at the hospital as a nurse and Finn was at football practice.

"Dad? I'm home" Kurt yelled limping into the kitchen after hearing a low "in here" call. "Kurt, guess what I have for you?" "Umm, Alexander Mac-queen's new summer collection. Please say yes" he whispered the last part.

"Nope," Kurt groaned when he herd that. "I have a school for you to transfer to." Burt said handing him the pamphlet.

"Dalton Academy for boys" Kurt read the title. "Nope" he said.

"But listen Kurt, this school has zero-tolerance towards any type of harrasment, they board there."

"But look at the tuition: 8,999 dollars. Thats too much, I'm sorry dad." Kurt pointed to it then closed the pamphlet and handed it back to Burt. "I'm staying at McKinley."

"Kurt, you will not be staying at that school that is hurting you. Look at you, your limping."

"I don't care, the tuition is too steep."

"Theres a scholarship. All I have to do is talk to the dean and ask if you can have the test. Please Kurt, take the test."

"I'll do it."

AN: Short but trust me the chapters will get longer. Please know that this is towards the last few days of school so if he gets into Dalton he'll start the beginning of the year [: Til' next time.