OMMYGOSHANUPDATE! Chapter 15 is (finally) here (also Ra's Al Ghul's fortress or whatever is on Infinity Island *facewall*)! Shout outs to lindz4567, Brightpath2, and Destiel101 ... I hope more people review this time around but thanks to those who did! Also sorry for the forever wait... so many stories on here its hard to juggle and I couldn't think of where to go next...

The Plan

Disclaimer~ not in the mood...

Wally's POV

I can't help but tap my foot impatiently as I munched on a bag of chips on our way to Infinity Island. I was excited, nervous, worried, and thrilled all at once. Excited because we were going to face Ra's Al Ghul, one of the biggest bads, nervous because the League of Shadows were no laughing matter, worried because a secret organization wanted my best bud dead and were were heading right into the lair of a possible leader, and thrilled because, again, Ra's was a big deal!

"Are we there yet?" I whine causing everyone to glare at me. Yeah I had asked the question about a million times already but I was excited!

"We'll tell you when we're they Kid Idiot now will you please shut up!" Artemis snaps frustratingly. I poke my tongue out at her. She glares at me, looking about ready to kill me but luckily right then M'Gann stands.

"We're here" she announces and I jump up, everyone else follows a but slower and out of the corner of my eye I see Batgirl helping Robin up, whispering something to him in undertone and him shaking his head. I wonder what that was about. We exit the Bip-Ship, entering into woods having landed as far from the palace as possible to try and avoid detection.

"M'Gann mind link" Kaldur orders as we advance forward into the dense forest. The Martian girl nods, her eyes flashing white.

"Everyone online?" M'gann's voice asks in our heads. I watch trying not to laugh as Batgirl's hand flys up to her head.

"Whoa why are you in my head?!" She asks, her voice alarmed much like ours had been the first time M'Gann had spoken to us.

"Hello Megan, I forgot you didn't know about the mind link Batgirl we use it to communicate silently while on missions" M'Gann says flashing BG an apologetic smile and doing her signature head tap .

"Fine that makes sense next time a little warning would be nice though"

"Apologies Batgirl next time we will try and warn you." Kaldur adds to M'Gann. The other redhead nods and Kaldur glances around at us. "Is everyone connected?" he questions. A chorus of confirmation replies to the Atlantian question. "Good we will infiltrate the house in pairs, Miss Martian and I, Kid Flash and Robin, and Artemis and Batgirl. Superboy you will remain on outside in case backup is needed. Clear?"

"Hold on a minute you're pairing me with the red headed she devil? I rather be paired with Baywatch!" Artemis exclaims sounding a bit flustered. Barbara gives her a glare.

"The feeling is mutual Miss Attitude" BG responds drawing a snicker from me. Batgirl was remarkably accurate with that comment right there.

"Shut up both of you! I paired you because we need Artemis's long range attacks and Batgirl's knowledge on the enemy and base. You are also two of the best stealth operatives on the Team so you will have to get along, understood?" Kaldur replies, a stern tone detectable even in our telepathic link. The two give each others glares before Barbara sticks out her hand to the other.

"Truce?" she questions, not looking to happy about it.

"Fine" Artemis replies shaking the hand.

"Good, now where is Robin?" Kal says and I realize my pal had done his 'ninja' thing. Again. You would think after being injured so badly he would be a bit more cautious around those trying to kill him, but of course not the acrobat could never sit still it appeared.

"Coming Kal" my best friend replies suddenly dropping down from the trees above, using his grappling hook to soften his landing likely to protect his ankle and not to aggravate his other wounds, covered in bandages under his suit. However he still makes the entire Team jump slightly in surprise, BG smirking at the Boy Wonder. "I was just scouting and making sure Ra's jet was still here, wouldn't do to break in only to find our target out" he says. Kaldur sighs, shaking his head but knowing from experience no amount of scolding would make the slightest difference. Besides I think he is as relieved as me with Rob back to his normal self, at least mostly.

"Okay now that we know the target is here thanks to Robin here's the plan. Robin and Kid Flash with enter from the East Wing and Miss Martian and I from the West. We will work out way in until we locate Ra's Al Ghul where will wait for the other team and Batgirl and Artemis, who will enter from the back, to reach our location and subdue him together. Superboy will be backup if we need it and Robin if you are hurt any farther Kid Flash will take you and get out of their as quickly as possible Superboy acting as cover then to, it's you who they are after. Understood?" Kaldur asks. We all voice our agreement, Robin pouting slightly at the protection thing. Kaldur nods. "Good move out Team and stay in contact at all times, good luck." And with that we split, going out separate ways with our designated partners. I couldn't help but be excited, I was going to teach this 'Light' never to mess with my bro.

Finally recovered from writers block PLUS some action (I'm pretty sure) in the next chapter! YAY! Hope those of you still with me enjoyed! So please

