Hello everyone this is my new story Shogun, I tried to make it different than any other story that you've read here about Kate and Keith! I hope that you all like this story as I continue to write it! Well please Review and Favourite it really helps me out a lot!

"You will be taught to fight. You will be taught discipline. You will be taught to hate all rangers. And mostly, your mission will be to go undercover and destroy the centre of all rangers power and knowledge. Professor James Hastings."

When I was younger I was taught all these things about how horrible rangers were and how much better off we would be if they were all gone. My parents were big suporters in that though. I was to promise them everyday that I would hate rangers more than anything else in the world. Though I told myself that I hated them.Through the stories I heard about them I began to realize that they just wanted to make it seem as if they were trying to help people when they really did nothing. They always took the credit from the operators and mechanics. That made me sick, how could they do that. These rangers wouldn't give there life to do anything for the people of their reigons. If someone was in trouble they would have to be sure that they would get the publicity before even thinking twice about doing the right thing.

I was taken to a small group everyday with my three closest friends, Ian, Lisa, and Hector. They hated those names though so they were given nick names by their choice. Ian chose a nick name that he though fit his personality: cool. When really he was just a dork. He always wore the same blue coat every single day. His nickname was Ice. Lisa chose the nick name Lavana since she loved playing with fire so much and her hair was the deepest prettiest red colour you could ever imagine. Hector took the nick name Heath thinking he was always so strong and he really was. He was the toughest guy in the group. Then left me. The short spiky red head who always minded my own buisness. The others said I should call myself Spike but I never liked it. I liked my real name better, Keith.

the four of us were the best friends that you could ever imagine. We were practically inseparable, we were always going on adventures... It was something that we always loved to do was explore new things together. Many people out side of our group, those who loved rangers, they thought that we would grow up to be magnificent rangers. They hated the thought of it and they would joke about it.

Up through our adolescence Lavana had proven herself not to be the spunky flame haired girl that she was when she was younger. She was actually very timid and quiet, the only person that she had ever come out to was Keith. When she was in fourth grade her parents were banished from the group because they found no reason to hate rangers, they were changed when they met a "nice" ranger. That was the last time that Lavana ever saw her parents. She stayed with Keith and his family, they treated her as a sister and daughter. Keith always looked over her and made sure that she was alright. There was only one time a year that she could see her parents but it was for no longer then a few hours. It was not nearly enough time for them to catch up. The only thing that really made her happy was making others happy and fire. Fire was the one thing that defined her and he was sure to play with fire every time that he could. During one of the meetings that she had with her parents they gave her a small box of matches. It was labeled "Love and Lucky" in the front cover. She never went anywhere without the small box of matches.

Ice had grown up to be most of a careless teen, he labeled himself as the "Leader" of the friend group. Lavana and I always made fun of him for being so flamboyant. He also became... a large pervert. He always tried to get Lavana to go out with him and he flirted with anything that had a pulse. It annoyed everyone. Though he always seemed to take liking to the girls that Keith had a crush on. Since most girls looked at Ice and me they thought that they thought Ice was much more attractive than I was. After a while I just gave up and Ice took every girl possible. Ice's parents were strong supporters of Dim Sun. They were very proud of their son and all the training that he had gone through to become one of the grunts. Everyone knew that he would climb the ladder to the top very soon there was really no doubt about it.

Heath was one of those guys who was labeled as the strong; silent type. He always beat up someone. There was always some fight that was going on and he would always win. Him, like Ice, was going to move up to very high positions. He was a very strong guy even as a kid and he was always able to enforce things and there wasn't a soul that dared to refuse anything authorized by him. Heath was a great guy he was very friendly but often times could be way to intimidating. He had very few relationships including friend relationships over the years. The three of us were really the only ones that he had.

Everyday Ice, Lavana, Heath and I would walk to our group which was held in an old building, it was called Dim Sun. I always thought it was an unusual name. We were taught the same things over and over again. I always thought I was stuck in a paradox of of some sort with Ice always wearing the same blue coat and the teachers saying the exact same thing. That was up until I was called into the main office to discuss something with the schools 'Leader' Mr. Hall.

He told me that he admired how smart and cunning I was and that I reminded him of himself in his younger days. I found it weird to hear him say that since the only thing he ever said was "Never trust a ranger." He said that he needed me to do something for him that he was now to old to do. He told me that he wanted me to go under cover for him to become a- a ranger! Can you believe him!? Why in the world would I ever want to become a ranger! Psht! The nerve!

He told me that the ranger school in Almia started in only a few days and if I were to get packed he'd take me there himself. I did so not wanting to get in any trouble with the Leader and we took off on our journey from Johto to Almia. It was a four and a half hour flight to get there. I was on my first mission. I was so exited. That was up until I met her. She changed my everything. She changed my life.

She was...Different. She wasn't like the others.