Hey guys! I tried to update quickly, I know that the chapter isn't too long but I'm planning some pretty good ideas for the upcoming chapters, I hope that you like this one! Please Favourite and Review! I really appreciate it!

The two spoke for hours on end. They eventually laid back on Keith's bed and continued to talk getting drowsy. They fell asleep late that night. It was just Keith doing to talking. He told her about his old life. When he saw that she was asleep he decided to leave her on the bed, he didn't want to risk waking her. He smiled at her sleeping face and tugged the covers from the other bed on top of her. He then laid on the opposite side of the bed and faced her. He pushed the hair out of her face and slowly fell asleep.

Kate had woken earlier that morning. Keith later followed. He stood up and stretched his arms. He then looked around the room and noticed that she was gone. He knew that she wouldn't have left the union without him. The next thing that he looked for was his partner, there was no sign of her either meaning that she probably went off with Charmander and Kate. He moved towards the door and looked down the small hallway to the entrance. He slowly began to walk to the door spotting his stagger haired friend. She had been wearing her hair down more often. He walked out to the court yard and smiled waving her over.

'C'mon! Let's get down to the Union." He smiled having Buizel leap up on his shoulder. Charmander walked beside Kate and Kate beside Keith. Kate had been put in a better mood than the day previous.

They had made it to the Union in no time. It was again a quiet and scenic walk to the Union. There seemed to be no trouble coming from the building when they had arrived. He was absolutely with no doubt terrified out of his wits. He prayed that Wendy didn't see him. He tried ti hide himself behind Kate, which was very hard fro him to do since he was taller then her. As they approached the Union his goosebumps were getting worse. He looked straight ahead and ignored anyone who said anything to the two of them.

As they reached the front doors of the union there was a loud screech of a Staraptor from up above them. From the corner of his eye he saw Kate jolt around in excitement. He just wanted to get inside as fast as possible. He quickly latched on to the handle of the door and began to tug on it.

"Kate!" He heard a girl's voice yell.

Kate stood beside Keith and began to run in the other direction, 'Wendy!" She called out embracing her sister, "Wendy, I want you to meet my friend K-.." She muttered as she turned around to see that there was no one there.

Keith had bolted inside at just the sound of her name. He rushed inside and quickly tried to find his way around. He looked like a little lost dog trying to find his way home. Ironically he felt that the only person he would be safe with was with the Professor. In a panic he still rushed around the Union until he ran directly into another ranger, one that towered above him.

The ranger grabbed his shoulders and held him still while giving a deep chuckle, "Well then, lil'guy, where're you heading off to?" He asked gripping the top of Keith's shoulder with his hand. /Keith refused to look up at the ranger in fears that he would take him to Wendy, "Now. You wouldn't happen to be Keith, would ya?" He asked looking down at the red haired ranger who stood below him and nodded shakily, "Alrighty then, The name's Sven. I'm gonna have a short talk with ya." Sven forced Keith to walk on ahead and up to the roof where a large tree had been seemingly growing throughout the Union, "Now listen son, I've known the Hastings Family since I was young. Kate is like a little sister to me. I have been informed to look out for you and protect you but know this. If you lay just one finger on Kate and hurt her I will end your life where you stand is that under stood." The look on his face had changed dramatically. He had thought that Wendy scared him but Sven scared him even more. He could tell that Sven was very close with the family and was glad to see him looking out for them but he was absolutely terrified to even talk to Kate now. Keith nodded slowly and bowed to the larger ranger, "And don't you worry about Wendy, she's aware that I'm speaking to you and she's aware of how much Kate trusts you. Wendy is going trust you with her sister. The three of us, including the professor, understand your mission and understand that since you didn't succeed that someone else would come for you or to take over for you. But... No matter what happens you need to protect Kate, with all of your life, No matter what happens to the professor you are to protect Kate." He stated with his face softening as he spoke.

Keith, still in bow, respected the words from the ranger, "I would never do anything to harm Kate. I will protect her with my life. I will promise you that." Keith said rising up from the bow and holding out his hand to shake Sven's, "What ever happens in the future will not be under my control..." He said looking down. He had the feeling that when the time came to dispose of the professor that he would be forced. Though he could keep his promise. He would never hurt Kate, he cared too much about her.

Sven escorted Keith down to the lab where he would find the professor. When they walked in Wendy and Kate had already arrived. Keith stood beside Kate and looked straight at the Professor. The room was silent but they had all knew what the two rangers wanted to know and it seemed that they were scared to answer.

Kate looked down and kicked the ground, "Grandpa... The styler connection that I had with Barlow seems to be malfunctioning... It says that he's been in the same place for the past 24-hours..." She started.

The professor looked up and let out a sigh as he leaned on his cane, " Well, it seems that we have the same problem.. We haven't been able to reach Barlow and we were thinking of sending Wendy and Sven out to find him-"

"Send us. I want to go, we'll find him. Keith and I, please... "She said stiffening her body.

"You can trust us to find and bring back Barlow safely." Keith added.

Hastings looked at the two young rangers and let out a sign, "Kate it is unfortunate that your Charmander has yet to evolve be cause having a Charazard would be very helpful during this time. Luckily for you we happen to have another Staraptor here at the Union. Wendy please allow Kate to use your Staraptor and Keith you will use the other that is out front." He said.

Wendy nodded and showed Keith and Kate to the two pokemon and helped them get set on them. As soon as they could Kate and Keith went off to Boyle Island. Keith trailed behind Kate and kept his eye on her. She knew her way around the region.

When they finally reached the shores of Boyle Island Kate kept the two Staraptors near the shore of the Island. Immediately he could feel the climate difference on the island. It was hot as hell. He looked around and then down at Kate's styler showing where the communication last showed Barlow's position. They began to walk up an small path and to a small cavern entrance that lead into a Volcano. Kate looked over at Keith.

"It's a long way from here..." She started.

"Well... I'm ready if you are." Keith added feeling the heat that came from the entrance of the door.

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