AN: I'm actually rather excited about this even though it was completed last year. Was started December 27th 2010. But I have had a bunch of projects completed before it that needed to be posted which is why it is so late. However I made the decision to post this before Stay Still as Halloween is closing in on us again and well, this IS in horror for a reason ahaha.

The song that inspired me to come up with this idea is by Bruce Springsteen, Radio Nowhere. I heard it at work one night and poof, the idea came to me almost instantly.

My playlist for this, and probably the reminder of the fic is Smile Empty Soul and We the Fallen as the latter have some rather creepy lyrics that inspire me. XD


It was a cold Sunday morning, about six o'clock, when he had woken up. The morning was normal as far as Sundays went; including when he had rolled over for another five minutes after the alarm had gone off.

Yes, everything was normal.

Up until everything suddenly wasn't.

He had gone outside—gotten the paper that he didn't directly pay for—and wondered why Mrs. Lee wasn't out and about in her garden, shooing their neighbors dog from her yard like every single day since he had moved in.

Or why everyone's cars were in the garage or in the driveway...or parked in the middle of the street when he knew some of them, like him, worked Sunday. But he hadn't thought much on it, instead readying himself for his own job. And even when he'd gotten in his car nothing had seemed all that odd.

Not until he'd switched on the radio and all there was was static.

On every station.

That was never a good sign.

Yet still he had chosen to ignore it, putting one of his own mix CDs in to listen to. The human psyche truly was an amazing thing, forcing what it didn't want to confront into a little box and shoving it aside until there was no other choice but to acknowledge it as it slapped one in the face.

Or in his case, nearly caused an accident.

He'd had to slam on the breaks as he turned the corner and almost added his car to the massive wreck of cars before him. As it were he had smacked into a bumper; thankfully nothing more damaging than the blaring of a horn had occurred.

But more than that was the utter lack of nothing. There were no people around. No police or ambulances or fire department; no nosy bystanders or even the injured. No one on the streets walking by blissfully ignoring the damage.

No one at all.

It was as though everyone had simply...vanished.

That had been when his mind finally accepted that there was something seriously wrong.

-End prologue-

AN: now the rest of this fic will be sent to one of my betas to be looked over. I will say that maybe a week-or two between updates but I will not rush the beta nor will I switch chapters off between them. Sorry :)