Mini Anko
Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Naruto or of Harry Potter. I really wished that I did but sadly I do not.
Summary: Fem! Harry. Bobby was abandoned in the Hidden Countries by her relatives in ordered to get rid of her. With the help of Tom, her best and first friend that lives inside of her head, she survives the Shinobi world. She is found by Anko who wants to have a mini her. Read how Bobby changes fate and the Shinobi world.
*Tom speaking*
(Scene Break)
A few miles away from Konoha, there was a little girl wandering about. Her name was Bobby and the reason for the boyish name was because that was what her cousin, Dudley name her when he found out that she did not have a name and it stuck. Bobby was only four years old with short messy black hair that could not be tamed at all and bright emerald eyes. And also, she has a lightning bolt scar on her forehead. Now Bobby was traveling for the last week after her good for nothing Aunt and Uncle abandoned her sometime during the night. So she was covered with dirt and leaves and a few spots of blood here and there on her clothes, even though she tried to stay as clean as possible.
The only reason that Bobby was alive is all thanks to her best and first friend Tom, who lives inside of her head. When she first me him at the age two and a half, Tom was nothing but mean and cruel to her. But as time went on, Tom began to be nice to her and began teaching her how to write and read and how to talk properly, too. Since her Aunt and Uncle made sure that she could not learn anything except how to do chores, she soaked up the knowledge like a freaking sponge. Thankfully, Tom knew how to speak, write, and read Japanese, so that helped her a lot after she was abandoned.
Bobby was walking along a dusty road, humming to herself and Tom as he never did like the silence and that trait was passed down to Bobby. A lot of traits that Bobby learned from Tom. It was then a young teenage girl jumped out of the trees and landed in front of her.
"Hiya, kid! Where's your folks at?" The strange woman asked as she tilted her head to the side to look for them. Tom was muttering about the girl needs to learn what a shirt was. But Bobby thought that the lady was so cool and she could hear Tom groan in the back of her head at that thought.
"Dead, relatives left us behind on purpose," Bobby answered honestly.
The girl frowned and asked carefully, "What's your name, brat? And what do you mean by us? I only see one of you."
Bobby smiled cheerful as she answered her, "I'm Bobby and my best friend is Tom, but he lives in my head. He likes to teach me a lot things!"
The girl raised an eyebrow and said, "My name is Anko. Why don't we head to Konoha and on the way there why don't you tell me more about yourself and Tom okay?"
Tom groaned again, as he knew that Bobby would tell anyone about him, but he let her be.
Bobby's smile even got wider as she took Anko's hand and she began talking, "My cousin, Dudley named me Bobby about a year ago. I'm four years old. And my Aunt and Uncle called me freak and girl. I lived in the cupboard under the stairs. Tom says that I should not be living there as I should have a room to myself and what my relatives were doing was very wrong. Tom is my first and bestest friend in whole wide world. At first, he said mean things to me and was mean to me, but then he began being nice and taught me a lot of things. Tome even protects me by making bad people disappear."
The last sentence caught Anko's attention, so she asked curiously, "Disappear how?"
Bobby frowned as she tried to remember, "Don't know. Just that Tom comes out to play with them. Sometimes, I hear them screaming, but that's okay as it means that Tom is winning the game. Its sad that they all have to leave before I come out, but that's okay."
Anko smiled as she listened to Bobby talk, but really, she was thinking about what she had learned. It seems that Bobby has a multiple personality disorder and that her other personality is a psychopath like her and that Bobby is a budding psychopath also. That thought gave her an idea. She always wanted a mini Anko and she finally found the perfect one. So what if Bobby was clinically insane, it did not matter.
Near the gates, Anko stopped walking and knelt down to be face to face with Bobby and asked, "Bobby –chan, would you want to be my little sister?"
Bobby nearly fell over in shock as Tom told her to say yes as this might be the only time that she could get a family of her own and plus, something told Tom that living with this Anko would be very fun.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! I would love to! Thank you so much! I always wanted an older sister!" Bobby exclaimed loudly as she jumped up and down and hugged Anko as tight as she could. Anko smiled at the excited little girl jumping up and down in front of her.
"Welcome back, Anko –chan! Who is this little girl with you?" Izumo asked curiously as he and his partner peered down at the little girl who was holding Anko's hand and had the biggest smile on her face. It looks like she hasn't had a bath for at least two weeks.
"This is Bobby and she's my new little sister," Anko exclaimed excitedly as she picked Bobby up and shoved her in their faces with a large smile of her own on her face.
"Go right in and have a good day, Anko –chan and Bobby –chan," Kotetsu said happily as he gestured for them to go right on in.
"Have a good day, guard –sans," Bobby called out to the two guards before disappearing. It was a miracle that Bobby was not afraid of other people since she was abused a lot. Tom had taught her that not all people were bad, only some of them.
After Anko and Bobby were out of the sensing range, Kotetsu turned to Izumo and said in a cheerful voice, "I'm glad that we have guard duty, after all."
Izumo raised an eyebrow in confusion because not even ten minutes ago, Kotetsu had stated that he hated guarding the gates and not having any exciting missions like the other Shinobi.
Seeing his best friend's questioning gaze, Kotetsu explained further, "If we are guarding the gates, we won't be roped into cleaning whatever type of mess that the two of them will create. I wonder though, what would happen if that Bobby –chan meets Naruto?"
Izumo paled at the last sentence and muttered, "Dear Kami –sama, the village won't even last a day, before its destroyed!"
(Scene Break)
One the way to the Hokage Tower, Tom and Bobby were trying to figure out how Tom could be out at the same time as Bobby.
*Sorry, Bobby. But the only way that I can think of, involves the Dark Arts and we can't do that, since the ritual would be too much for your body to handle. Even if we could do it, I don't know if pulling me out of you, would kill you, but I don't want to try if that is the case,* Tom explained to her. Tom had come to care about Bobby and often thought of her as a sister. Since they were so similar to each other.
'Don't worry, Tom, I'm sure that there is a way for both of us to be out at the same time,' Bobby thought back to Tom, depressed about there was no answer to their huge problem.
"What's got you down, sis?" Anko asked as she noticed the change of emotions in Bobby.
'Should I tell her, Tom?' Bobby asked.
*I think you should. You may never know, Anko may have an answer to our problem,* Tom said as he gave his permission to Bobby. Besides there was an old saying that two heads were better than one.
Bobby turned to her new big sister and explained, "Tom and I were trying to figure out how both of us can be out at the same time."
Anko hummed for a bit as she thought for a couple of minutes, before replying, "Since you and Tom share the same body, why don't Tom use one half of your body, while you use the other half?"
(AN: I have always liked the two personalities of Zetsu and thought it would be cool to have a human version of Zetsu and without the need to eat people. Plus, Zetsu's yin yang appearance is awesome. Its just a pity that Zetsu is so loyal to that blasted Uchiha bastard.)
Tom was in shock as he could not believe that he never thought of that. With some practice, Bobby and him could pull it off. The only sad part of it was, he would have to become a she, but he could work with that. Besides it would be well worth it in the end.
"Thanks, big sis! Tom and I can do that!" Bobby thanked Anko cheerfully. Now what was left for them to do is meet the Hokage and become Bobby Mitarashi.
AN: I hope that you all love this story as it was the one to win the poll on my profile. Please review and tell me what you all think of it. Have a nice weekend, everyone.