Hi everyone! This is my first fiction so please be nice.

If you think It's boring don't read it. Please review. It's going to be two-shots so this is the first one.

I don't own Naruto. Just own the plot.

Sasuke is living in America and Sakura is living in Switzerland. I know there is a time difference but don't worry about that.

Warning: There are horses in this fic so if you don't like horses don't read it. Rated T for a reason in next chapter.

Mail Friend

It was a great day. Everything was great. The school was over. It was middle of the summer. The sun was rising. It wasn't really hot. It was just sunny. Sasuke liked these days. It was a perfect day for him. He didn't need to study algebra or read Hamlet. He was just going to take his lovely horse Blixten to a little ride. That was all he ever wanted. Blixten was a great horse. Unlike Itachi's horse she was calm.

He used to take her to a green area but today he was going to do some show jumping. There was a little forest near to their house. It was a great place to practise.

Sasuke was really good at riding. He could ride Blixten with eyes closed. He trusted Blixten. She was the only living thing who could understand Sasuke. He knew that Blixten was a horse but he liked talking with her. She was a friend to him.

Sasuke's only real friend was a boy called Naruto. Naruto was way too different than Sasuke. He hated riding. He was much more popular than him. But they were still friends.

Naruto was into girls actually. He could only think about them. He had a girlfriend . Her name was Hinata. She was really sweet. But Sasuke couldn't find any girlfriend in his school. Girls really couldn't understand him. They were just talking about make up and shopping.

But Naruto said that he was going to find a girl for him. And Sasuke was sure that he was just kidding.

Until that day.

Naruto was just drunk. He was talking non sence. Like always. Sasuke was bored. He wasn't really paying any attention. Naruto was talking his girlfriend. She was hot,she was so sexy,blah blah blah... Then he said something else. Something that totally changed his life.


He could find a girl at Facebook. He could look at the pictures at girls wall. And if he find anything about horses he was going to talk to that girl.

That was great. He left Naruto at the bar and ran to his room. He opened his laptop quickly and entered to Facebook.

There were plenty girls who liked horses. So he was going to choose a girl , any girl who liked horses, and talk with her. But if he was going to date online at least he could find a good looking girl.

He started to look at their profile. And he was about to give up cause he couldn't find any normal girl. He promised himself that he was going to try one more time and then give up. He clicked the search button. And he found someone. Sakura Haruno. She was beautiful. Her profile picture was really cute. She was hugging her horse. Finally. He looked at her pictures. They were all about horses. It was like a miracle.

He clicked the "Send Friend Request" button and waited for her answer. He was so happy.







The next day was a great day. Sakura was up,early that day just for training. She went to the stables. She kissed her lovely horse Jessica(Jess for short)good morning kiss and took her to the green field. Jessica was grumpy as always.

The weather was cold,again. But It wasn't raining today. Sakura never understood Switzerland's weather. But she couldn't care less. It was her day because school was over and she didn't need to study biology or read Foucault's Pendulum.

She wanted to practise show jumping becasue the next month she had a competiton and she really want to win that one.

She trusted Jess but well ,she could suprise her. But today Jess looked really tired so Sakura called the day off. She could relax for one day at least.

She wasn't hungry so she went to her room instead. She opened her laptop to look at Facebook. There wasn't anything new. She looked at the friend request part. 5 new friend request. She started to click at the delete button. But wait. There was a really handsome boy with his horse in the picture. She really wanted to have boyfriend like this but she never saw him in her school or any where in her city. He looked new. Sasuke Uchiha huh?

Her bestfriend Ino would be jealous if she saw this boys pics. He was really handsome. Raven hair and deep onyx eyes. She hesitaded before clicking the "Accept the Friend Request" button. She could never be sure that the boy in the pics wasn't him. But what could posibbly go wrong. They would just chat online that was all. She really wanted a boyfriend like him. She never knew that a boy like him would be into horses. So she accept it.








Sasuke was nervous. He wanted to talk with this new girl. He waited all night for her to accept his friend request. Maybe she wasn't in his country. Maybe thats why she was going to accept it later. There could be time difference between them.

But the next morning was way too different then the day before. Sasuke was very happy. He even said good morning to his brother Itachi. Normally they didn't even talk. Itachi some nights was coming to his little brothers room and say "beautiful nightmares". We could count that as a conversation.

Sasuke opened his laptop. He looked at his Facebook. Yes! Sakura was now his friend. That was perfect. They could use Facebook to talk or mail each other every day. So he stated the conversation.

[Sasuke Uchiha]


[Sakura Haruno]

Hello there. Do I know you? You don't look familiar.

[Sasuke Uchiha]

Well ... You don't actually.

[Sakura Haruno]

Oh . That alright. I'm Sakura, as you know. I never thought a boy like you could be into horses. What's it name?

[Sasuke Uchiha]

:) Nice to meet you Sakura. And I never thought that a girl like you would be into the way her name is Blixten. What's yours name?

[Sakura Haruno]

Jessica. Jess for short. So are you into show jumping or...?

[Sasuke Uchiha]

Show jumping. I 'm practising it about 6 years.

[Sakura Haruno]

Same here. Well I stared to like you Sasuke.

And they continued to talk ,about 3 hours. Sasuke got her phone number and her mail adress so they could mail each other any time. Sakura was a really sweet girl.

He was thinking about her when his phone rang. It was Naruto.

"Hey dobe what's up?"

Blah blah blah blah blah... After half an hour talking.

"And Naruto before I hang up I want to say you something very important."

"What's it Sasuke?"

" I think I have a girlfriend." And he hang up.







Sakura called Ino when she finished talking with Sasuke.

"Hey Ino-pig, you are going to be jealous! I have a boyfriend and he is so cute"

"Who is he? Tell me his name! Oh forehead I'm very proud of you. Wait did he ask you out or...?"

"Well he didn't ask but I'm sure he will. And look at the Facebook. Sasuke Uchiha. Now!"

Two minutes later.

"Wow forehead-girl he is so hot! Maybe I should break up with Shikamaru and talk with him."

"No way pig he is mine!"

"Ok, fine then. I'm going now. Talk to you later."

Sakura really wished that Sasuke would ask her out. But there was another fear eating her inside. He was living at America. And she was living in Switzarland. Even if he asked her out there would be no point in dating. There were just going to date online.

Sakura wanted to see Sasuke's real face. Not that she didn't believed him but she really wanted to see him at least on webcam.

So she texted him to buy a webcam and tomorrow night they were going to open it and they could talk there. Maybe they could even use Skype.

So that night she let herself dream about her new friend maybe boyfriend later. Sasuke...