Jak, Ashelin and Torn sat at the head of a huge conference table in a huge hall at Freedom headquarters, Keira, Samos, Tess and Daxter sat across from them. It had been a month since Jak had returned after defeating Errol and the dark makers and Haven City was slowly beginning to be re-built. Ashelin shuffled some papers and looked up at Keira a slight smirk on her face, she had Jak, he was her guy and Keira was in the past, at least that's what she told herself, her heart on the other hand knew different and although it had only been four weeks, cracks had already began to show in their relationship.

"So Keira, how's the garage doing?" she asked

Keira nodded "Nearly back to normal, I still need to replace a few of the machines but I won't be able to do that until I start making money again" she smiled

Ashelin nodded "How would you like to be the Freedom league Mechanic, you'd have to repair and maintain the leagues zoomers and hell cats, and eventually run a race team for us, once the stadium is rebuilt?" she asked

Keira's eyes lit up "I'd love to thanks Ashelin"

"You'll be working directly under Jak" Ashelin stated

Keira looked at Jak "Why, aren't you joining the league?" she asked him

Jak shrugged "I've had enough of fighting, and I'd much rather work in the garage" he raised an eyebrow and smiled cheekily "I know you hate being told what to do Keira...don't you want to work under me?" he asked

Keira giggled and looked down "I remember what a good team we used to make, and if I have to work under someone, I'd much prefer it to be you" she smiled shly looking up and locking eyes with Jak in an intense heat filled gaze.

"And I wouldn't want to work on top of anyone else" Jak said his eyes sparkling

Ashelin looked between the pair and sighed inwardly, their they where again right in front of her, sharing some secret childhood memory, or longed for moment that had never quite materialized, she cleared her throat and they looked back to her "Right then, now Keira if you need some new machines just order them and send the bill to the palace" Keira nodded and blushed as Jak slyly winked at her "Right any thing else...oh yes...Tess can you still make the guns?" she asked

Tess nodded "Got a few proto types on the go now actually, Keira's given me the use of her back work shop"

"Great, I'll nip in to see them later, now that's it for now, see you all at the next meeting" she smiled and motioning for everyone to leave

Jak looked up at Keira "I'll call in later, can't wait to start bossing you around, time for some pay back" he grinned

Keira nodded and was just about to send something back when she noticed the look Ashelin was giving her so she shut her mouth and left with Tess and went to get up but Ashelin gently put her hand on his arms, he waited for the room to empty and then looked at her, she sighed and stood up "Please Jak, if you're gonna flirt with Keira can you at least do it when I'm not around"

Jak stood up and frowned "I don't know what you mean, Keira and I have always been like that" he said

"Exactly, its like you have your own secret language that only you two and occasionally Daxter understand, and it's not fair on me, I'm your girlfriend, not Keira, you choose me" Ashelin snapped

Jak blew out an angry breath, he hadn't chosen her, he'd been pushed into a corner and now he couldn't get out, he'd fought his way out of dark maker ships, temples filled with metal heads, marauder forts, but this was a new kind of foe and he was helpless "Most of my happiest memories involve Keira one way or the other, I will not forget about all the good times we shared, I will not let the darkness take over and destroy them aswell" Jak hissed

"I'm not asking you to Jak, I know you and Keira have some sort of connection, and you two can flirt with each other all you want when I'm not around, just try and spare my feelings, please" she looked down sadly

Jak sighed and walked over to her placing his hands on her hips and drawing her gently to him "Okay, your right, it isn't fair, I'm sorry" he whispered

Ashelin smiled, maybe she was getting somewhere, maybe he didn't have feelings for her like she thought he had, maybe it was just innocent friendly banter "Thank you" she leaned up and kissed him softly, moving her hands up to wrap them around his neck, but before she could deepen the kiss he pulled away and let go of her, he smiled and kissed her forehead, going back over to the table and picking up the stack of papers.

Jak smiled again "I have to go to the garage, I won't be long"

"Actually I have to see Tess' proto types, I'll come too" she smiled and followed him out.

"I don't know what to do Tess" Keira whined while sat on her bed half an hour later "I mean, I've never done this kinda thing before" she said.

Tess smiled "Well you do what every woman has been doing for about a million years to get their men back"

"Which is?" Keira asked standing up and beginning to get changed.

Tess looked her up and down "You use that hot body of yours...lets see, pink bra and knickers, cropped black vest top" she said throwing her the top "Now any denim shorts or a skirt?" she asked

"Nothing I'd want covered in oil...hang on" she went to the closet and rummaged around the bottom of it for a minute "A-ha" she stated pulling a baggy, oil stained pair of jeans out "Remember when Jak was staying here and helping me in the garage after Kor?" Tess nodded "Well we had an oil leak one day and he was covered, I tried to get the stains out but it was no good, but I didn't want to just throw them away...so I kept them in case he wanted to use them in the garage again" she smiled

"Thats perfect, not only is it incredibly sexy to wear your mans clothes but Ashelin won't even know. So didn't any of the girls back in Sandover like Jak, I mean he is extremely hot" she asked holding the jeans up "Hand me them scissors... won't these be a bit big?"

"Yeah but I can wear my braces" she said smiling as Tess snipped at the jeans "Back in Sandover Jak didn't speak so no one could really be bothered with him when he was a kid, they found him to much hard work so they just avoided him, I'd often see him get angry or sad when someone started walking the other way when he approached" she looked away sadly "Anyway, only Daxter and myself made friends with him and when he hit puberty and the other girls started noticing how hot he was becoming he would just treat them the way they'd treated him, he ignored them, started spending more time in my workshop with me, or running around in the Forbidden Jungle with Daxter" Keira smiled at the memory "Thats another thing, Jak is extremely loyal, what if he still holds the whole Errol thing against me?" she asked

"He doesn't, I know that for a fact. He understands you were alone and Errol helped you, and you had no idea what he did to Jak, he absolutely does not hold that against you" Tess smiled

"I feel a little guilty about Ashelin" Keira said

Tess shrugged "Alls fair in love and war" she looked up at Keira "Okay, before you say anything to Jak, I'll do some snooping, its suprising what I can get outta Daxter just after sex...and Jak, I can have a word".

Keira nodded "And at least I'll know if I'm wasting my time".

"Yup" Tess handed the now jean shorts to Keira and she pulled them on without even un fastening them, she clicked her braces on and pulled her hair back into a messy bun "You just concentrate on looking hot, oil on the face, in the hair, maybe a bit on the stomach".

"Okay, wish me luck".

Jak jumped out the hell cat as Ashelin pulled up in the garage parking lot. He looked around "Sure looking better" he smiled as Ashelin walked around to meet him.

She nodded and linked her arms in his "Yeah, I can't believe how quickly its come together, Keira must have worked day and night".

Jak nodded "She's always been a hard worker, even when we were kids she'd spend hours in her work shop, sometimes I'd nip in late at night because the light was still on and she would have fallen asleep at her bench and I'd have to put her to bed" Jak smiled.

Ashelin frowned "Better times huh?"

"The best, you have no idea how great it was growing up in such a beautiful, peaceful place, and then I got thrown into this chaos" Jak said.

Ashelin squeezed his arm "But you wouldn't have met me if you hadn't"

"Thats true, but I wouldn't be full of dark eco either, and I wouldn't have had to do and see things that a seventeen year old boy should never have to do" he said sadly looking down at her briefly and giving her a weak smiled.

"So you'd go back if you could?" she asked

Jak nodded "In a shot" he answered truthfully. Jak noticed Ashelin slow down a little and sigh unhappily, but he was being honest, if he could go back to sitting on Keira's bed and watching as she paced up and down yelling about how unfair her father was, he would in an instant. They stepped through the garage doors and looked around "Keira, you here?!" he yelled.

Keira pulled the curtain back and smiled "Hey guys I was just finishing off my zoomer" she grinned.

Jak looked her up and down, she looked so hot in a skimpy back vest and shorts, wait weren't they his jeans. He gulped and took in the hot pink of the bra straps that could be easily seen and the top of the matching knickers that poked out from the top of the jeans that were obviously too big for her. He looked back up at her oil streaked face and hair, watched as she wiped her hand across her toned mid drift leaving a smear of grease along it, catching her eyes as they sparkled at him he looked away, afraid if he held her gaze too long she'd be able to tell exactly what he wanted to do to her which was take her upstairs and help her wash all the dirt and hurt and loneliness away. He fixed his eyes on her zoomer thinking if he didn't and he looked at her again, the ball of lust burning in the pit of his stomach was sure to catch on fire and he'd either burst into a ball of flames or he'd just have to have her right her, right now, regardless of who was there. Ashelin's voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he looked around at her "Sorry what, I was looking at the zoomer?" he flashed his best hero smile at her.

She sighed and said "I was just saying to Keira how impressed I am she got this place up and running again so quickly" she smiled

Jak nodded and looked briefly at Keira "Yeah, looks good in here"

Keira smiled "Thanks...Ashelin I think Tess is waiting for you out the back" she smiled nodded to a corridor that led to a small work shop.

Ashelin nodded and went to leave, kissing Jak on the cheek as she left.

Jak quickly wiped his cheek and moved over to Keira "So what you working on?"

Keira stepped back behind the curtain and nodded towards the zoomer "I found it in the wreckage, and I needed a zoomer, it wasn't to badly damaged so I've fixed it up, what do you think?" she asked walking behind it.

Jak followed her nodding "Nice" he smiled

"I'm gonna paint it shiny metallic purple, and write my name along the sides with sparkly bright silver" Keira beamed, she loved talking about her work, but talking about it with Jak seemed so much better.

"When can you build me one?" he asked

Keira shrugged "Well you are the boss, and I just happen to have a couple of spares in the lot"

Jak smiled and chuckled, Keira raised an eyebrow at him "Your covered in oil" he breathed moving closer to her, he licked his thumb on his right hand while his left hand lifted her chin and gently held her face, brushing his thumb over the oil smear, as if to remove it, but not really pressing hard enough to do anything.

Keira looked into his eyes "Jak?" she whispered, feeling his warm breath and a slight bulging in his jeans as he moved closer to her

"Are these my jeans?" he asked

Keira nodded "You left them after that oil spill, remember?" Jak nodded "I couldn't get the stains out and I didn't want to just throw them away so I made them into shorts, I hope you don't mind?" she asked

Jak shook his head and smiled "They've never looked sexier" he whispered, letting go of her chin and cupping her face with the hand that previously rubbed her cheek, while the other let his fingertips stroke her bare mid drift before gently holding her hip" Oil everywhere" he whispered

Keira stepped forward resting the palms of her hands on his rock hard chest "Jak, I..."

"Sssshhhh" Jak whispered bringing her face up to his as he closed his eyes and prepared to kiss her. He knew he had a girlfriend and he knew it was wrong,but he wanted this so badly, and his heart screamed at him that this is what he should have been doing for the last month, should have been kissing Keira and not Ashelin, thank god he hadn't been able to bring himself to have sex with Ashelin, she wanted it, but he knew he had to keep that bit of himself, his heart knew his destiny was to give it to someone else, to give it to the girl in front of him now, the girl he loved, closing her eyes and leaning up to meet his lips.

"So you'll have them up and running soon?" came Ashelin's voice.

Keira's eyes shot open and she jumped away from Jak, he took a little longer to move away from her 'maybe he wanted Ashelin to see this' she thought, and saw the look of disappointment in his eyes, she nudged him and he seemed to come back down to earth, moving around the zoomer to meet Ashelin as she re entered the garage

"Yeah, I could do with someone to test them on the guncourse?" Tess was saying

Jak looked down at her "I could test them" he smiled "Give Keira time to finish my zoomer" he looked back at her and winked

Keira rolled her eyes "Blue paint work?" she asked, Jak shook his head, Keira frowned "But that's your favourite colour, has been since you where like six?"

"It used to be, now I like green" he grinned, he knew he was flirting and he knew he shouldn't be doing it in front of Ashelin, but he couldn't help himself.

"Come on Jak, I've loads to do" Ashelin said, she smiled at Keira and Tess "See you guys later, down the ottsel.

The two girls nodded and smiled as Jak took one last look at Keira and said "I'll be your real boss tomorrow, best start learing to do as your told" he chuckled before walking out the door

"I will when you do" she shouted back and smiled and giggled when she heard him laugh

He smiled as he heard her giggle he loved that giggle, just one of the many things.

Keira sat next to Torn in a booth in the Naughty Ottsel across from Jak and Ashelin. Ashelin held tightly on to Jak, he fidgeted looking very uncomfortable. Daxter jumped up on the table rather unsteadily "Who'd have thought?" he slurred

Jak looked at him "Who'd have thought what?" he asked

Daxter pointed at Jak and Ashelin "You two, I would have put my life on you and Keira getting together and living happily ever after"

"Daxter" Keira warned looking at Jak

Daxter waved his arm around "I mean, even when we were kids it was always Jak and Keira, Keira and Jak...it was just assumed you'd get married and have kids" he carried on "And now...well I still believe in true love, I still believe in you two"

"Daxter!" Keira snapped loudly "Enough, Jak's with Ashelin, end of story" Ashelin looked at her and nodded her thanks, Keira went to get up "Its getting late, I should go" Torn got up to let her out the booth

Jak looked up at her, a silent plea not to leave in his eyes "I'll walk you home" he said going to get up

"Its fine Jak, I'll be fine, you stay with Ashelin" Keira smiled

Jak shook his head "Like hell I'll let my oldest friend walk through Haven on her own at night"

"Torn can walk her home, right Torn?" Ashelin asked looking up at Torn

Torn nodded "Sure, I wanted a word about the new hell cats anyway" he smiled at Keira

"See Jak, nothing to worry about...see ya tomorrow boss" she waved cheerily following Torn out.

"So what was all that about?" Torn asked as Keira handed him a mug of hot chocolate and jumped up on the work bench, next to where he sat on a stool

Keira shrugged "What do you mean?" she asked

"Jak, the way he was looking at you, wanting to walk you home?" he smirked

Keira laughed "He's my oldest friend, why shouldn't he walk me home?" she asked

"Don't give me that, I see the way you two look at each other, the want in your eyes for each other" Torn chuckled

Keira took a sip of chocolate and smiled "Just friends, besides he's with Ashelin"

"But you have his heart" Torn grinned finishing his chocolate "Thanks for the chocolate, I'll drop the plans for the hell cats tomorrow"

Keira nodded and got off the work bench "Thanks for walking me home" she smiled

Torn nodded "There are other ways to make Jak jealous besides looking hot y'know?"

Keira raised an eyebrow and cocked her hip "Like what?" she asked

Torn shuddered "Thats one way, you sure are hot, but I was thinking more of getting a boyfriend" he said

"Who?" she asked

Torn shrugged "You want Jak, I want Ashelin, why not kill two birds with one stone?"

Keira laughed "Thanks for the offer but I don't know if I could do that"

"Just think about it" he smiled before leaving the garage.

Keira closed the garage doors, picked up the mugs, turned the lights out and went upstairs.

"Why the hell wouldn't you let me walk Keira home?" Jak yelled at Ashelin as soon as they entered the privacy of her private rooms

Ashelin shrugged "Your not responsible for her Jak, and she's quite capable of looking after herself"

"She's absolutely gorgeous, its not safe for her to be out on her own at night" Jak yelled throwing his arms around "And don't you ever undermined me in public again"

Ashelin blinked "You think she's gorgeous?" she asked as her heart began to drum in her ears

Jak nodded "I'd have to be blind not to notice how hot she is, I've always known it"

"Do you think I'm gorgeous?" she asked

Jak sighed "You know your hot Ashelin, I'm not playing this game"

Ashelin began to pace up and down "No...but I bet you'd be happy to tell Keira over and over again how beautiful she is, wouldn't you?" she spat

"I'm going, I am not having this conversation with you" Jak said stamping towards the door

Ashelin stopped pacing "Where are you going?" she yelled

"I'll crash at the ottsel or something" he hissed slamming out the door and into the cold night.

"Dax?!" Jak yelled as he re-entered the Naughty Ottsel.

Tess jumped up on the bar and frowned at him "What are you doing back here?" she asked hands on hips "I was just about to close up"

"You can close up, I'll let myself out the back door, I only want one" he said "Dax still up?" he asked

Tess nodded over to a booth "Passed out about ten minutes ago...tell you what dark boy, you can have a beer if you help me get him upstairs when your done" she said holding open the fridge door and placing her hand on a bottle

"Deal" Jak grinned

Tess grinned back and pulled the bottle out, popping the cap off and jumping back on the bar to give it Jak. She waited until he'd taken a huge swig before starting on her mission "So spill...why are you here instead of at the palace in bed with little miss bad attitude?" she asked

Jak snorted "She's not that bad...we had a fight" he said wiping the beer that had spilled out his mouth when he laughed at Tess' joke.

"About, or do I already know..." Jak raised an eyebrow "Keira?" she asked

Jak nodded "Because I wanted to walk her home and I said she was gorgeous, that bit was only supposed to be in my head, but hey, she is" Jak smiled

"So you and Keira...Daxter still says its destiny, that your each others destiny" Tess said

Jak nodded and took another gulp of beer "I do still have feeling for her, but I choose Ashelin and she helped me a lot, I owe her"

"More than Keira, the girl that's been by your side since you were what six?" Tess asked wiping a glass

Jak smiled "Four actually, since we were old enough to make Samos go red" he smiled at the memory

"Do you want her?" Tess asked bluntly

Jak swallowed "What, I'm with Ashelin?"

"Jak, everyone makes mistakes" she smiled "Now its late and I wanna go to bed, help me get Daxter upstairs".

Jak nodded and finished his beer before gently picking Daxter up and taking him upstairs.

Jak walked tiredly into his room in the palace, suddenly the light next to his bed clicked on, and he saw Ashelin sat in just a satin robe on the bed "What do you want Ashelin, I'm too tired to fight" Jak yawned glaring at her

Ashelin shook her head and got up, the robe only just covering her body "I don't want to fight Jak, I want to apologize, I should understand how protective you are over Keira, like you said she's your oldest friend" she breathed moving closer to him "But I'm your girlfriend and I think it's about time we were together like a couple should be" she purred opening the robe and letting it fall open, revealing her huge naked breasts and flat toned stomach, only a tiny pair of black lacy knickers covered her womanhood, she moved closer to him and ran a hand up his thigh, feeling for the bulge in his jeans, she frowned when she didn't feel anything and looked up at him. Jak took a step back from her and sighed "I'm sorry Ashelin, I'm knackered...and I don't think it's a good idea" he whispered reaching towards her and closing the gown, he smiled apologetically and moved towards the bed.

Ashelin spun around and glared at him, anger in her eyes as she put her hands on her hips "What the hell is wrong with you, why won't you do this with me, do you know what any other guy would give for this?" she demanded

Jak nodded "I know, but they haven't got dark eco running riot in their blood have they, and whose fault is that?" he hissed getting slightly angry "I just want to be sure its safe" Jak tried to explain, of course he knew it was safe, he'd already been told that, but even if he wanted to he just couldn't, he didn't want her, of course he could just pretend she was Keira, but that wasn't fair to Ashelin "I'm sorry" he said again

Ashelin groaned "For gods sake Jak" she yelled and stamped out the room

Jak quickly got up and locked the door. He went back to his bed and sighed tiredly as he closed his eyes and an image of Keira popped up, did he still want to be with her, this afternoon he most certainly did, and this morning, and every god damn minute. Jak wanted Keira, he had to admit it, he loved her and he had to put this right, had to get his destiny back.

First chapter, please let me know what you think. X X X X