Garp frowned deeply as he looked out from his bed covers, his grandson continued to stared at him. He closed his eyes shut and tucked his head back under, trying to fall back to sleep. Movement was heard and he lifted his head up and peeked out, Luffy had gone out of sight.
Garp let out a sigh and closing his eyes again he rolled over to his other side, then he frowned. He was not sure what caused to frown, slowly he opened his eyes. Luffy laid beside him on his side grinning madly at his grandfather.
"Fine!" Garp roared as he threw the covers off of himself and kicked the remaining at his legs. Swinging his legs around he placed them to the cold floor and got up.
Luffy bounced up and ran over the bed, jumping to the floor. He ran ahead of the old man and waited at the door while jogging on the spot.
As Garp reached the door he bent down and grabbed the young child under his armpit, and lifted to his hip, causing the boy to giggle as he wrapped his legs of the man's middle. Garp opened the door, and leaned his upper body forward, not willing to leave the room until he was use the corridor was clear.
"First lesson." Garp said softy and quietly, as he peered down the darken corridor, "Make sure you leave your bedroom between the hours one and three; it at these times that everyone is fast asleep and the ones on the watch are at their most valuable."
Luffy nodded at his place, he copied his grandfather's head movement.
"Always be aware," Garp went on the say as he step out into the corridor, "Just who is on the watch. And know your crew. Some are more alert than others, while others are yellow bellies that sound the alarm at the slightly noise."
Garp slowly and walked down the corridor, keeping very close to the walls. He kept peered over his shoulder as he moved. Coming to the t-junction in the corridor and paused and listened.
"Always know your crews style on how they keep on the keep," Garp said keeping his voice low, his grandson hugged onto him as he grinned, "Everyone has their own way on doing things. Some walk faster than others, making their rounds slightly different."
Footsteps were heard, they echoed and Luffy buried his face into his grandfather's neck. He tried hard not to giggle, even Garp was laughing lightly under his breathe. Soon the tapping against the floor tiles were gone, and Garp moved quickly forwards his bare feet hardly made a sound against it.
Luffy lifted his head and watched as the corridor ended and they came near a lobby like area.
"Know your ship." Garp said as he moved into the open space, he pointed to a door alone the wall, "You know that it would be quicker to go across here, yet that would be an wrong move. We'll go the longer way around, it was take a little more effort but will worth in the end."
Garp gazed slowly around, Luffy watched with great interest then did the same. Garp came completely out of the corridor and put his back against the wall, and slid taking side ward steps. When he reached the corner of the room he walked forwards, eyes on the door he wanted to go through, he glanced around now and again until he reached there.
Garp grabbed the handle and turned carefully, he turned backwards and stared around; slowly he walked into the room backward fully aware that no one would be the other side. On entering he closed the door just as carefully as he opened it.
"Remember I told you to know your ship." Garp said as he nodded down the long meeting room, another exit was at the far end. "This is where it comes in handy, their doing their rounds outside the corridors now. And no doubt are going into where we came from. Meaning that there is no one up that end now."
Garp took off in a light run, grinning wildly as he went along. He glanced down at Luffy who was also grinning. They came to the end door, but instead of rushing through Garp become carefully once more.
"Even if you think you know everything," Garp said with a low voice as he placed an ear to the door, the same side he held Luffy so the child could do the this as well, "Just in case, still tread silently." Luffy nodded as he listened, hearing nothing he gazed up at his grandfather who's grin widen. "Safe."
Garp slowly opened the door, but did not do so fully. He peered out the small opening and blinked down the new corridor. Seeing and hearing nothing, he pulled at it some more. He stuck his head out much as he done in his bedroom and peered left and right. No one in sight!
Garp came out and closed the door right up and once more stayed near the walls as he walked carefully down the corridor. Luffy heard his heart going wild, he wanted to clap his hands to express his excitement but remembered what his grandfather had told him, he must keep silent.
They turned a corner and there their goal was before them. Garp glanced up and down the corridor, taking sure there was no one there still. It seemed painfully slow walking down that last stretch, knowing it was right there but also knowing that if he ran his footsteps would carry.
Soon he reached the double doors, and leaning against them he walked in backwards. He had to hold them before them held in of themselves as these doors were swinging one that had no handles. Slowly he held the door until it was almost touching the other, then let go.
Garp spun round and ran, heading for the other end of the large room; passed the rows of tables and chairs, passed the trays and trolleys. There was nothing between them and their ultimate goal.
They came to be in front of the last door in their quest.
"Luffy here we are," Garp said as he came forward and grabbed the handle, he twisted it but it refused to open. Luffy pouted and glanced to his grandfather in question. "Well they seem to be ahead of us. But no worries. Remember I say know your crew, they think I would think that they would they the key with them." Garp grinned and allowed a laugh to escape his lips, "But I know them well..." Garp walked over to the right, where a tray of knifes and forks were arrayed along the wall on a table. He reached into the sliver knifes and put out a silver key.
Garp turned and hurried to the door, he grinned as he put the key into the keyhole and heard the click as the key went around. He pushed it open and walked inside, and letting his grandson down.
Luffy ran further into the room and came to a stop outside some white boxes. He turned and clapped his hands while laughing, he waited for his grandfather to come to him. The old man reach for the boxes and took down the first one, he fell to his rear and crossed his legs placing the box in front of himself. Luffy hopped onto his grandfather's lap and watched the large hands lifted the lid off.
Ready made meals there their prize, which the chefs made for their trip to the mountains for the morning since they would be all leaving early morning and would not have time to make so many breakfasts.
"Luffy," Garp said as he took the lunch box out and opening it he handed it to his grandson, "This is the most important. Take enough to keep your hunger at bay, but not enough so they know we been here. Make sure you have mock trips and get caught, so that they believe that their ways of keeping you out are working. Understand Luffy? Be smarter than other people, just don't tell them so."
"Yes Grandpa!" Luffy said as he began to eat.
Garp watched with a smile, then he reached for a box and on opening it, started to eat as well.