Quick little continuation of the story. I wasn't happy about killing prussia and I finally had the time yay! So here you all are enjoy and here's the disclaimer.
Antonio and Francis remained silent as the watched the trickle of people. Which slowly became a crowd cross over the wall that had held them captive under Russia's control. The pair watched as families and friends were reunited. They had come here on a whim, or more like a tribute. They knew that the younger german brother was around somewhere. But he was only here because it was people. Not because of his brother.
Francis and Antonio hadn't spoken about him since that day many years ago.
Most people passed them by not sparing them a second glance as they looked for their loved ones. The ones that hadn't suffered. Antonio looked at a girl who looked to be as old as the wall stood run to here father. It was nice that so many people are getting reunited. While he and Francis remained without the one person they both desperately needed.
"Francis?" Antonio asked.
"Yes?" Francis replied.
"Do you think that Prussia would forgive us?"
"I don't know. I know I have forgiven him. He saved my life."
Antonio's eyes widened. "How?" He hadn't been told everything that had gone on in the war but was always curious.
"When Paris became occupied. Germany, wanted me killed. Gilbert stepped in and saved me. Shortly before the last time I would ever see him."
Antonio stared at his friend. He wished he had gotten the chance to say a better farewell. He hadn't known at the time but it was still awkward and heartbreaking to know that the last memory of the three of them together was of fighting.
A small yellow bird fluttered over. The bird looked familiar. "Antonio look." Francis pointed at the bird on his head.
Antonio stared at it wide eyed. "That looks like Gilbird!"
Francis nodded and the two friends broke out in happy smiles for the first time in a long time. They had a living reminder of their friend now and a very dear reminder at that.
"I can't tell you how many times I found that bird in places it shouldn't be." Francis recalled fondly.
"Si, those were the times." Antonio agreed wistfully.
The pair of friends remained as long as the crowd still came through. Germany no doubt heading off when he figured that the ceremony was done and there was no chance of his brother ever returning. Antonio and Francis were here until they knew that no hoped remained. The bird had been encouraging. It could be a sign.
While the friends rested against the wall each lost in their own thoughts at leaning against a solitary tree a solitary figure stood. When one looked closer at this figure they could make out that it was a man. Lean and tall. If they dared to get closer then they would see a smile on the mans face. Not a wicked smile but a honest happy smile. It contrasted sharply from the crimson red eyes that looked sad and broken. As if they knew what he had caused. On closer inspection if a passerby was still curious they would see the nearly white hair that hung over his forehead. The man wore a blue uniform the was well taken care of and a black button up underneath, marking him as military. It would've been a dead give away should he begin to walk the confidence and poise of soldier. He was german by the Iron Cross over his neck that he fiddled with fondly.
Yes, this man was strange. He stood and stared at the wall for hours on end as if not wanting to leave his tree but wanting to see something. Something that had made him wonder. He was at undecided. Did he return to a world in which he should not be able to or did he retreat and wait until he was accidentally stumbled upon. There were so few of his kind that it would be easy for him to be tracked down. He knew that another nation that held this land under occupation would not hesitate to take him prisoner. The thought of that rather unappealing. Only one other course of action then. But how would he go about it? Walk calmly out there and see if he's recognized. He should be if there are any nations present, since the trickle had slowed remarkably.
Shrugging he stepped out from under his tree. Making a brisk pace to the wall. He knew that he would be open and anyone could see him, he could be easily overt taken in his weakened condition not saying he wouldn't put up a fight.
Walking over the threshold he was surprised that there was no liberating breeze of air. Instead when he looked around he was greeted by two pairs of eyes that he wasn't at all displeased to see but was surprised.
The dark blue and jade green eyes mirrored his surprise. Which he knew that they had just came to honor him and not find him. A bird chirped and landed on his head. The tension was quickly raising and he fought the urge to turn and run. He would wait to hear them out at least.
He took a breath, nothing happening, then after three intakes of air the silence was shattered.
"Gilbert?" It was a question confirming a truth. Whispered as if he dared to break a beautiful dream. The green eyed man had uttered the word.
The man who he was addressing nodded in turn. Letting them know that this was not a dream. He mused however that the dream would be welcome among the pair of them. He knew who they were. He knew it but he couldn't understand why he had been able to return. When he asked about it he was told "Your mission as a nation is done but you still have a lot to do."
So here he was alive and well and keeping his immortality. He knew why he had been asked to return now. Not because his country still existed but because he was needed by the two in front of him. He didn't want to talk until the conversation was flowing. He needed a good question.
"H-how are you here?" Antonio asked.
Gilbert smiled. At least he got a chance to explain himself. "I'm here because I am needed."
Antonio cocked his head to the side. "Then you are human?"
"No, I'm immortal, just not a nation in the traditional sense anymore." Gilbert said.
Francis was to awe struck he was able to finally forgive and apologize to his friend. He was back but he couldn't believe that he was getting a second chance.
Gilbert turned his crimson gaze onto him and Francis swore that it was more intense than last time they met. Francis struggled finding his words. "Gil, I am so sorry! Can you forgive me?"
Gilbert answered without hesitation. "I can if you can forgive me. I am truly sorry."
Francis smiled "Yes." Antonio's face broke out into a large grin. He brought both of his friends into a bone crushing hug. Everyone was laughing and if they noticed Gilbert's paler complexion or cooler body temperature they didn't let on.
Years later
The three of them always return to the spot where they were reunited. Gilbert didn't understand the reasoning but he went anyway. Since his return the Bad Touch Trio was nearly inseparable. They were always near each other. Everyone grew to ignore it once they got over Prussia's reappearance.
Antonio hand an arm looped around Gilbert's shoulder and Francis had an arm around Gilbert's waste. The three of them would never admit it but they loved each other more than friends should and in time they would admit it they promised to themselves.
Staring at the place they were reunited it was silent until surprisingly Francis broke the silence. "Why?"
"Why what?" The other two asked in union.
"Why Gil did you come back? Surely wherever you were was better than here." Francis elaborated.
"Oh. That's easy. It was boring." Gilbert smiled that smile were you knew no matter how much you pried you would never get anything more from him.
The binding force that had always been with them was stronger each unwilling to lose another member unsure they would get a second chance. That's why they were inseparable. Friends in war and in life. That's how they always wanted to be. Gilbert wasn't bound to a country any longer but he still had his own responsibilities for returning. If a war broke out he couldn't fight in it since he wouldn't be able to choose what side he would have to sit out which was not an exciting prospect for him so he prayed from no more wars.
Antonio noticed Gilbert's face and squeezed him tighter. "We'll be fine. We can stand the test of time. We've already with stood the test of death."
Gilbert let out a low chuckle. "You're right we will be fine." Once we are all more than friends. He didn't say the last part out loud.
As a strategist it was his job to study people and know what they planned it was simple to him to know that everyone wanted the same thing but he would be dammed if started it. It was someone else's turn for that.
Prussia, who always went by Gilbert now, did in fact represent something. Other wise the magic of the immortals wouldn't work on him that's why most nations can't come back once the fall. But he chose not to comeback a nation but instead the personified second chance. He represented everyone who screwed up in their life or relationship and could turn around fix it. He represented those who almost die and are clinically dead but are revived. He was a different type of personified being. He won't tell. That's the beauty of it. You can always change things but sometimes another chance is all you really need. Like him and Francis to patch things up over a now silly war. Or Antonio and him for not having a proper good bye and for all three of them to finally get together with the loves of their lives. He smiled to himself as the other walked on ahead. For some reason unknown to Francis and Antonio Gilbert turns around and places a finger over his mouth in a 'quiet' gesture and then walks to catch up to the other two. After all he isn't telling
I don't know what happened at the end there. I sort of like it. Anyway leave a review below if you enjoyed it I'll even take a smiley face! Also if you have a request go to my Tumblr, the link is on my profile! Later! ~IF