Oh gosh, my first mpreg. Wish me luck! I can't wait for you guys to read it and tell me what you think!

This story takes place in a world where male pregnancies are common for men and women.

(I don't own Gorillaz, sadly)


The wind blew hard, as the happy couple walked down the bright streets of Essex England. Their hands were intertwined and slightly swinging back and forth. The sun was shining beautifully, perched high in the sky, but it was still comfortably cool out. They walked until they both agreed that they were hungry. They stopped outside of a small grill and bar called Blue Hill, and made their way inside. People began to stair instantly. This was common for the famous pair ever since they had been proclaimed 'England's cutest couple' by just about every magazine there is. People pulled out their camera phones and began to take pictures, not even trying to be discreet.

"Oh my god it's 2D and Murdoc!" yelled some random girl. Everyone that wasn't looking before sure as hell was now. A chorus of 'I love you' and 'Your so cute together' filled the small restaurant. Soon not only words but bodies were bombarding the couple. Girls of all ages where running up to them pushing pens in their faces, trying to kiss them, and telling them to sign their boobs.

"Back the fuck up!" yelled the shorter man known as Murdoc. Either nobody heard him, or nobody cared because the crowd only got bigger. Murdoc held his boyfriends hand in a death squeeze, and had to intention of letting go. He pulled 2D back out the door they came in, and began to run.

"Damn fan girls!" shouted an angry Murdoc. Only a few of the deranged girls were following them, but Murdoc pulled 2D into a vacant ally anyway.

"It's ok Muds, only like two of them were following us." said an out of breath 2D. He sat down on the cement, and stretched his mile long legs out. Murdoc climbed on top of his so that he was straddling 2D's waist and their noses were inched apart. 2D took the liberty of closing the gap, and their lips met. 2D's soft lips pressed against Murdoc's rough ones. The kiss only lasted a few seconds but it felt like an eternity. When they pulled apart Murdoc ran his tan hand through 2D's wild blue hair. 2D gave a small frown.

"What's wrong love?" asked a concern Murdoc.

"I'm still hungry." he answered. Murdoc gave a short laugh and climbed off of his boyfriend.

"All right, how about we go home and order a pizza?"

"That sounds great!" said the now happy singer.

"I'll get us a cab, don't want to run into anymore of those sodding fan girls."

"Good idea love." they made their way back out into the curb and waved down a yellow taxi.

"Where to boys?" asked the middle aged man behind the steering wheel.

"185 Kong, please." answered 2D. It was quite as the man began to drive down the busy street. The drive to Kong only took about ten minuets but it felt like an hour. When they finally arriver outside the gates of Kong, Murdoc pulled out his wallet and tried to hand a few bills to the driver.

"Oh, it's on the house for you guys. You didn't think I would actually charge England's favorite couple would did you?" he gave a laugh. Murdoc just shrugged.

"Whatever, thanks mate." he said as he climbed out the backseat.

"Really, thank you very much." 2D said genially, and gave a big smile before following Murdoc out of the car. The driver gave a finally wave before speeding down the road. After pushing the rusty gate open they made their way up the large hill the Kong sat on. Their hands were like magnets and found each other. Once they made it to the front doors Murdoc knocked, and not thirty seconds later Noodle opened the door wearing a large grin.

"Hello guys, how was your walk?" she asked, the smile never leaving her face.

"Lets just say we're glad to be home." said 2D with a sad smile. Noodle frowned slightly but didn't ask for them to elaborate.

"We are going to order pizza, I'm guessing you want some?" Murdoc asked trying to change the subject.

"Yes! Can we get one with corn, tuna, and potato?" she asked with a very large smile spread across her face, it fell when she saw the disgusted looks plastered on 2D and Murdoc's face.

"What? That's what I used to eat in Japan all the time, it's good!" she said, trying to defend herself.

"Err, I don't think Pizza Hut has corn love, how about pepperoni?" 2D asked. Noodle gave an adorable pout but nodded her head yes anyway. 2D laughed and placed a light kiss on the top of her head.

"Russell, get down here if you want some pizza!" screamed 2D in his shrill high-pitched voice. Soon Russell's heavy foot steps boomed down the hall, when he arrived he was covered in a fine layer of sweat. His chest was puffing up and down as he tried to catch his breath.

"Di-did somebody say pizza?" he asked, hunched over, with his hands resting on his knees.

"Damn Russell, I think it's time for you to invest in a treadmill." laughed Murdoc, but he quickly shut up when 2D elbowed him in the ribs.

"Come on Muds, lets all be nice, just for today?" asked 2D in the cute pleading voice he used when he wanted the bassist to do something for him.

"Fine! What do you want on your pizza Russ?" asked the slightly annoyed Murdoc. Russell had recovered since his short run and was now walking in the direction of Muds. His beefy fist came down hard on the bassist's arm. Murdoc winced, but restrained him self from fighting back.

"Could you get me an extra large meat lovers 'D?" he asked.

"Sure Russ, we'll call you when it's here." Russell nodded before leaving the room, at a slower pace then the one he came in. Murdoc rubbed his shoulder and mumbled something that sounded like 'fat bustard'

"Do you just want to share a pizza Muds, I could never eat a whole one." said 2D as he pulled out his phone.

"Sure love, how does pepperoni and beef sound?"

"Umm, that's ok I guess. I'll order it now." talked 2D as he dialed the number.

"Thank you for calling Pizza Hut how may I help you today?"

"Hello, could I get one large pepperoni and beef, one small pepperoni, and one extra large meat lovers, please?" 2D said to the woman who answered the phone. After giving Kong's address, and his phone number, the call ended.

"She said it should be here in thirty minuets or less." said 2D as he tucked away his phone. Noodle, 2D, and Murdoc spent the next thirty minuets playing a mind numbing zombie videogame, that belonged to 2D. Noodle was the only one really trying. 2D and Murdoc were busy trying to eat each others faces.

"Hey! None of that when I'm in the same room, I'm about to eat!" yelled Noodle. The two pulled apart blushing. When the doorbell rang 2D bounced up from his seat to answer it.

"Hello!" he smiled as he pulled open the heavy door, to reveal a man wearing a blue and black uniform. His hat covered a mop of dirty blonde hair. Boxes were stacked high in his arms. His stomach protruded slightly from under his shirt. No doubt being a baby bump. 2D couldn't help but stare. He had always wanted kids, but never thought he would have the time. Maybe now that he was with Murdoc… but did Murdoc even want children? Most likely not.

"Excuse me sir?" asked the pregnant pizza delivery guy. 2D had just realized he was staring at the mans stomach. He blushed hard and kept his gaze on the mans shoes. The delivery boy cleared his throat and stated how much it was for the pizzas. 2D handed over the bills in exchange for the food.

"Keep it." said 2D when the mad tried to give him his change.

"Thank you." he said smiling. He turned and walked off the porch. 2D shut the door and made his way back to the game room where Murdoc and Noodle were waiting.

"Yay! I'm so hungry!" cheered Noodle as 2D set down the boxes on a near by table.

"Russell! The pizza is here!" called Noodle. This time the foot steps came slower. Russell appeared with a grin on his face.

"Thanks baby girl" he said and gave her a light peck on the cheek. He scooped up his box and retreated back to his room. Russell wasn't much of a people person.

"I think we'll take ours to go also Noods." said Murdoc as he picked up the pizza box.

"I don't want Noodle to be alone Muds." said 2D

"It's ok 2D, go be together I really don't mind." she said with a reassuring smile.

"Thank you Noodle" they both said as they left the game room for 2D's bed room. When they got there Murdoc set the pizza box in the middle of 2D's bed and opened it. There was a fine layer of grease sitting on top of the cheese that made his mouth water. He took a seat on one side of the box, and 2D took a seat opposite to him so the pizza box sat in between them. Murdoc took the first and biggest slice.

"Hey, that's the one I was going to take!" said 2D with a pout. Murdoc smirked and brought the pizza up to his lips, his long tongue stuck out and ran all over the toppings and crust. He held out the slice to 2D.

"Still want it?" he asked with a laugh. 2D happily grabbed it and took a large bite.

"Thanks love." he said with a gap tooth grin. Murdoc stared at him slightly disgusted, slightly turned on.

"It's not like I haven't had your tongue in my mouth before." he said as he rolled his eyes. Murdoc mumbled something unintelligible before taking another slice. They were comfortable silent for a while, just enjoying each others company. 2D had a question scratching at the back of his brain that he was eager to ask. He was just afraid of what the answer would be. Only one way to find out.

"Hey Muds, what do you think about kids?" he asked randomly. The word kids caught the bassist's attention instantly. What the crap was 2D taking about?

"Err, why do you ask?"

"Do you think I would make a good father?" asked 2D. 'Oh fuck! I have gotten him pregnant!' thought the bassist. Murdoc thought he was about to vomit the two and a half slices of pizza he ate. They had only had sex once with out protection; when they were both to shitfaced to remember or care about a condom.

"2D… you're not pregnant are you?"

"NO! God no… I don't think so." hope and fear started to rise in the singers chest. What if he was pregnant? Would Murdoc leave him? No, Muds could be rough sometimes but he would never leave 2D alone with a baby.

"You don't think so?!" yelled Murdoc he was starting to worry.

"Well I never thought about it until you brought it up!" 2D jumped up from his bed and walked over to his dresser. He opened the top compartment to reveal an assortment of dildos and gay porn. After digging around for a while he found what he was looking for; a pregnancy test. He opened the box and pulled out the magic stick that would tell them if there was a baby growing inside of 2D.

"Why the fuck do you have that? You weren't trying to get pregnant were you?" asked Murdoc, who was still sitting on the bed.

"N-no of coarse not Muds! I keep these just incase something like this ever happens." he said kind of offended that Murdoc would think he would do something like that. With out another word 2D moved to the bathroom and shut the door, leaving Murdoc alone with a half eaten box of pizza. 2D can't be pregnant, he just can't! What would that mean for the band? It's not that Murdoc didn't love 2D, he did, it was just that kids had never been a plain for his future. He never thought about if 2D wanted kids or not, it never crossed his mind. A few minuets later 2D reentered the room with a frown on his face.

"Well?" asked the bassist impatiently

"I'm not pregnant." he said holding up the pregnancy test. Murdoc breathed out a sigh of relief. 2D walked over to the bed and took a seat on top of Murdoc lap, he curled up so his head was nestled against Murdoc's chest.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be." said 2D trying to hide his sadness.

"I know you want kids 'D, you don't have to lie."

"You don't want them though."

"True. I'm sorry Stu, I just don't think kids would fit in my life ya know?" he said.

"What would you have done if I was pregnant?"

"…I don't know."

"You wouldn't leave me would you?" 2D asked worried.

"You don't have to worry about that 'D because you're not getting pregnant." he said before giving a kiss to the top of 2D's head. 2D couldn't help notice that Murdoc never answered his question.

"Come on 'D lets go to bed." Murdoc said as he placed the half empty pizza box on the floor.

"It's only eight in the afternoon." said 2D confused.

"Just shut up and lay with me." said Murdoc. 2D did as he was told. He placed his body down next to the bassist's who was already laying down. He snuggled his face into Murdoc's chest.

"I'll never leave you pet. I love you." spoke Murdoc softly.

"I love you too Muds." said 2D not sure if he believed the bassist or not.

What do ya think so far? Is it horrible or awesome?

Please no flame, if you don't like mpreg or guy/guy love you should not be reading this anyway!

Don't forget to favorite, review, and follow because I love when you do that!

Thanks for reading!