The Person who wrote this also known as the Authors Note: Check the previous chapter for my disclaimer. You asked for a chapter of Harry crossing it off and so here it is….

On Halloween, at eight years of age Harry had had enough of not being able to see anything, and went up to his Aunt, and said "Aunt Petunia, can I please get some glasses so I can see." To help his case he was talking to a wall. Petunia Dursley recalled how her sister would react if she didn't give him glasses, and because she felt guilty that Lily had died on this day, she chose to accept and allow the boy to see, for the memory of Lily. Even though Harry looked like James he has Lily's eyes and that was why Petunia allowed it.

After visiting the optometrists Harry crossed out: Be able to see properly off the list of things that he needed to do before he turned twenty one.

When Harry's Hogwarts letters started to arrive he was moved from his cupboard into Dudley's second bedroom, and there was no contentment when he crossed it off his list; Move out of my cupboard.

After Hagrid came and collected Harry and told him he was a wizard, Dudley wouldn't dare be near Harry let alone beat him up, and after a week Harry was excited that he had been able to cross out something off his list. Harry had both not been beaten up by Dudley for a week and found out more information about his parents; their names for one thing, and that meant the world to an eleven year old. So with that he crossed out Not get beaten up by Dudley, Have money and Find out more information about my parents.

When Harry returned to Privet drive in the summer of 1992 and found the list in his bedroom untouched since the previous summer. He looked from Hedwig, to the photo album that Hagrid had gotten him and Harry grabbed the nearest pen, and crossed out Make friends thinking about Ron and Hermione, Go to school away from Dudley thinking about Hogwarts and View photos of my parents.

It was three more years until Harry crossed something off the list, while crossing out Fight a dragon said "I honestly didn't think that would come true." None of the Dursley's were aware of what Harry had accomplished or faced, and would not know for many years, and continued to think about what Voldemort's possible next move would be.

In the rushing of packing no one knew that Harry was already packed and ready to go, until he found the list that he had written when he was six, he quickly crossed out Move out of this house, before leaving the Dursley's forever, and not aware that this was one of the last moments he would ever spend with his beloved owl; Hedwig.

Two years after the war had finished, Harry walked up to Number four Privet Drive, and met Aunt Petunia face to face. He came up the stairs and collected everything he had left behind, on top of the pile was the list; Harry smiled and pocketed the list to show Ginny that sometimes he could be optimistic.

The Person who wrote this also known as the Authors Note: Do you want me to do another list? If so put it in your review. REVIEW PLEASE!