Magical Shatterpoint: A Harry Potter/KOTOR Crossover
Chapter One – Preparations
A/N: – Disclaimer: – Note I do not own Harry Potter, nor do I own the various fictions that are planed crossovers with this story. My interpretation of Harry Potter, related subject matter and the fictions that are planned crossovers (other than the KOTOR one all others are temporary as part of the plot device(a common one from a certain fandom which will be named next disclaimer) that brings the KOTOR Element into the story) are freely given.
You may use them for what ever purpose you want as long as you state where you got the Idea from and link back to this story so that I may (hopefully) get more reviews (as you can never have too many reviews). Also Please ask about archiving on other sites before you do so.
Note: Timeline has been altered to fit what I want to do, as otherwise this story would require alterations to how popular culture evolved. Possibly due to the butterfly effect of wizards, witches and magical beings and I really don't want to deal with all that.
Wednesday, October 28th 1998, England, Surrey, Little Whinging, Evan's Road, Jones Costume emporium 4:41PM
The last rays of sunlight bathed Evan's Road in sunlight, sunlight which pierced the glass of a shop that had been empty only the day before but was now filled with costumes.
Costumes of varying make and size, a few were fictional but most were mythological, historical or were generic ideas (e.g. like a robot costume) and their were jars of body paint and various odds and ends to be added to various costumes. The sunlight reflected of the various costumes making a beautiful picture of red light that would inspire any artist.
Unfortunately the only two sapient beings (and thus able to enjoy it) that were around to witness the event it were in a back room working on a project. A project that was the trial run of a plan that had been devised by the elder of the two (after watching a TV show and then talking with a minor seer who had predicted that it wouldn't have a negative impact) so as to do an experiment to see if the project was possible.
The two who were working on said magical project were finishing painting runes on to the (top) sheet that covered over the wooden flooring of said backroom. The two were a contrast – the elder (roughly 45 years) had brown neat hair, was wearing a black shirt, white trousers and black shoes. While the younger (only 19) had sky blue hair (which was wilder than a birds nest that had been dropped into a pig sty), wearing a blue t-shirt that proclaimed in golden lettering 'Blue is the best', Blue jeans & blue trainers.
But in both of their brown eyes burned a fire, a fire that sought to change the world. To bring Chaos to order, to rip down the confines of the old and create a new way of doing things.
And so they laboured on, painting the runic spell matrix to the nailed down sheet – which had a sheet underneath it which sowed into it was a runic spell matrix that was designed to stop paint soaking through to the floor.
"Unc … I mean Luke, why can't we just paint onto the floorboards themselves? I mean it's not like the deposit we put down is actually our money, it's the money of that loan we tricked out of that bank" spoke the youth his face scrunched up in annoyance while he gestured with his left hand (the one with out a paintbrush so as to not ruin their work).
"John, just because we used a pair of glamour amulets and a mild confundus charm to get the money to fund this little experiment doesn't mean we're not going to get as much cash out of this as possible. I learned a long time ago that you need as much money as possible so as to be able to create as much chaos as possible" Idly replied Luke as he worked.
"So I'm guessing that's why we took out that mortgage and are now filtering it through various accounts?"
"Precisely, now I think we're finished with the runic matrix you insisted we add to backup the invocation to Janus, we have the connection plus activation runes stitched into the costumes, the various paints have the potion we brewed added to them and the various odds and ends have all been suitably prepared. I think we've done all that's needed for this experiment to proceed on Halloween" stated Luke as he finished painting, putting his paintbrush in his tin of black paint.
"Don't forget the bad luck spell we engineered to effect all costumes in Little Whinging that aren't from our shop and the cumulative harmless accident spell designed to keep our competitors out of action while we pull this off" Responded John as he also put his paintbrush into a jar of black paint.
"Just a few days to go and we get to see if we can pull this off on and see how much potential this has to change the wizarding world. Then we can begin a dawn of a new age, an age where the corrupt ministries of the world shall fall. It'll be beautiful ..."
"May just be you witnessing it considering that if Mum figures out what's happening she'll shut me down faster than a speeding bullet."
"You are nineteen and a Wizard while she's a muggle"
"Still doesn't mean I'm going to risk her wrath, I mean you did grow up with her. I'm sure you remember what she's like" said John as he waved his hands to emphasise his point.
Luke paused at this as he thought back over all his little adventures as a child and then shuddered "Good point John, very good point. Now shall we go get some Chinese food and plan out our strategy for selling our own selected special costumes? As I want to see who I can sell my Lord of the Rings costume to" Commented Luke as he headed out of the back room with John following.
"I have a feeling that the right person for my Star Wars character Sorn Ortis is going to appear in the store and I'll just know that they are the right one."
"But just in case that doesn't happen then let's make a plan."
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Friday, October 30th 1998, England, Surrey, Little Whinging, Evan's Road, just outside Jones Costume emporium 4:38PM
Vernon Dursley was unhappy, no he was furious. His new boss from America was a obnoxious git who checked the expenses accounts with a fine tooth comb, plus said bosses son had convinced his father that there should be a costume party on Halloween.
The fact that he had to dress up because of some ridiculous American tradition was bad enough, but to have to rent a costume twice? Because the blundering fools at the other costume shop had somehow destroyed all of their costume stock and so he had to go and rent another costume.
And if that wasn't bad enough he had to rent a costume for the Freak, as his boss had said that he was expecting all four of his family to come to. So in summary he had to rent a costume twice, for a party that shouldn't be happening if his git of a boss was a proper decent hardworking man and he had to get one for the Freak.
Needless to say due to the fact I don't want to have to write a cluster F-Bomb and other swear word populated thought pattern. As git was not the word used by Vernon originally but I prefer not to use such language if I don't have to.
So Vernon, Petunia, Dudley and Harry walked towards the costume store. Vernon was giving Harry a lecture about how he better not damage this costume, or show up his 'loving' family while at the party.
He was half listening to and giving the appropriate responses to. Which were to say "Yes Uncle" every now and again and look down trodden. While he did so he thought about was going to happen.
Julius Hoff, the new American son of the Vernon's new boss Hadrian Hoff, was interesting. He wasn't afraid of Dudley, had reported Dudley's bullying to the teachers and had made a few gestures at friendship to Harry.
Of course he was being cautious, due to other 'friendships' in the past. As with Dudley's more devious friends who had arranged a false falling out with Dudley and then had them make 'friends' with Harry only to use it to bully him some more.
Could he trust Julius or not? Could this be another trick to bully Harry, as Dudley had met Julius before Harry had met him so it could be a bigger, grander version of what had happened in the past?
Harry didn't know, but he did know that if he suspected everything to be a trick then when the real actual thing came along then he would be the one losing out. So he was cautiously optimistic about what was unfolding and be prepared for anything that came his away.
So he entered the costume shop with his 'family' and said a penultimate "Yes Uncle" to the obese lump of lard that masqueraded as a human.
"Make sure that you do Boy, or otherwise you will be punished. Understood?"
"Yes Uncle" Harry replied hoping beyond hope that Dudley didn't get the idea to sabotage his costume and get him sent to the cupboard with only bread and water. Again.
Uncle Vernon looked at Harry intently before saying "Good." Before he turned to Petunia and Dudley "Pet, can you stay with Dudders as he gets his costume while I show the Boy around and make sure he doesn't cause any chaos."
"Of course Vernon, I understand that you want to keep a close eye on the Boy. As I know Dudley would never do anything like how the Boy would you Dudley."
"Yes Mum, I'd never do anything that Harry would do" Dudley (tried to) Angelically state. To Harry it was like watching a hippo try to dance wit two legs in the air. A complete impossibility and a perversion of the laws of nature themselves.
Harry resisted the urge to sigh, did Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia have some kind of brain damage? Or was it like the science fiction books that Uncle Vernon bought from charity shops to teach 'The Freak' about how a proper man should act. Something like a Someone Else's Problem field from Douglas Adams Hitchhikers guide to galaxy series?
The fact of the matter was that Dudley was a hooligan in training, likely getting in trouble with the law at some point if he kept walking the path he was walking. While Vernon would likely have an aneurism, stroke or heart attack with the way he was going and Petunia would likely go off the deep end into her OCD about how everything had to be 'Normal'.
As if the Dursleys knew what normal actually was, they were so far from normal that it was in a different galaxy. No a different Universe, as if you were to convince them to go to a councillor or psychologist they'd find at least a dozen different mental conditions within the first five minutes.
Harry looked around at costumes that he'd never be allowed to rent, yet alone buy. Like all the gifts given to the ridiculously spoiled Dudley, or the food he cooked for his twisted mockery of a family, or the love that the Dursleys shared for each other that they'd never show him.
A small part of him, a part of festering hate and loathing, wanted to get revenge. To strike back at his oppressors, as after nine years (minus two days) of having to live with the Dursleys there was a lot of hate flowing through Harry's veins.
But while he sometimes struggled with this inner darkness as where he was pinning his hopes was far away. As when Dudley Smeltings and Harry went to Stonewall for their secondary school education Harry would be free of Dudley. Free to make friends and to start his plan to escape the Dursleys.
Well actually the plan was already running, this was just the next step. He did the best he could do in St. Gregory's, as the Dursleys didn't care what he did in school. But when he made the jump from Primary to Secondary school he'd start to take his GCSE's, after which he take his A-Levels and then he'd escape from the Dursleys.
But the plan still meant years of having to live with the Dursleys, years of pain and suffering. Of basically being a peasant to a feudal lord, an abusive feudal lord that didn't care that much about his peasant.
But he'd do it, he'd survived nine years of Hell he could endure another eight. He just had to keep trudging along, keeping the flame of hope alive. As if he did that then that be the worst thing he could do to the Dursleys – show them that they couldn't destroy his spirit.
That all of his imagination and intelligence couldn't be annihilated by them. He'd outlast them and that was that. On the bright side he was past the half way point, if he could just last a little bit longer then he could win. It just required him to keep going, and going, and going.
So he looked around the shop, a person garbed in blue and with blue hair came to help them. Harry inwardly smiled at what his Uncle's reaction was going to be to this figure of blue.
"Excuse me sir, but seeing as how my Uncle is busy helping a customer, may I help you with your costume choice?" the blue figure asked.
Vernon looked at the shop assistant as if he had just peppered his words with swear words and smelled like horse manure. "Well Mr …"
"Vale, but please call me John. As when I hear someone say Mr Vale I think they are talking about my father.
"Mr Vale, my Nephew and I are completely capable of finding costumes for ourselves."
Mr Vale's eyes flickered to Harry and for a fraction of a second Harry thought that there was a flicker of recognition in his eyes when he saw his scar. Which in Harry's mind was ludicrous, as how would a random stranger know who he was.
Well unless they were one of those odd people that occasionally popped up and interacted with him. But seeing as how that only happened every six months or so, that was highly unlikely.
"Well its just we have an order from a previous customer that cancelled yesterday for the costumes they ordered. One of which I believe is your Nephews size and seeing as how we have to sell it before Halloween I can sell it to you for a discount?"
Vernon perked up at this "we were just going to rent a costume but as Harry is absent minded at times and can be something of a troublemaker at other times. Buying it could be useful, but how much would it be?"
"Well seeing as how it is unlikely that we are going to shift it in time I can say twenty pounds?"
Harry could almost see cash symbols manifest in Vernon's eyes as he saw how much money could be saved. As the costume he'd been forced to rent for Harry from the other costume shop had been thirty pounds for the night, this was a bargain and Vernon Dursley wasn't the kind to scrimp on his Nephew.
"I'm listening, though it be best to see the costume first to make sure it isn't any old tatty costume you are trying to load off on me" Vernon checked, always making sure he got what he thought he deserved. Of course he deserved to be fed into a wood chipper feet first, but that was rather unlikely at the moment. Unfortunately.
"Now Sir, let me assure you that Jones Costume emporium only rents and sells the finest costumes available. It's just this costume would be quite hard to move after Halloween ends as it is has a very select customer base. But I will just get it and show it to you now, I'll be back in a minute" assured Mr Vale, after which he walked away to a back room at the other end of the shop.
Harry frowned at that, the man was obviously trying to get Vernon to buy it but for what reason. He wasn't lying about the costume being quality, Harry's gut instinct was telling him however that the man had a reason to give Harry the costume.
Which was plain ridiculous, in Harry's mind as why would a random stranger want to help out a random kid they'd just met. He dismissed the thought as there had to be another logical reason, but the thought just nagged at him, like a constant ringing of a phone.
Vernon browsed the various costumes looking for something for himself. He paused at a suit with a fake pistol holster in the belt. Harry sighed, Vernon was completely unoriginal.
His James Bond obsession was always showing when he had to dress up for fancy dress parties. Harry could remember as a six year old watching Vernon dressed in a suit going to the birthday party of one of his colleagues dressed up as Bond. Every time Vernon Dressed up it was always Bond, Bond, Bond, Bond and more Bond.
Harry was going to again contemplate why, why he wasn't going to kill the Dursleys, why when it make the universe a far better place, why when it just take getting some weed killer and add it to their food.
But his contemplation and wrestling with his own ethical and moral code was broken by Mr Vale who re-entered the room. With the costume, it was a Jedi's set of clothing.
A white Overtunic and undertunic, with a brown robe, white trousers and brown boots. With a lightsaber and a belt added in. Harry raised one eyebrow, oh this was going to be interesting. As Vernon hated Star Wars with a passion for some unknown and probably insane reason.
Said that proper folk wouldn't dress up in robes and run around with freakish powers. One of the things Harry planned to do one day was to watch the films and see if he liked them.
Just to spite Vernon, as even with him planning to get a good job in a different part of the country and then never talking to another Dursley for as long as he lived … well he wanted to do things that Vernon would never allow him to do so. As he really, really wanted to get a small amount of harmless petty revenge against the Dursley mentality.
Vernon's reaction was curious, he didn't immediately say no but took a strange contemplative look on his face. Harry didn't know what was going through Vernon's mind at that moment and didn't want to know (he very rarely wanted to know what the inconceivably stupid, bigoted, foolish, man child was thinking).
"Is there a changing room that Harry can use to see if the costume fits?" Vernon asked politely and respectfully as if he had been hit with some kind of mind control, some kind of confounding ability.
As if the clothes had some kind of mental trick, woven into them that confounded Vernon in some manner. But that was impossible, wasn't it? Harry thought. As how would a piece of clothing be able to do that? Vernon was just trying to get as much money as he thought he could out of this deal.
Harry shook himself as Mr Vale answered Vernon "of course sir, I'll show you to the changing room right now."
They followed Mr Vale to the changing room, he passed the robes to Harry who entered the changing room and then put them on.
They fitted perfectly, as if they had somehow been made to fit Harry. They felt right in Harry's mind, not just because they were the first proper fitting clothes that he could remember wearing. But due to some indefinable feeling …
… Like coming home to your family after being away for months, or like discovering a new and vibrant webcomic that gives you countless hours of enjoyment browsing its archive. Or possibly like the first sunny and warm day after a cold and bitter winter.
It felt like that and a thousand other reasons that woven all together provided a tapestry of beauty and perfection. Harry regretted the fact that he would have to take it off, as he didn't want that feeling of rightness – of finally fitting in like a puzzle piece put in the right place – to end.
He walked out of the changing room and allowed Vernon and Mr Vale to see it. Another flash of something passed through Mr Vale's eyes, a flash of triumph and success, it vanished within a second but Harry saw it.
He felt uncomfortable, he knew something was going on, but what? There had been too many odd things happening at the same time. But what did it mean. What did it mean!
He sighed internally, he had no idea why this was happening but if it was going to happen then he'd enjoy. This was the first time (that he could remember) that he got to wear proper fitting clothes. So he ignored the craziness and just decided that he was just having a stroke of good luck. For once.
Mr Vale turned to Vernon and asked "Good enough for you?"
"It is acceptable, Harry get changed back into your normal clothes and I'll buy this for you" Vernon kindly said.
Harry froze and gaped at Vernon. What. Just … What. Harry thought.
Okay proof that the shop assistant has mind control had been confirmed in Harry's eyes. Vernon was being nice to him. He wasn't pretending, it wasn't for the witnesses. He was Being nice.
Again the word what came to Harry's mind. He shrugged it off, the shop assistant had some kind of mind control. Attracting the attention of said person would be bad, though his freezing and gaping kind or ruined that.
But he'd pretend everything was normal for as long as he could, and maybe on Sunday … maybe he'd come back when Vernon returned the rented costumes. Maybe he'd talk to Mr Mind Control as he'd dubbed John Capricornus Vale, see if he could learn how to do what Mr Vale had done.
As it be useful, very useful. If it gave him an advantage over the Dursley's he take it. As after the long, hard years of pain and suffering they'd put him through, he'd take almost any advantage to use against them.
"Yes Uncle Vernon" Harry meekly replied as when he went to get changed.
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Saturday, October 31st 1998, England, Surrey, Little Whinging, Evan's Road, Jones Costume emporium 5:00PM
Inside the Costume shop's back room two hooded black robed individuals were standing at an altar, inside a magical circle powered by the glowing runic array on the sheet below it.
As part of the circle there were black candles and on top of the altar was a statue, a statue which the two faces of it (one on the back of the head and one on the front). However the faces weren't static, it started off with both faces being bearded, then a beard disappeared.
Then the other beard disappeared, after which one of the sides of the statue became female and then the other. Then the faces took on the guises of young and old, and then randomly alternated between the faces of bearded man, non-bearded man, woman, old man, old woman, young boy and young girl.
It was a statue of Janus the god of beginnings and transitions (not chaos, Never Chaos. NEVER! CHAOS! … Ahem, anyway …), thence gates, doors, endings and possibly time(1).
In front of him stood the two wizards chanting in a mixture of languages and drawing runes made out of light with their wands. They'd been casting for some time, as evidenced by the glowing runes humming in the air around them.
Then they incanted the last few words of the spell "Persona se corpum et sanguium commutandum est. Vestra sancta praesentia concrescet. Janus! Sume noctem!"(2)
Every rune in the room pulsed as one as light exploded outwards from them, the statue rippled and an ethereal wind came from the statue which ever changing eyes glowed.
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Saturday, October 31st 1998, England, Surrey, Little Whinging, Richardson Road, back garden of the Hoff House 5:00PM, Just after magic of the Ghosts of Christmas past ... I mean the Invocation ritual was performed.
Sorn Ortis, a.k.a. the Prodigal Knight, a.k.a. The Revanchist, a.k.a. Revan, formerly Darth Revan and whose birth name was long lost to the annuals of history looked around at the chaos around him. The screaming of the innocent and the attacks by various beings that inhabited what appeared to be a garden.
"What the Kriff" He exclaimed as the snap hiss of his Lightsaber blade hissed into existence and he got to work.
(1)I don't trust the wiki on that front as while he is the two faced god that looks into the past and the future that does not make him a god of time.
(2) buffy/transcripts/018_