Hello people!

Two weeks ago I started to watch Doctor Who, and from the first moment I fell in love with Nine and the bond he has with Rose. This fic is set in the episode 1x13 of the 2005 revival "The Parting of the Ways".

Title: Together.

Author: Myself, Meme.

Disclaimer: Doctor Who doesn't belong to me, and neither does Billie Paper nor Christopher Eccleston (I wish…). All characters belong to their respective creators.

Notes of the Author: This is my own version of the facts, because I didn't want Nine to regenerate and I'm still trying to move on from that :( you'll notice that the way in which Rose comes back is not exactly how in the TV series is, I wanted something less destructive than the vortex because I needed the Doctor to survive. Actually in this fic I wanted to explore Nine's vulnerability and fears, and Rose's determination to do anything for her Doctor, I did the best I could, I hope you like it. If you did please leave me a comment about it and if you didn't please tell me what you think you'd change if you'd written it.

Also many thanks to Esther, who gave me a second opinion, and to KatheeHDS, who also corrected the fic.

Without further delay, ENJOY!



When they got in the TARDIS the Doctor closed the door, he was about to take of his jacket and leave it on his chair when Rose took the few steps that were separating them and hugged him around his waist, burying her face in his robes.

"Hey, you ok? Where does this come from?" he asked, but didn't stop her in her way to rest her head on his chest "are you ok, Rose?"

"Yeah, I'm… fine" said Rose, sighing slightly against his robes "just… I want to stay here… with you."

He said nothing, he didn't even know what to think of that, but he just closed his eyes, feeling this strange but wonderful sensation inside him as he embraced Rose. It was odd, because they were used to casual hugs and holding hands, Rose had noticed that the Doctor was a bit of a casual touchy, and the Doctor could say now that their friendship was truly one of the best things in his whole 900 years of life. But this hug was different. It was as though Rose was searching some kind of comfort, as if she was afraid he would leave her soon.

He sighed against the top of her head, hugging her a bit tighter, and feeling her warmth. She felt safe, at home, listening to the beating of one of his two hearts; it was relaxing, as though that moment was timeless. Nothing else existed; in that exact second everything else was a blur and could wait for a couple of minutes more. No intergalactic wars, no travels around the space… just the Doctor, and his companion.

"We're leaving" the usually calm and gentle voice of the Doctor was authoritarian, and Rose sprang from her seat where she was working and followed the Doctor into the TARDIS.

"Where are we going?" asked Rose once inside, but the Doctor didn't answer. He started pushing the controls of the TARDIS, and soon they were travelling. When it stopped, the Doctor stood still.

"Where are we?" asked Rose.

"See it yourself" said the Doctor, and Rose opened the door with impatience. However, her face changed when she saw the old buildings surrounding the square the TARDIS usually parked when they got to her own time. She got out of the TARDIS, looking around, but everything was the same. It was London on 2005.

"It's London" said her with a weak and confused voice. He nodded, walking the few steps that Rose had taken before and standing next to her. He looked down to her face; she was looking at an indefinite point of the wall in front of them.

"It is not safe for you anymore Rose. There's a war, you know what the Daleks are capable of. My entire planet was destroyed because of a war against them" he said, remembering with pain Gallifrey, his home. It still hurt. He sighed before continuing "I'm not risking your life. That's why I brought you home."

"This is not my home anymore" she said, looking at the building she had lived for 19 years, before she'd met the Doctor and went wandering the space and time with him. "The TARDIS is."


"No!" she cut him. Rose turned around, walking angrily towards the end of the road, where she stood still. He approached her slowly, then stopping right behind her, looking at her with sadness in his eyes. He couldn't do this. It was killing him. But he had to.

"Rose… I can't guarantee your safety anymore, I…"

"I don't care! Don't you understand? I DON'T CARE!" Rose answered back "I don't care if I die blown up by a damn Dalek, or if I end up being eaten by a Slitheen, I don't care!"

"But I do!" shouted back the Doctor. He sighed, closing his eyes again for a moment, then he opened them with determination "goodbye, Rose."

And with that he turned back to the TARDIS. She ran after him, trying to stop him, but by the time she got to the TARDIS door, where the Doctor was pointing the sonic screwdriver to himself, he was already gone. He had left her, alone. Tears started streaming down her face as she fell down to her knees, not caring if anyone saw her crying. Nothing mattered in the slightest, not anymore.

The Doctor reappeared in Satellite 5, exactly the same room where the TARDIS had been before they had left, and stood there with closed eyes. He felt a sudden pain in his chest, his eyes started glowing, and tears started to appear from his beautiful eyes. He had done it, again. He had abandoned one of his companions, he had left her. To save her.

You're lying. Said a voice inside his head. He shook his head, trying to stop that voice, but it was right. Rose's safety was one reason, but not the only one. The truth was that he was coward and selfish, not worthy of Rose's affection. Not worthy.

I can't bring her back… I've done the best for her he thought. For her, or for you? asked that voice again. He didn't even bother to answer to his own mind.

It was hard. Really hard to be on your own again. After so many travels he had grown accustomed to her presence, to her sleepy face in the mornings, her courage, her stubbornness. To Rose. His Rose. He had left her forever, and he very well knew she'd never forgive him.

Back on Earth, Rose was still on her knees, crying. He looked up to the sky, as though she could see TARDIS flying around it, and sobbed. That's how her mother found her, crying like a little inconsolable child who has lost his pet. She approached her, until she was right next to her, kneeling down and putting a hand on her shoulder.

"What happened, love?"

"He… left" she simply said. She closed her eyes and Jackie arrived just on time to catch her. She looked her, she seemed she was sleeping. She had fainted.