Shadow of Naggaroth

The Witch-King brooded high in his tower,

Naggaroth dwelt under his eye.

All around Malekith was his abode,

From barren soil to dark sunless sky.

Such is the realm of the Druchii,

Black is their hair and their souls.

Retaking Ulthuan, reclaiming their birthright,

That is this nation's long term goal.

Ulthuan, so fair and so fortunate,

The focus of the Witch-King's desire.

Desire to fury, and then to bloodlust,

Long had Assur drawn their foe's ire.

And so that time of kinstrife returns,

Where Druchii all strive for what's theirs.

Perhaps they will succeed, perhaps they will fail,

But at least some Assur will feel their despair.

For the Druchii will never surrender,

The Black Arks are launched into the sea.

And up in the clouds flies the Witch-King,

To bring his foes deep misery.