Harry was late.
Sprinting through kings cross station, he silently cursed himself for being so late. Bumping into people, pushing them out of his way he didn't have time to apologise he had to make the eleven o'clock train back to Hogwarts, he could hear the muggles groan and complain about his rudeness but he just didn't have time to care. Looking up he knew he was nearly at platform nine and three quarters, closing his eyes he ran full speed into the wall, thankfully the barrier was still open and he made it through just in time. The final whistle of the train blew and he quickly jumped on just before it began to move on, breathing a long sigh of relief he slumped himself against the train wall and thanked Merlin that he made it, he couldn't believe he was running so late. Taking off his glasses he rubbed his tired eyes and sighed, he had been up half the night having another weird dream as per usual, only this time was different; it wasn't the normal nightmares he had been having. A small smile played on his lips as he remembered the dream, the train bumped nearly making him fall flat on his face, putting his glasses back on he shook his head of his thoughts and went in look for an empty carriage.
Cursing he walked through cart after cart trying to find a carriage with at least one empty space, but no they were all full. How the hell can every carriage be full he thought to himself as he continued towards the end of the train. His mind began to wonder as he clumsily continued to walk up the moving train, he had yet to see his two best friends Ron and Hermione, he wondered if they were worried, surely they would be concerned about the fact that they haven't seen him yet. Smirking slightly he could imagine them panicking and running up and down the carts looking for him, well maybe Ron wouldn't but Hermione most definitely would, Hermione was always one to worry for him, she would always try to make sure that he was alright and that nothing was wrong with him. Frowning slightly he realised just how much she suffocates him at times, if he didn't know any better he would think she loved him, hell most of the time she acted like his girlfriend rather than his best friend, sighing he cleared his head of that particular thought, Hermione was and always would be nothing more than a friend.
Finally he found the one and only carriage with an empty space on the whole train, looking through the window his breath hitched, his heart pounded so heavily in his chest that it was all he could hear as he stared at the white blonde hair of Draco Malfoy. Licking his suddenly dry lips he debated turning around and walking away, he could stand for the rest of the train journey; it would only be what, a couple of hours? The train jerked and Harry lost his balance falling into the door of the carriage causing Draco to jump and snap his head towards the door. Grey eyes connecting with green as the two boys stared at each other, green eyes wide with embarrassment and perhaps fear? Grey eyes cold, calculating, with a hint of amusement glistening in them. Composing himself Harry fixed his slightly wonky glasses, brushed down his rob he fumbled to open the door, nervously stepping into the carriage the door slammed shut behind him causing him to wince ever so slightly. Pull yourself together fool Harry mentally kicked himself as he sunk into the uncomfortable seat opposite the Slytherin.
"Draco." Harry said dryly with a stiff and awkward nod.
"Potter." A small smile danced on Draco's lips, a smile that didn't reach his cold icy grey eyes. "Where are your little friends?" Draco's lips pursed as he waved his hand dismissively.
Eyeing the boy in front of him Harry knew it was best to play it cool, calm and collected. He had to remain aloof and not give Malfoy the opportunity to play any of his mind games. "Where are yours?"
A snort of amusement left Draco's lips as he stared hard at Harry. "I was running rather late and they had already found a carriage that was full."
"Same thing happened to me. How come you were late?" Harry silently cursed himself after he asked the question, he didn't want to act interested in Draco but he couldn't help himself the words were out before he had time to think.
"My father had some….." Draco paused and looked out the window, his eyes narrowing as he tried to think of the right word. "…Business to attend to and it took a little longer than he had anticipated."
Business? What kind of business? Harry eyed Draco suspiciously for a moment, green eyes staying locked with grey. Draco's expression remained blank, he was giving nothing away. "I was late because I slept in." Harry blurted out. Closing his eyes for a moment he mentally punched himself, why did he tell him that?
Draco blinked at him and then simply looked out the window and watched the scenery fly past as the train continued towards its destination. The silence was deafening as neither one of them said anything, Harry shifted uncomfortably and stared at his knotted hands on his lap, trying desperately to think of something, hell anything to break the awkward silence. Draco on the other hand didn't seem bothered, he continued to stare out the window, his blonde hair sitting perfectly, his uniform immaculate, anyone could tell just by looking at him that he came from a rich and well respected family. Every so often his grey eyes would narrow and his lip would form a grim line, it was obvious he was deep in thought, thinking about something that clearly troubled him. Harry tried hard not to stare but he couldn't help himself, Draco's fringe fell just above his eyes, making it difficult to read his expression. I wonder what he is thinking about. Harry absently thought as he continued to stare at Draco, not once taking his eyes off the blonde haired boy.
"Are you just going to stare at me until we get to Hogwarts?" Amusement dripped from Draco's voice as he raised a single eyebrow at the now crimson faced boy in front of him.
Harry spluttered as he felt the colour rise in his cheeks, he knew he was now beetroot red. Gulping he continued to look into the icy eyes of his rival. Draco's eyes had a tint of sadness and despair in them; Harry could only wonder what would cause Draco to be sad and suddenly found himself curious. "I'm just trying to think of something to say." Harry shrugged, "I hate silence."
Harry's brow narrowed as he thought of the question. "I don't know I just find it awkward I suppose."
"No I mean why would you need to sit and think of something to say? Isn't a conversation meant to flow?" Humour danced in Draco's eyes, he enjoyed questioning Harry immensely. To see the 'chosen one' squirm under his gaze made him feel so powerful.
"Oh." Green eyes looked down at the floor in disbelief. Jeez could this be anymore awkward. Harry bitterly thought as he twirled his fingers in his lap. Daring a glimpse up he saw grey eyes burning a hole into him. Gulping, Harry squirmed in his seat he couldn't handle the hard gaze of Draco. Smiling he decided to play Draco at his own game. "Are you just going to sit and stare at me until we get to Hogwarts?" Sarcasm clear in Harry's voice as he smirked arrogantly at Draco.
Draco laughed loudly, his head tilting back, giving Harry a delicious view of his exposed neck. Subconsciously licking his lips Harry couldn't help but stare. He realised he had never heard Draco laugh like this before, a genuine laugh and it was one of the best sounds he had ever heard. The laughing stopped abruptly; Draco's stare becoming intense once again. "You never did answer my question Potter."
Harry suddenly found himself at ease, he realised he could easily talk to Draco. "I mean it's you and me, you know? We aren't meant to talk unless we are throwing insults at each other, we are rivals after all."
Draco's eye brows raised, his lips puckered, it was clear he was taken aback by Harry's honesty. "Are we?"
"Are we what?"
"Rivals." Draco's question was full of unspoken words; his eyes had some hidden emotion in them that Harry couldn't quite put his finger on.
"You're in Slytherin and I'm in Gryffindor, I think that says it all." Harry shrugged.
"Doesn't necessarily have to mean that we are rivals does it?" Draco's face was serious, his eyes focused on Harry's as he stared at him impassively.
"Come on Draco." Harry half whined exasperated by the constant questioning. "You know as well as I do."
A sad smile took over Draco's face, sighing he looked out the window, "yeah." He breathed. Biting his lip Draco looked away from the window and into Harry's piercing green eyes. "Listen…"
"Harry!" The two boys twirled their heads towards the door to see a frantic looking Hermione. Bouncing into the carriage she practically pounced on Harry hugging him tightly. "I was so worried about you." Pulling back she glared darkly at Harry. "Where have you been?"
"Here." Harry smiled as sweetly as he could. Hermione's gaze was unrelenting as she continued to glare at him. "This was the only carriage I could find that was empty."
Hermione turned and glowered at Draco, giving him the dirtiest look she could manage. Turning back to Harry her eyes softened. "I'm just glad I found you, I was really worried about you."
"I'm not a baby Hermione; I can take care of myself." Harry rolled his eyes dramatically at her.
"I know." She shrugged. Catching Draco's eyes she saw him smirking at her, feeling uncomfortable she turned back to Harry. "I would invite you back to our carriage but it's full." She said sadly.
"Don't worry about it. I'm happy enough here." Harry genuinely smiled at her and out of the corner of his eye he swore he could now see Draco smiling.
Scowling at Draco Hermione bitterly exclaimed. "As long as you're ok, look the train should be at Hogwarts in about twenty minutes or so, Ron and I will meet you here ok?"
Harry's mouth went wide, only twenty minutes? That would mean he had been talking to Draco for hours and it literally felt like five minutes, composing himself he breathed. "I'll just meet you in the great hall."
"No silly." Hermione sighed and smiled fondly at her friend. "What happens if there are no seats near us, I haven't seen you all summer and we really need to catch up." She gave him a little wink.
Harry could feel himself blushing under not only her steady gaze but also the gaze of Draco. "Alright then I'll meet you two here."
"Great!" Hermione gave him another quick hug before standing, giving Draco a death glare she made her way towards the door. "See you soon." She gave Harry a quick wave before leaving and heading back down the train.
Harry breathed a sigh of relief, he hadn't realised he had been holding his breath. Hermione really was suffocating at times. Looking back up he saw Draco smirking at him, his eyes dancing with amusement and was it jealousy? "What?" Harry snapped, he sounded harsher than he had wanted to but he was exhausted.
Draco shook his head and shrugged, the smirk still plastered on his cocky face. "Nothing." He continued to stare into the green eyes of Harry. "I just wasn't aware that you and Granger were dating."
"Dating? Me and Hermione!" Harry Yelled, completely shocked by Draco's statement. "Me and Hermione aren't dating."
"You're not?" Once again Draco was taken aback by Harry's reaction. Pursing his lips he couldn't help but feel ever so slightly smug and relieved.
"No of course not, Hermione and I are just friends, nothing more." Harry explained. His face grimaced at the idea of dating Hermione.
"Does she know that?" Draco asked genuinely curious. "The way she was acting you would think you two were getting married." Draco couldn't keep the cruel mockery out of his voice.
"Don't be so smug." Harry retaliated, as much as he hated the way Hermione clung around him she was still his friend and he wasn't going to have Malfoy talk shit about her. "She is just very affectionate, not that you would know anything about that." Harry barked before he could stop himself.
Grey eyes closed for a moment, Draco's shoulder hunched as his face tilted towards the floor. Opening his eyes he looked up towards Harry, sorrow evident in his pain filled eyes, his mouth set in a grim line. Harry's breath hitched as he looked at the tortured soul in front of him. "You're right." Draco spat bitterly before he turned his head and stared darkly out the window.
"I'm sorry." Harry mumbled as he once again stared down at his knotted hands in his lap. The silence was overbearing, the two sat in awkward silence once again. Harry tried to lighten the mood. "If I didn't know better Draco I'd say you were jealous at the thought of me and Hermione dating." Harry teased, his tongue sticking out between his teeth.
Draco's neck snapped with a crack as his head twirled around, grey eyes meeting green he couldn't help the smile that creased his face. "Jealous of what exactly?" Draco raised an amused eyebrow.
"Oh don't play coy with me Malfoy. You secretly fancy her don't you?" Harry's eyes danced with humour, his lips twitched as he tried to keep a straight face. "Isn't that why you are so mean to her, what's the saying? Treat them mean and keep them keen." Harry couldn't hold in his laughter anymore, closing his eyes he allowed himself to openly laugh.
Draco simply smiled fondly and shook his head in amusement, "very funny Potter." The two locked eyes, both boys breath hitched as they stared intently at each other. Both had so much they wanted to say but neither knew where to start or how to other would react. Draco was first to talk, dismissively he mumbled. "She's not my type."
The whistle blew throughout the train as it came to a halt. The two looked out the window and to the disappointment of both saw they were at Hogsmeade. Draco was quick to stand; pulling his trunk down from the overhead compartment he gave Harry a soft but sad smile. "Looks like its back to being rivals eh?"
"Looks like it." Harry concurred sadly, staring down at his knotted hands he sighed. "It was nice to talk to real Malfoy you know." Harry smiled and looked up at Draco with sincere eyes.
Draco snorted and shook his head sombrely "Trust me Potter even I don't know who the real Malfoy is." With that he opened the carriage door, just before he left he looked over his shoulder, his blonde hair dropping down partly covering his eyes as he stared longingly at Harry.
"Wait a second." Harry's voice sounded hoarse as his mouth went dry. "If Hermione isn't your type then who is?" Harry grinned.
"You really want to know?" Draco whispered in a small voice, he sounded scared, as if he didn't want to talk about this particular subject.
The atmosphere changed in the carriage and it was suddenly full of sexual tension. "Yeah."
"You are." With that said Draco left without looking back.
Warnings: M/M slash. M/M sex. Death. Abuse. Torture.