Hey guys sorry it's been forever! I'd planned to finish this story by now, but alas. It actually works out better this way anyway. Unfortunately (for you guys not me lol) I'll be on vacation for the next two weeks! I'll try to update at least once, but don't hold your breath, sorry! When I come back though, I hope to get this story over with quickly so I can get some headway on the sequel, which I'm really looking forward to hehe!
Anyway here's the chapter I swear I wrote most of like a week ago, but I guess I was just dreaming….
Chapter 34
"Found it!" Bex exclaimed from behind me, I turned my head from the floor length mirror in the small Sunday school room we'd been assigned to use to get ready for the wedding and looked back at her, down on all fours her long dress hiked up to her knees and holding what must be a blue crayon in her hand.
"You're seriously going to make me stick that down the front of my dress?" I grumbled, stepping away from the mirror, and making my way to a window seat I figured I could probably sit down on.
"It's either that or it goes in your underwear, whichever is more comfortable to you," she replied, an evil smirk on her face.
"It's not even a real wedding, I don't see why this is necessary," I rolled my eyes at her as she handed me the old crayon that looked like it'd seen some wear and tear, the wrapper was halfway off, and the crayon sticking out of it looked as if it had been used as a chew toy for some slobbering toddler. I winced and shoved it down dress without looking, knowing Bex would never let it go, and probably would shove it down my bodice herself if I wouldn't. When we arrived a couple hours ago she saw the pack of crayons on the table and had the brilliant idea that I needed to follow tradition and have "something borrowed, something new, something old, and something blue," or however the saying goes. She insisted that a crayon would be the perfect way to fulfill three of the four stipulations, it was blue, old, and "borrowed" because apparently she'd fixed time into our exit for her to get the crayon out of wherever it landed in my bodice. I argued that the crayon couldn't possibly that old, but she insisted it was old enough, and I even argued that I didn't have something new, but she pointed to my dress and I had to admit that she'd won that argument.
"Are you getting cold feet? It's my job to make sure you get down the aisle, so you're going to walk down the aisle," she threatened.
"Bex, I'm not really getting married, stop treating this like its real."
"Keep your voice down, someone will hear you." I decided not to argue that my voice was quieter than hers, and turned to look out the window. The team must be good, I couldn't spot any of them, and I knew they were there.
"This is Chameleon, are we green?" I asked, pressing the small panel on my ring that allowed my voice to transmit over the comms.
"This is Hopper, we're green," a short clipped voice answered me, and I stood up, smoothing out my dress.
"Grant will knock in the next minute to alert us. You'll follow him and meet Joe at the sanctuary doors, I'll be behind you the entire time," Bex said as she grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes.
"Everything will be fine; we'll be done in no time." I nodded, and a moment latter a knock alerted us to a presence behind the door. Bex opened it cautiously and seeing Grant motioned for me to go ahead of her, as I passed her she handed me a bouquet of red and white roses. I grabbed them, nodded my thanks, and followed Grant down the hall to where I could see Joe waiting. All the while I tried to take my mind off of my task by listening to the chatter on the comms, but it seemed that everyone was in position already and waiting silently for the go ahead. There was a sniper team posed to cover every window, and there was a tactical team on the roof ready to drop down and enter through the windows of the reception hall. If it all went smoothly Zach and I would say our "I do's," walk out of the chapel and discretely to a back room where we would wait for go time, when we would exit via a back exit where there was a car waiting to take us to the airport. We had considered staying and helping, but Joe had suggested that it would be beneficial for him to keep his cover, so we would be the ones that luckily heard the ruckus and got away and he would stay behind and get "arrested" like everyone else.
"Are you ready, Dear?" Joe asked when we reached him, extending his arm for me to take. I did so grudgingly, and mumbled that he shouldn't call me dear, before Bex signaled that we were ready and walked out as the music started up. She sent me an encouraging smile as she passed, and I took a deep breath before schooling my features into looking every part the blushing bride as we were signaled to go in.
The chapel was on the bigger side, with ornate woodwork on the walls, elaborate pillars, and intriguing frescos on the ceiling, the pews were wooden, and someone from the Closet must be in attendance as they were lined with delicate fabric and a single rose sitting in the ground in a vase of water, light from the bottom, before each pew. The place was packed, there were few seats left empty and considering that practically no one they really knew was in attendance, this looked to be the takedown of the century.
After a few moments of focusing on the people, my eyes were pulled to Zach who stood front and center, waiting for me to arrive. Even though this wasn't real, and I'd been insisting that everyone treat it as such, my heart still skipped a beat seeing him standing there with that loving look on his face. I smiled up at him and my heart swelled, I half heartedly told myself that he was just playing a part, but I knew him well enough to tell that his look was genuine, and as my eyes made their way to meeting his it seemed that the whole cliché "the world will fade away" rang true. I could barely discern that Joe and I had arrived and looking into Zach's eyes I didn't even notice the uptick of chatter on the comms.
The priest asked us to join hands, a little late as somehow my hand had already made it into his, and we both smiled at each other as he reached for the other hand. The ceremony seemed to drift by, my attention so focused on Zach that Bex had to more or less elbow me in the ribs about the rings, and fitting the ring on Zach's finger was honestly almost a little bit too much, as I had to fight tears from escaping my eyes, and Zach must have seen me scrunch my face because his smile only got bigger, and he lifted his ring hand to brush my cheek, the cold metal ring leaving a trail on my skin.
He grabbed my ring, recited the words the priest had him say, and carefully slipped the ring on my finger, rubbing it lightly, and holding it there for a moment after he was done, as if he was admiring the look, before he returned his eyes to mine.
Moments later the priest was reading and Zach was about to say "I do" when a scream erupted in the comms, "There's a bomb! We need to evacuate! Code Black! Code Black!" someone yelled before a string of cuss words were heard and a chorus of "Where's the leak?!" "They're thinking MI6 sent someone!" "MI6 wouldn't carelessly blow up a church!" and I was tempted to blow cover in my panic, luckily Bex was always cool under pressure, and made a deal of turning about and putting her hand to her nose. Grant caught her drift, and as Zach opened his mouth to say a bit strained "I do," he backed up and into the back halls of the church. He worked fast, the fire alarm going off before the priest had even opened his mouth to ask me if I do. At first everyone sat still, looking around the room, the more professional of the killers quickly stood up from their seats and rushed to the doors, while the business men sat stunned for a moment before following and soon there was a mass exodus.
"It's in the basement, I need back up," Grants familiar voice stood out from the multiple voices heard through the comms. The tactical team was pursuing the best exit from the roof, and the sniper teams were moving back to a minimum safe distance.
"Do we have any bomb experts among us?" Zach whispered into his comm., and the priest who must have not been read in, muttered some things in Latin before bowing his head. I grabbed a hold of his arm and pointed him to the exit, all but shoving him into the mass of people, and then pretending to look scared as I looked back to meet the "scared" face of my almost-husband.
"Tell the tactile team to surround the perimeter, if we diffuse the bomb we can still take everybody in. Do we have enough man power for a basic air or land maneuver?" I questioned as I franticly made my way back to the alter where Zach was looking convincingly stunned, and Bex was noticeably absent.
"Where'd Bex go?"
"She went down to help Grant, but it isn't looking good." He pulled me down the stairs and took me the back way, the way we had planned to exit in the first place.
"How's my team looking?" I yelled over the chaos over the comms.
"We're in position, a triage of vans are on their way ETA two minutes, and snipers are picking off the run always."
"Good, Bex, Grant, report?" Zach opened a door and led me outside; I stood stunned for a minute before noticing the getaway car wasn't there.
"It's not looking good, no visible wires or red button so to say, we're doing our best, but it looks like it's going to go."
"Do we have a time frame?" I asked as I looked at Zach in a panic. The only way to keep our cover from being blown was to take to the forest and alert the snipers of our position, but even then some people might expose our position.
"Looks like two minutes," this voice I recognized as Grant answered.
"Two minutes! You two need to get out of there! Run ! Now!" I yelled into the comms, which didn't really satisfy my needed outlet for violence as it was placed on a molar.
"Give us a minute; I think we might have it!" Bex answered, and the sound of her labored breathing didn't convince me of a thing.
"No! You need to bail now!" I yelled, as I heard Zach setting up our get away with the tactical team on the comms. I turned and ran to the door we exited from, and only got half way before Zach snatched me up and spun me around before setting me down on my feet.
"But Bex and Grant are still in there!" I half heartedly argued. I knew though that if they hadn't started making their way out already they weren't going to make it.
"Cam, there's no time!" He grabbed my hand and propelled me away from the building, all I could think of was that next time I met Madame Dabney, I would thank her profusely for making me learn how to run in heals and a dress, even if that dress hadn't been a restricting wedding dress. I gripped Zach's hand to keep my balance and ran faster than I've ever ran in heals, all the while searching the grass for rocks or pot holes that would hinder my progress. What seemed like hours later but was only seconds the church behind us exploded, and unlike all the spies in the cool movies we didn't make it far enough from the church to be in a safe zone, and the explosion threw us to the ground. Apparently I'd missed a rock on my ground scan because my head hit something hard, and the world faded to black.
Anyway, I've been listening to Photograph by Ed Sheeran on a loop while I wrote (I almost put writed instead of wrote lol, it's too late for this) this, which was a significant amount of time, that song is just amazing, you should definitely check it out sometime. It probably only helped to make a sappy situation sappier as seen above, so yeah, I hope it was okay! :0)
TWO MORE CHAPTERS! WHOOP! (*fingers crossed for 400 reviews*)
Shout Outs: (I almost opted out on these, I still need to pack! But I couldn't leave ya'll hanging like this!)
Ambergirl14: Thanks so much for the review! Yes there are plenty of plot twists to come, mostly in the sequel, so stick around (0;
LovieDovie: So glad you like it! Thanks for the review! :0)
Mayms: Thanks so much! It's so good to hear that you like it! I hope you liked this chapter as well, thanks again for reviewing! :0)
CoLoRfUlBoOkWoRm: Yeah, replies do take forever, but honestly I don't think I'd be able to write without them, like I honestly look forward to updating because I can write replies, and that must make me sound crazy, but I'm serious! It's like we're texting and I need to text back, so it like forces me to update (and yes, I am as bad at texting back as I am at updating lol) AWW! That's so sweet that you thought about this story! You're making me blush, seriously it's amazing. Anyway, it's late, goodnight! Or day, depending on where you're from lol :0)
me: Awe shucks, thanks so much! Your reviews were awesome to get! I'm so glad you like my story! (and my smiley faces lol) :0)
BooksLover2000: Thanks again for reviewing! Benji actually stayed behind at the apartment Cam got before she left, we'll see more of him in upcoming chapters, and he'll have a much bigger place in the sequel! But it's ok that you forgot lol, half the time I have to go back and re-read my own stuff! :0)
Reviews motivate me to update! I LOVE HEARING FROM ALL OF YOU! :0)