I got this inspiration by typing the chapter of "Let him go", and I was just wondering: they make a REALLY cute couple. So yeah, that's where this fluffy one-shot comes from. Also I was just outside and looking at the sky, and I was thinking, "So beautiful!"
It was a warm spring night in Japan. The stars out, along with the full moon, made it irresistible to look up. You would agree the moon and stars make good partners when they're together, just like a certain ninja pair that just got home. Koyuki and Dororo just got home from patrolling the city.
"Dororo, come and watch the stars with me!" Koyuki called out to him. She smiled softly hoping he would agree.
"If you insist," Her smile grew wider, "I would be honored." They hopped along the trail, until they gave one final jump and landed on a tree branch together. They smiled at each other, and gazed back at the stars.
Dororo looked at his ninja friend as he noticed something; he hadn't really given thought before. Her eyes, he thought to himself, still staring. They are really beautiful. Just like the gifts Mother Nature gives us everyday. Just to put it into simple thought: they truly are a beauty. He seemed to be staring at her for a long time, because she finally noticed that he wasn't staring at the stars anymore.
"What's wrong D.?" she asked, she wasn't so sure if he was staring right at her. Dororo said it was nothing and looked at the stars again; although, she could see a light shade of red on his cheeks. Koyuki giggled at the thought of Dororo blushing. "Dororo," he looked up at her, "If you had to leave, would you?"
"I don't know, I am supposed to be an enemy of pekoponians. That just doesn't seem right now. I couldn't leave the one I lo-." Dororo caught himself and stopped right there.
Koyuki looked a little confused. What was he going to say? She thought. This time it was Dororo's turn to ask a question.
"Koyuki, what am I to you?" Koyuki looked at the stars again, as if waiting for an answer.
"You're my best friend, and I don't know what I'd do without you." She found herself blushing afterwards. Ever since she found him in the woods, she's felt something. Was it love? Nah, it couldn't be… could it? Koyuki found herself remembering all the times he had saved her, all the times he had been for her.
"Do you love someone?" Koyuki wondered to her assassin friend. He blushed, and nodded slowly. "Who is it? You can tell me."
"Ok, I trust you, lean this way." Koyuki did as she was told and leaned to her left slightly. Dororo pulled his mask down, so that his mouth was showing, and kissed Koyuki's cheek.
Koyuki didn't know what to say, but she knew what she had to do. "You did it wrong," she said, leaving Dororo a bright red, and confused. Koyuki picked him up, lowered his mask, and kissed him on the lips.
Her lips were soft, and warm. Just like Dororo's. It seemed like an eternity passed, but they stopped kissing. They looked at each other, Koyuki smiled big, and Dororo had his mask on. Both of their faces were red, but they didn't care. This felt right.
"Koyuki, would you like to watch the stars with me again, tomorrow night?" Dororo was practically pleading, hoping she would say 'yes'.
"Well if you insist, I would be honored." Koyuki kissed Dororo's cheek and they headed back to the little house they had in the woods.
They both thought: I can't wait for tomorrow night!
That was so cute! If this was OOC I apologize, but hey, it wasn't bad for my first one-shot right? Favorite and Review if you want to see more like this. BYEE