A/N: The idea for this story came from Special Agent Baker's story: Identities, Secrets, and Relationships. I asked her if i could use you story idea for my story. She was okay with it, just as long as i credited her story. Just the general idea came from her story. i've made my own story from this idea.
Chapter 1
The team went out for some quality time after another hard day of catching bad guys. They went to a local bar for some karaoke. Everybody was there including the new agent, Special agent Kayla O'Donnell. She had been with the OSP team for a year now. She had developed a little crush on Callen. They had become very close. He was sort of her big brother, but Kayla recently began to see him as more than her big brother.
Everyone was laughing and having fun and by the time the night ended they were all feeling pretty tipsy so they decided to call it a night since they had to be at work the next morning. Everybody went home.
"I'll see you tomorrow guys," Kayla said and she started to walk home.
"Hey wait up Kayla," Callen said. "You're not taking a cab?"
"No, I just live a few blocks from here so I'm gonna walk home."
"Alright I'll walk you home then. See you tomorrow Sam," Callen said as he waved Sam goodbye and walked together with Kayla to her home.
"Well this is me," Kayla said as they were standing in front of her apartment.
"Nice place you got here."
"Well I'll see you tomorrow at work. Thanks for walking me home."
"No problem, it was my pleasure. I'll see you tomorrow."
Kayla walked towards the door but she almost fell as she was trying to walk up the stairs but Callen caught her in time.
"You okay?" Callen asked.
"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for catching me. I can't believe I almost fell," Kayla said and she started laughing since she was a little tipsy.
"Are you sure you're gonna be okay to walk upstairs?" Callen asked with a worried look on his face.
"Yeah I'm sure," Kayla said as she tried to get up.
"Come on, I'll take you upstairs," Callen said helping Kayla up the stairs.
A minute later they were standing in front of Kayla's apartment. She grabbed her keys out of her pocket and opened the door and walked in.
"Thank you again for walking me home. You really are a good friend."
"It's my pleasure. I just wanted to make sure you got home okay," Callen said as he noticed that he and Kayla were standing very close together.
"That's very sweet of you."
Kayla leaned in closer. Their noses were almost touching each other. They moved in closer and their lips touched. They started kissing. They continued to kiss as Kayla led them to the bedroom. They started taking of each other's clothes. They slept together.
The next morning Kayla woke up before Callen. She opened her eyes and saw Callen lying next to her. Then she remembered what happened last night, they had slept together. She got out of bed and took a shower. She wondered if she made a mistake last night by sleeping with Callen. When she got dressed Callen was awake too.
"Hi there," Callen said as Kayla came out of the bathroom.
"Hi. Listen, about last night…." Kayla started and sat down on the bed.
"I don't have any regrets if that's where this is going."
"It's not. But what are we gonna do with work, because we still have to work together and I'm not sure if it's appropriate for us to be together, I mean you are sort of my boss."
"We'll just act as if nothing has changed, we'll just be professional when we're at work and after work…" Callen said and he kissed Kayla.
"So we're gonna keep this a secret?"
"Yeah, just for now at least."
"Alright. Come on we should go to work otherwise we're gonna be late."
"Yeah. I'll go get dressed."
A few minutes later they left for work. Kayla gave Callen a ride since he didn't have his car with him. Kensi, Deeks and Sam were in the bullpen talking about last night.
"Oh my god you were so funny last night," Kensi said. "When you were up that stage singing, you looked so funny."
"Well I'm glad that you found my performance so funny," Deeks said in a sarcastic tone.
"Oh come on Deeks I was only teasing."
"Morning guys," Kayla said as she walked in the bullpen followed by Callen.
"Morning," Deeks and Kensi said.
"Do we have coffee because I could sure use a cup?" Kayla said and she went to grab a cup of coffee and returned to her desk. She sat down with a heavy sigh.
"You okay Kay?" Kensi asked.
"Yeah I'm good. I think I may have had just a little too much to drink last night."
"Well hello to all of you. Hope you're all wide awake after last night because we have an urgent case," Hetty said and the team walked upstairs.
Eric and Nell briefed the team on the new case.
"Alright, Kensi, Deeks, you go talk to the family. Kayla, Sam and I will go to the crime scene," Callen said.
The team went out. 15 minutes later Sam, Kayla and Callen arrived at the crime scene. LAPD was already there. They went to examine the body and the crime scene.
"Looks like he was shot with a 9 mil, I found 3 casings," Kayla said as she picked up a casing.
"Why would somebody wanna should a well respected Navy SEAL captain?" Callen asked.
"Maybe it has nothing to do with him being a SEAL," Sam said.
"Maybe Sam's right. I would certainly explain this," Kayla said.
"What do you have?" Callen said.
Kayla pulled out a package of the glove compartment and showed the package to Callen and Sam.
"Drugs," Sam said.
"Looks like cocaine. Why would he have a package of cocaine in his glove compartment?" Kayla said.
"Could be a drug deal gone bad G," Sam said.
"Let's get the drugs tested to see what kind of drugs we're dealing with exactly and let's wait for the autopsy report to see if there are any drugs in his system," Callen said.
Callen's cell phone rang. It was Kensi.
"Yeah Kens," Callen said as he answered the phone.
"His wife says she doesn't know anybody that would wanna hurt him," Kensi said.
"Does she know if he was taking drugs, cus we found a pack of cocaine in his car?"
"I'll ask."
"Good, we're heading back to OPS. See you there," Callen said and he hung up the phone.
Sam, Kayla and Callen went back to OPS.
"Do you have anything Eric?" Callen asked.
"Still checking. We however did find this," Eric said and he put a file on the screen. "In the last couple of days he made several calls to the same number."
"Do you to who that number belongs too?" Kayla asked.
"It's was a prepaid cell phone so no luck there."
"Any cameras on the street?" Sam asked.
"No, none in that area. It was a blind spot."
"Keep checking Eric," Callen said.
Kensi and Deeks walked into the office.
"Did you find out anything useful from his wife?" Callen asked.
"No, nothing. She was shocked when we told her about the drugs. She said he would never use that stuff," Kensi said.
"Looks like she was right guys. I just got the autopsy report. There weren't any drugs in his system," Kayla said.
"So what was he doing with a pack of cocaine then?" Deeks asked.
"Drug dealer than maybe," Kayla said.
"Eric, see if you can find any huge amounts of payment in his bank account or big purchases that he made," Callen said.
"On it," Eric said and he went upstairs.
"Why would he deal drugs?" Kensi asked.
"Maybe he needed money for something," Deeks said.
"Yeah but for what. His wife said they weren't having any problems financially," Kensi said.
"Well it's all nice that you're sitting here but don't you have a case," Hetty said.
"We're stuck Hetty. We have no idea who would wanna kill him and so far we haven't found any evidence that he was dealing drugs," Callen said.
"I may have something," Nell said as she came down the stairs. "For the last couple days he went to The Grave every night."
"That's drug gang territory," Deeks said.
"Looks like he might have been dealing," Kayla said.
"We've gotta get in that club," Callen said.
"That may be hard, they are very suspicious. You can't just walk in from the street. You need a connection," Deeks said.
"Then we use Captain McGowan as our connection," Callen said.
Callen and Sam went undercover as drug dealers. Kensi, Deeks and Kayla sat outside as backup.
Callen and Sam were let in the club as soon as they had mentioned McGowan's name. One of the bouncers escorted them to a table. At the table were 4 men in fancy suites.
"So you know McGowan?" one of the men asked.
"Yeah. He sent us here. He got himself killed this morning," Callen said.
"Killed? Well he had it coming," the man said.
"Why is that?" Sam said.
"He got himself involved with some a real badass, one who doesn't like it if he doesn't get paid."
"Do you know where we can find him?" Callen asked.
"Why would you wanna know that?"
"McGowan send us the deliver his money," Callen said.
The man made a call. He said that there were to man that came to deliver McGowan's money.
"Alright you can go in the back," the man said after he hung up the phone. "Mike, show them the way."
Mike led them in the back room.
"So you have my money?" the man said.
"We can get it for you," Callen said.
"How? McGowan never mentioned you two before."
"He told us where we could get it."
"How do I know that I can trust you two?"
"Guess you'll just have to find out."
"Or I could shoot you both right now. Just like it shot McGowan. He said he would deliver but he didn't, so now I'm suppose to trust that you will."
"You could shoot us, but then you'd still have no money buddy."
Kensi, Deeks and Kayla heard Callen us the distress word. The stormed the place.
"Federal agents freeze," they yelled as they entered the building.
"Drop you weapons," Kayla said.
"On your knees," Deeks said.
"Jay, go see what's happening out there," the man said.
As soon as he opened the door Kayla stood in front of him with her gun pointed at him.
"Uh I wouldn't do it if I were you," Kayla said as she saw he was reaching towards his gun. "On your knees."
As Callen and Sam saw Kayla they drew their guns as well.
"You're under arrest for the murder of Captain McGowan," Callen said.
"Who are you people?"
"Federal agents. The guy you killed was a Navy SEAL."
After they all had been arrested and taken to jail the team returned to OPS.
"Good job everybody. The LAPD sent his thanks for uncovering a huge drug operation," Hetty said and returned to her office. They finished their paper work. Kayla was the first one done and she started packing her stuff to go home.
"Calling it a night?" Callen said.
"Yep. Got plans for tonight," Kayla said and she left. "See you tomorrow guys."
Shortly after that Kensi and Deeks left too.
"Would you mind giving me a ride home Sam?" Callen asked.
"Sure, but where is your car? How did you get here this morning?" Sam said.
"Kayla gave me a ride."
"Ah so you're taking rides with her now?"
"Just this once."
"Did something happen between you two last night because I saw you walked her home?"
"No, nothing happened. If you must know I crashed at her place last night. I couldn't find my keys so she offered her free sofa. That's all."
2 weeks later….
Kensi and Deeks were at a stakeout.
"How long must we sit here? It's been over 4 hours," Deeks complained.
"Stop complaining Deeks. You've been complaining none stop for the last hour or so," Kensi said.
"I just hate waiting around. So do you think something is going on between Callen and Kayla?" Deeks said.
"What makes you say that?" Kensi asked.
"Well, it just seems like they have been spending a lot of time together at work."
"Not more than usual I think. Heads up, they're coming out."
"What are they carrying?"
"Don't know," Kensi said as she was taking pictures. "Maybe Eric and Nell can get something off these pictures."
Kensi and Deeks returned to OPS.
"Did you get anything?" Callen asked.
"We took some pictures. Maybe Eric and Nell can get something off of them. They seemed to carrying some crates. We couldn't see what was in them," Kensi said.
Eric and Nell analyzed the photos. Deeks and Kensi had to go undercover to get the bad guys. They had to go undercover at a club. The bad guy handled his business from inside this club. Sam, Callen and Kayla stayed outside in the van as backup.
"Got eyes on him," Kensi said. "South east corner."
"Got him," Deeks said.
"Do not move in on him yet. We have to wait till he does his business," Callen said through the com.
A few minutes later….
"His client is here. He's doing his business."
"Alright move in. We're right behind you," Callen said.
Callen, Deeks and Kayla moved towards the club and entered through the back entrance.
"Federal agents hold it right there," Kensi said as she raised her gun.
The man responded by standing up and taking one of the waitresses hostage as he held his gun against her head.
"Drop your guns or I will shoot her," the man said.
"I suggest you drop yours," Callen said who came in behind the man with Sam and Kayla.
The man pushed the waitress towards Callen, Sam and Kayla and made run for it. Kensi tried to stop him but she got knocked over by him and hit her head on one of the posts. Deeks cut of his path and hit him in the face.
"That's for knocking over my partner," Deeks said.
"You okay Kens?" Kayla said as she helped Kensi up.
"Yeah I'm good."
"You got a pretty nasty bump there."
"I'll be fine. Just a bump on the head. No big deal."
They wrapped up at the club and went back to OPS.
"I just wanna go home and sleep," Kensi said.
"You sure you're okay partner?" Deeks asked.
"Yeah I'm fine."
"You got a pretty nasty bump there. Come on I'll drive you home, because there's no way I'm letting you drive."
Deeks and Kensi left. Shortly after that Sam left too to go home.
"I'll see you Monday guys, have a nice weekend," Sam said.
"See ya. Just another day at the office," Callen said.
"Yeah, just another day of catching bad guys. I just wanna go home and crawl in a nice hot bubble bath," Kayla said and she grabbed her things from her locker.
Callen got up and he walked up to Kayla.
"Do you maybe want so company with that?" Callen asked.
"As tempting as that sounds, I can't. I've got a friend staying over."
"A friend?"
"Yeah, don't worry it's a female friend."
"I wasn't worried."
"So maybe another time?"
"I'll hold you to that."
"Alright, have a nice weekend. See you Monday."
"See you Monday."
In the meantime Deeks had arrived at Kensi's house.
"You're sure you're gonna be okay on your own tonight?" Deeks asked.
"I'm fine Deeks, don't worry," Kensi said.
"I do worry about you. You're my partner. I just wanna make sure you're okay. I'd be much happier if you'd let me stay here tonight. Just to make sure you're okay, because you do have a nasty bump on your head."
"Fine, but you're sleeping on the couch. If you come into my bedroom I will shoot you."
"Deal. I'll just be on the couch if you need me."
That night Kensi couldn't really sleep. She woke up in the middle of the night and decided to go take an aspirin for her headache. When she walked back to the bathroom she almost fell over some stuff she had lying on the floor. Deeks had woken up from the noise.
"Sorry Deeks. Just went to get an aspirin for my headache. My head is killing me," Kensi said as she sat down on the couch next to Deeks.
"You sure I don't need to take you to the doctor. I mean you could have a concussion."
"I'm fine."
She just sat there at the couch for a couple of minutes until she fell asleep. Deeks picked her up and carried her back to her bedroom and put her down in her bed. As soon as he had let her go Kensi grabbed his arm.
"Could you stay here with me? I could use some company," Kensi said.
"Sure. I'm here for you," Deeks said as he lay down on the bed next to Kensi. Kensi crawled against him and fell asleep. A few minutes later Deeks fell asleep as well.
The next morning Deeks was in the kitchen making breakfast when Kensi woke up.
"Good morning partner. Feeling better?" Deeks said.
"Yeah a bit, my head still hurts a bit though."
"Sit down, I made you some pancakes."
"Thanks. And thanks for staying with me last night."
"No problem. It's what partners do."
Later that day Callen decided to drop by Kayla house to see if she wanted to go do something. He knocked on her door. A little later Kayla opened the door.
"Hey Callen, what are you doing here?" Kayla said.
"I just wanted to see if you would like to do something together maybe."
"Now is not really a good time, I'm kinda busy," Kayla said.
When she said that, a little girl came running towards her.
"Mommy, can I have an ice cream?" the little girl said.
"Sure, I'll get you one in minute. Go back and play, I'll be right there."
Callen stood there in the hallway with a shocked look on his face.
End of Chapter 1. please review. In chapter 2 here will be more Densi scenes