Hello there awesome readers, I welcome you to the sequel of In Search Of Life. You can call it In Search Of Life 2 Like Father Like Son or The Legend Of Qiang. Anyways lets get to the reading enjoy and review!
Song and Quon's children.
Hua Han, Qiao Han, and Qiang Han
Tigress and Po's children.
Tigress, Jia, and Bo
Viper and Crane's children.
Ài, Daiyu, and Lifen
Chapter 1: A Legendary Teacher
Its been 8 years since the cubs of Tigress and Po, Song and Quon, and Viper and Crane have been born and the couples are now married. The sun rose high above the Valley Of Peace. The soft grass moved by the smooth wind. It was a fine day to go to school for the children of the valley...and with a new kung fu teacher.
"Bye mom" said all of the cubs of Song and Quon.
"Bye and take care okay, don't get into a fight..i don't want them getting killed okay" said Song giving her cubs a big kiss on the cheek.
"Bye Mom Bye Dad" said the cubs of Tigress and Po. There were two mini tigress and one mini Po. The first girl was name Tigress after her mom, the second mini female Tiger's name was Jia, and The boy panda name's was Bo similar to Po.
"Bye you two have a good day" said Tigress kissing her cubs. The Po gave them a big father hug. The 6 six cubs were best friends and did everything together but they were missing their other friends. the children of Viper and Crane that they had to go another school because there were too many kids in the school of the six warriors. They began walking down the steps.
"what's your favorite class Jia" asked her sister Tigress.
"kung fu training I heard they got a new teacher" said Jia.
"Yeah I heard about that..anyways why wasn't dad up to give us our goodbye" asked Qiang to everybody especially his sisters.
"Maybe he over slept..." said Qiao thinking of her father snoring in an awkward position on the bed.
The mini warriors began making their way to school. They finally arrived and everybody was ready for their original classes. 1st came math, then science, then history, then they ate lunch, then art, then finally their favorite class kung fu training. Math, science, history, lunch, and art flew by. The six warriors had the same classes which was awesome as Bo said. When they got to the room of kung fu training, along with some teammates, they were really curious of who was the new kung fu teacher. Jia opened the door and everyone insistently started looking for the teacher. The six warriors gasped at what they saw.
"Hello students please find a seat" said Quon with a black vest and black pants with white designs writing stuff on a board with an old chalk.
"DAD!" Quon's children said running up to give him a hug.
"Stop!...It's Mr. Han...In school time is Mr. Han and at home is dad...understood!" said Quon stomping a foot on the ground making it shake.
"Y-Y-Y-Yes sir." said His children terrified.
"Good...now please find a partner to spar with." said Quon with his generous voice. His children and Tigress's Children always teamed up together in every class.
"Now..before your old teacher left he gave a paper with the things that you have learned" said Quon examining the piece of paper.
"Um...Mr. Han" said A female goat.
"Yes" said Quon with a big smile.
"Are you the legendary Quon Han" said the female goat making Quon's eyes wide.
"Um...that's classified information" said Quon turning away and looking at the board.
"Please can you tell us a story" said a boy pig.
"Yes why don't you tell them a story" said The principal coming from the door.
"Oh..Um..Ms. Huang" said Quon looking at a very attractive lioness with a white vest and pants with black designs.
"Well I guess I can...it won't get me fired right" said Quon making the female lion giggle.
"Of Course not...I'm actually a big fan of you" said Ms. Huang.
"Oh..well in that case...yes...yes I am" said Quon making the children gasp in excitement.
"Um...I probably should get teaching the kids" said Quon.
"Yes...in one condition" said Ms. Huang.
"And what might that be" said Quon.
"Our school haven't got any recces for over 2 months because of a gang problem close to the playground, our last kung fu teacher's injuries were really severe and well that's why he quit" said the principal.
"So you want me to get them off your paws" said Quon.
"YES!" said the lioness.
"Alright..lets go now..oh that might be a good kung fu lesson" said Quon looking at the kids. Quon and the others began walking out the school and the principal told every teacher of the classroom to look at the fight and to bring their students too. Quon located the gang of cheetahs and one wolf.
"Alright easy enough" said Quon. He began walking to the gang as everybody stood there.
"Hey boys we got company" said The wolf.
"Look at that a kitty" said one of the cheetahs. The gang was of 7 cheetahs and 1 one wolf making the gang 8 creatures.
"Hello there...could you go to another location for me" said Quon in a happy tone trying to avoid fighting.
"Hahaha...you must be joking if you think we're gonna move just because a little white kitty like you asked us" said the wolf.
"Actually...I wasn't asking" said Quon.
A cheetah with his quickness tried to punch Quon on the face put he took the cheetahs paw and twist it making him fall to the ground in pain. Soon all of the gang started attacking him, but Quon just dodged their moves with out taking his back paws off the ground. Quon then closed his eyes and with that a strong wind flew by sending the gang to a tree.
"My turn" said Quon disappearing and reappearing behind a cheetah and kicking him on the ribs. The pain was to much and he died of the pain literately. The school teacher along with the principals and the kids stood there in amazement.
Quon with a blink of an eye took out the remaining cheetahs and left just the wolf..just in a blink of an eye.
"Well it's your turn" said Quon stretching his paw out and made a blue ball with electricity appearing and disappearing (you know what I'm talking about right dbz fans).
Quon let go of the blast and it hit the wolf making him explode in just the light of the ball, no BOOM or KA-BOOM to be heard. Everyone cheered Mr. Han at his win.
"Alright guys back to training" said Quon making everybody confused, except his children.
"What..you just won a fight and then walk away like it was nothing" said the principal very confused at the Tigers actions.
"What..that was nothing...my children could have done it themselves" said Quon looking at his kids but also telling them with his stare not to speak. Everybody went back to their classes along with Quon's students.
"Okay class...Let's get started..hm..lets see...who...aha!...Jia and Hua please step to the front and show me and the class one of your best moves" said Quon stepping aside.
Jia jumped into the air and did a split kick just like her mother but small version.
"Very good...Impressive actually" said Quon. Hua went up and did one of her fathers move, a side kick with fierce power that does not only hurt if you get hit by it, but if you dodged and your close by it the winds will cut your fur and skin.
"Wow..that was great..you two girls are very talented" said Quon taking notes of his students.
"Alright..lets see...Tigress and Qiao you are up" said Quon. Tigress went up first and did a double palm strike just like her mother.
"Wow..I know how it feels to get hit by that, trust me" said Quon. Qiao went next and did another of Quon's moves, double knuckle punch which is kind like Tigress double palm strike but instead its the knuckles.
"Aahh...very good indeed" said Quon proud of his children. Everybody went and did their best move except Qiang and Bo they were the last.
"I saved the best kids for last" thought Quon.
"Qiang and Bo your turn" said Quon. The dragon warriors son went first and did the small version of feet of fury.
"That was very...awesome in your words Bo" said Quon making Bo smile. Next was Qiang, he went into a horse stance and stood there concentrating, then he did a super kick making the roof crack but not of the kick but the air that he kicked.
"Hmmm...very impressive indeed...looks like all of my students will be great warriors" said Quon looking at his kids and Po's kids. Dong!
"What..hm..looks like today went by fast...oh well tomorrow we will be sparing against each other so be prepared" said Quon as everybody left accept Qiang. Quon got his chalk and began writing things for tomorrow.
"Ah...Mr. Han" said Qiang.
"uh..Qiang you still here...hm...yes what do you need" said Quon getting his things ready.
"Um...well is just that tomorrow is the weekend so no school and Um..well..i was wondering" said Qiang.
"Yes?" said Quon.
"If you and me..could have..like...a..you know father and son...weekend, because every weekend ether you train or you're with my sisters helping them with something and well I always spend time with my mother or my friends..and well I want to sped time with my father" said Quon nervously.
"Oh..Qiang that would be great..how about we head home and start on that right now" said Quon.
"Yeah" said Qiang. Quon transported them from school to home were the five children warriors were.
"Hey baby" said Song giving Quon a kiss.
"Hey beautiful" said Quon. Then everybody went to greet Quon.
"So..How was first day of school teaching" said (Mother) Tigress giving Bo a cookie.
"It went good..awesome actually" said Quon.
"Um...guys me and Qiang are gonna be gone for the weekend to have a father and son adventure" said Quon putting Qiang on his shoulders.
"Oh my goodness that would be great Qiang was always telling about having a father and son moment" said Song picking up Hua and Qiao.
"that is awesome hey Quon can me and Bo join you so it would be a double father and son..or a ahh you know" said Po with Bo in his back.
"Oh man that would be awesome, what do you think Qiang" said Quon looking at Qiang.
"Yeah that would be awesome" said Qiang with a smile on his face.
"Alright since the guys are gonna do a father and son adventure..how bout a mother and daughter weekend" said Song.
"Yes" said Both Hua and Qiao.
"Yeah..what do you think girls" said Tigress (mother).
"Yeah that's awesome" said Jia and Tigress (daughter).
"Yeah I could be a girls night" said Song.
"Yeah" said the females.
"And I am gonna be at the village cause I do not want any part of this girl night."Said Master Shifu.
"Yeah us to" said Crane Monkey and mantis.
"Hey can I join" said Viper.
"Yeah and were are your girls" said Song.
"I thought I already mentioned it, that my girls are at another school so it might take 1 or 2 hours to get here" said Viper.
"Hm..alright we can wait" said Song. Then with that the females went into the kitchen to start planning, master Shifu and the others head off to the village and Quon, Qiang ,Po and Bo went to pack for their awesome adventure