
Alec P.O.V

My bare feet slapped against the floor of my small apartment. They carried me to my couch, where I took a seat. A stack of mail was wrapped in one of my hands, in the other was a mug filled with steamy coffee. I took a slow sip and began to shuffle through the mail. Bill, bill, dental check up reminder, bill, magazine? A rather thick installment of OK! Magazine on the cover was a rather large picture of Stuart and that sod Murdoc, I winced as I thought back to the beat down he put on me… I could have taken him out if I wanted to. Also gracing the cover was a picture of two little babies, one in pink the other in blue. 'Two New Gorillaz!' was the title. The sight caused my blood to boil. Fuck that chain smocking alcoholic, I was done playing nice. Stuart didn't know what he wanted. What he wanted was me, he just didn't know it yet. With much annoyance, I flipped through the magazine until I saw the cover story. The page was decorated with even more pictures of the children… my children. I didn't care what they said, those babies were mine.

'The power couple, 2D, and Murdoc Niccals are excited to welcome come home their two new bundles of joy! Lena Kendall and Wesley David Niccals are the adorable faces that we get to watch grow up.'

The article went on to say how Stuart and Murdoc are so happy, blah, blah, blah, they had a amazing pregnancy with no complications. Whoa, hold on. 'No complications' my ass. Looks like Stuart has a little secret, me. I took great joy in the fact that I was Stuart's dirty little secret. To bad I would have to expose it…


Alec P.O.V

It wasn't hard to get an interview with OK! All I had to do was mention I knew something interesting anything about the 'power couple' and they were begging me to come over. My crap of a car coughed as it pulled into the parking lot. The sun was out for once, normally it was either raining or snowing. My hair was starting to grow out, so it was no longer in its pointy fashion. It was cut normally, and I hated it. A rush of cool air pushed into me as I opened to door. A woman at the front desk greeted me with a pretty smile. Her golden hair rained down around her round face. Humm, I hadn't had a bird in a while, maybe I'd hit her up.

"You must be Alec. I'm Jess, I'll be interviewing you today." she said and picked herself up from the swivel chair she sat in.

"Hey." I said with a smile and nod of the head.

"You can just follow me, okay?" she didn't give me time to answer. She walked off down the hall, and I quickly followed. I was lead into a small room with only a table surrounded with chairs.

"Have a seat anywhere you like." she said with the same friendly smile. I did as told and took the chair closest to me. Soon, her body occupied the seat next to mine.

"So, what do you have to tall us?" she asked, getting right to the questions.

"Well, you see, Stuart, err, 2D and I were really close friends when we were growing up." she nodded and scribbled something down on her notepad.

"After the whole Lydia incident, the poor bloke was so upset, he came out to Crawly to see his family and me." more scribbling. "We were hanging out together at my flat when… Well, things got frisky." the reporters eyebrows perked up into her hairline.

"Frisky?" she asked surprised by my wording. I nodded before continuing.

"Yeah, Stu came to my apartment drunk off his ass. I tried to stop him, but her was so insistent that we… ya know." I made a 'o' shape with my index finger and thumb, and repeatedly rammed my finger in and out of it. Jess gasped.

"You're telling me you and 2D had sex?" she said with excitement and disbelief leaking in her voice. I nodded and pretended to be ashamed.

"Yes, but it gets worse." I took a deep breath in. "Right around the time we did it was the time Stuart conceived the twins," another gasp from Jess interrupted me, her pen never leaving the paper.

"Are you saying that the twins might not belong to Murdoc?" she asked the curiosity outweighing the disbelief. I nodded once again.

"I'm not proud of it, but yes. I just wanted to get my story out there ya know?" she nodded like she knew exactly what I was going through.

"Okay. This is by far the best story I've heard in a long while, but I need some proof." Quickly, I pulled out an old picture of me and Stu, we were probably in 8th grade. Jess studied it closely. Her eyes zoomed from the picture than back to me about ten times.

"Oh my god… I'm going to be rich." she said more to herself than to me. I smiled, mission accomplished. I leaned back in my chair and let out a long breath.

"Okay. Let me get a picture of you to put in the article, and then I'll get a few more details from you."

"Sounds good." I said with a wicked laugh.


2D P.O.V

Screams called to me in the night, for about the tenth time… I groaned and kicked Murdoc to get up and see what was wrong this time. The sleeping man next to me groaned and rolled over, but that's about it.

"Fucking lazy ass." I moaned and rolled from the king sized bed. I stumbled and tripped in the dark, a trigger for cuss words to be released. A roar that could burst eardrums split through the room.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back to the nursery.

"Hurry Stuart." Murdoc called from the comfort of bed. I could have cut him. Finally I made it to the nursery. Where I found one extremely red face, and one extremely pale. Lena allowed her lungs to empty all the air in her body, before she refilled and let out another painfully loud scream. I took the wiggling child in my arms and cooed at her. Wes was also wide awake, but he wasn't screaming or crying, just staring at the ceiling… It worried me how he always did that. I turned my attention back to the little one in my arms. She was quieting down, but it would only be a matter of time before she would start up again. I found my lips beginning to move slowly. A soft lullaby was leaking from my mouth. Lena eats up my gentle words and she goes quite. Her eyes were swollen and puffy, but she was quite. Her tiny fingers reached up and rubbed themselves on my bare chest.

"You are so amazing." I whisper to her as my song ends. A tiny yawn leaves her and she is back to sleep. I replace her in bed, then go to inspect Wesley.

"Hey, little fella. Whatcha looking at?" I looked up to the ceiling, but saw nothing out of the usual. I picked up the small boy, and cradled him. His eyes never left the one spot he was fascinated with.

"Wesley. Wes." I sang his name out, trying to get his attention. Useless. I gave up, and replaced him in his crib.

"Try and get some sleep." I whispered to him and placed a kiss to his head. I left him with that, and returned to my warm spot in bed.

"Murdoc?" I asked.


"I worry about Wesley…"

"Why?" he questioned, though he sounded still asleep.

"Never mind. We can talk in the morning." I said feel into a deep peaceful sleep. Until the screams woke me up again.


I hope you enjoyed!

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