
"You want me to WHAAA?!" Kim slammed her fists down on the table, the vibrations reverberating through its thick wooden legs. She had got in managed to shower and have dinner until her parents slid into the chairs opposite her. "You can't be serious!" She yelled again, her chair flipping over as she stood with such force.

"Now Kimmie-cub" Anne possible, top neurosurgeon, slid a comforting hand over her daughters balled, white knuckled fist. "Its something we can't get out of" She looked sincere and sympathetic. Kim snatched her fist away, puffing her chest out trying to hold her angry tears behind her stern eyes. She cast a wishful glance at her father, hoping for him to save her. He sighed "I'm sorry Kimmie" As he hung his head, unable to meet the betrayal in his daughters eyes.

"No..." she hissed storming to the front door, her hand gripping the handle.

"Kimmie-cub, we can't do anything to stop this." Her mother pleaded.

Kims hand threw open the door, the wind flew through the house, sending her hair flying behind her, she turned and burnt her look into her parents soul forever. "ANYTHING, is possible for a Possible." With that she slammed the door behind her and disappeared into the rain.

She kicked a can down the street, her bare arms dripping we, but she was to stubborn to wipe them, or feel the cold. "how could they!" she screamed and punted the can harder.

"Why would they!" Another crippling kick to her aluminium foe rolling along the pavement, she lined up for another angry boot, when a speeding lorry splashed a puddle over her head. "THANKS, Jackass." She waved her fist and stomped on the can for a few minutes.

She trundled on down the familiar street, her hair clung to her soggy face her clothes sagged off of her. She grumbled, and huffed a wet strand of hair out of her face, only for it to swing back and hit her in the face. "Perfect..." She said as she strode up the front steps to a friendly door where she wrapped her knuckles on the door in her Kimmunicator tune.

"KP come sit, your making me dizzy pacing in circles" the blonde sidekick patted the bed next to him. "Chill"

"CHILL! Did what I just say register! HELLO!" She shouted and sat subconsciously. Rons room, it was a plain design yet it worked, the odd band poster a computer littered with wrappers and games, a dart board wit a picture of a monkey glued to it and a double bed (which was never made) sat in the centre. Kim let her self take a deep breath and almost managed a smile, until her Kimunicator beeped to life. "What's the sitch Wade" She spoke professionally until she inwardly groaned at the arogant smile in front of her. "Hego?"


Shego adjusted her sunglasses and got herself comfortable on her sun lounger. She sighed contentedly, it was lovely of the Seniors to lend her the island while they were out of town. Her gloveless manicured hand curled around a tall glass of ice cold lemon water. She bought it to her lips and took a mouthful. "ahhh" She exhaled as the liquid cooled her throat. She grasped a magazine from the side, flipped to a random page and began her criticism's. "Who needs shoulder pads that big apart from a rugby player" Another page flick. She scoffed "pfft, as if she could attract anyone with THAT much make-up" She flicked the page again and she smirked. Kim possible had her own club Banana mission fashion line. "As if they would last five seconds against my power she spoke igniting a finger and tracing the outline of one of the models, then flung the magazine over her head with a raspy laugh.

About an hour of sun lounging later her body glistened with tiny beads of sweat. She hummed happily as she clicked her fingers the giant sun lamp dimmed to a near normal heat. She took anther healthy mouthful of water sloshing it around her dry mouth before swallowing. She leant back placing an arm around her head. Her glove began to buzz on the table, she growled and answered. "What Dr D!" I'm on holiday!"

The blue scientist was in his pink apron, her always cooked when he was anxious. "SHEGO! I have been making some amazing cookies, look they are hot fresh out of the oven. I even made them green on the inside for you, oh im sure you..." He stopped himself after he realised he was supposed to be an evil genius. He tore of the apron and chucked it aside. "SHEGO" he restared hoping she hadn't been paying attention "My new scheme is ready for your input, I need you back immediatly" He grinned positive his confident attitude would win her respect

"No dice." She spoke flatly and hung up, placing her glove back on the table. Until it buzzed again.

"WHAT Dr D" She took a mouthful of of water to prepare for her witty combacks, until she looked down and forcfuly emptied her mouth over her glove. "HEGO?"

"GO tower. NOW Shego." He said and hung up.

It took her ten minuets to get up and over the shock of seeing her brother, and clean herself up. The she walked in circles, trying to find something to stop her from going.

A/N This is just a random idea, hope you all enjoy it, this chapter is dedicated to Kiel95, thanks for your support and begin so friendly!