Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author Note: I guess you could call this a prequel to Sabrina. It consists of three chapters and basically you get to know about Arty's kids! Whoo! Sorry fans that hate Minerva. Just deal with it. K? Thanks. :)

This is one of the most dreadful times for the Fowls. Father is gone. It's unbelievable... Whoever did this will pay. I have my theories, but I can't be sure until I have enough evidence.

I should introduce myself. How rude of me.

My name is Jasper Domovoi Fowl, the son of Artemis Fowl the Second and Minerva Paradizo. I am 17 years old, the eldest of three children.

My sisters and I have just lost our father. Mother died several years ago, not long after the divorce. We believe it was Opal Koboi... out for revenge. There is no proof, though.

I must go now. Gwen is begging for her turn to speak. I shall let her, but only because it will lead to disastrous consequences if I don't.

Jasper D. Fowl

Thank you, Jasper. As he mentioned, I am Gwen, short for Gwendolyn. Gwendolyn Artemis Fowl and I am the second oldest of us triplets, as Jasper failed to mention. As usual.

Jasper is right when he says it is one of the most dreadful times for us. I can't bear to think about it... It was bad enough that it had to be Victoire and I that found him.

Dad was always there for us. And now he's gone forever- Holly too...

That's what makes this worse than it already is. Holly and Sabrina.

They've vanished. Nowhere to be found. We assume that whoever got Dad, must have gotten them too...

I'll hand it over to Victoire now. Let her speak for a minute.

Gwendolyn A. Fowl

Thanks, Gwen. I am Victoire Angeline Fowl, the youngest of the Fowl triplets. And yes, all of this is true. Dad is gone. We are now orphans.

It's so unfair. First the divorce, then Mom's death, and now Dad, Holly and Sabrina are gone.

I know I'm just repeating everything that's already been said, but, what more is there to say? This is a traumatizing event!

I guess it's best for you to know the whole story. Let's start at the beginning.

We were ten years old at the time of the divorce...

Victoire A. Fowl

Basically how this will work is each chapter will be a told from the point of view from one of the triplets. Three chapters after this one. You'll see. :)

Well, you guys know the drill. Review! The more reviews I get, the sooner I'll update! Thanks! XD
