A/N: Because this was the one I wanted to post for Sable's first day and today is her first Real day of school ~

Reid, for what most professors described to be the millionth time, was attending post secondary. He didn't see this to be strange, even when most people left indefinitely after receiving their first, and likely, their only degree. The way Reid saw it education was water. Every person had their own glass that got filled as they went through school; for some people this glass got filled before the end of high school, and some didn't get filled until post secondary, but Reid's seemed to keep draining on him because no matter how quickly he sifted through books or essays his glass never quite managed to fill.

In order to quench this thirst that knowledge always seemed to leave behind with him, Reid took up drinking coffee. And it was sheer luck that the most direct path from the university to his apartment held a coffee shop with the world's best coffee. And on this particular day when he entered the little establishment everything was the same as it always had been. Until it wasn't.

Behind the counter was a barista he had never seen before; a man wiping down counters and straightening up the display like he'd been working here his whole life. But Reid knew better, coming here for nearly a third of his life he had seen this joint through every twist and turn society threw at it and surely this was just one of them.

His thoughts, however, were cut short when JJ, his usual server, slid back out of the break room and smiled warmly at him, waving.

Reid waved back with a small smile of his own, he liked JJ, they had become friends over the years and despite all of the different people he interacted with at school she was still the only one in the world who called him Spence. He didn't think he'd like it coming from anyone else either.

Reid walked up to the counter as JJ made her way to the shelves with a box of things that needed to be stocked. He smiled slightly to himself, always glad of his friendship with the blonde, one where neither felt obligated to make conversation and knew that even if they weren't talking to one another, they were still always there when needed.

He stumbled over very few words as he relayed his drink order and the man behind the counter flashed dazzling grins his way as he went about to the machines and brewed Reid's drink. The barista even went as far as winking at him when he handed over the steaming beverage.

Reid thanked him softly, waved goodbye to JJ, then was out the door, walking onward towards his apartment and whatever curve ball tomorrow was likely to throw at him, all the while wondering about the man behind the counter who had missed the memo saying that Reid was an introvert and that people just didn't smile at him like that unless they were related or JJ.

"He's a regular you know." JJ commented offhandedly as she marched her way back behind the counter.

"We get lot's of regulars, JJ, what's your point?"

"You like him, Derek."

Derek shrugged his shoulders as he turned to wash the nozzles off the machines he used to make Reid's drink. "He's likeable."
