Elizabeth opened the door to the room. She now noticed the room was completely empty. Whoever lit it was gone and that suited her just fine. Walking into the room, she picked up the candle and decided to use it for light through the place. It was on a single candle stand. When she walked out of the room, there was the praetorian.

I found this candle in that room behind me. There was no one in there. It was just lit like it was just for me.

Did you get what you're looking for? the Praetorian asked.

I found this candle and I can see much better now.

Oh good. Just hurry up. We have to return to the Hive shortly.

Elizabeth nodded, hoping that she could find some things in here. There had to be storage crates - no wait. She couldn't get into storage crates. She could go through the closets in the rooms. Walking back into the room, she rummaged through the closet and through the desk. She found some data pads, but they were all dead. Elizabeth soon found a black powder that smelled highly of coffee. "Gross stuff. But good for plants." Mumbles to no one in particular. She then turned around and went into a small room. The bathroom held combs, shampoo, and soap. Grabbing those, she looked around for a small case. Finding nothing in the bathroom, she walked back into the room.

Two xenomorphs now stood there. The Praetorian had gone. She continued her search for a case or a bag to put her bath stuff in. She found a bag and stuffed it in there. Along with a portable data pad. Maybe she could get it to work. Elizabeth nodded to the Xenomorph guards and headed out of the room. She hung the bag over her shoulder and headed to another few rooms, searching and rummaging for things she could use. Then she came to the kitchen. Grabbing canned fruits, vegetables, meats, and whatever that was shelf-stable, went into the bag. It was big enough for her findings. Silverware and glasses, and even boxed shelf milk was there along with boxes of puddings and microwave cakes. She knew how to light a fire and that was probably a good thing. When she felt she was done, she talked to the xenomorph guards.

I'm done. Oh wait. Elizabeth went into one of the rooms and returned with a couple of pillows and a few dolls she had seen in one of the rooms. Then a teddy bear went into the bag she carried. It was cumbersome and when she dropped it, a guard stopped it from falling to the floor. He carried it for her.

Together, they left and returned to the Hive. They all returned to her room.


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