Now you get to know who Eggman was so surprised at seeing. A showdown between him and three specific robots, and the Sonic and his friends will be in this chapter.
Disclaimer: All the Sonic characters in this entire story are all owned by Sega.
Chapter 12
"What's up, Eggman. Are you ready for another defeat?" He said it with a cocky grin, a playful spark in his emerald-green eyes. To the right of him were Amy, Knuckles, and Blaze. To the right were Rouge, Shadow, and Silver. Tails' antidote had worked, and they had turned back to normal. And each was now in a fighting pose to defeat Eggman.
"Not so fast, Hedgehog. I have more than one robot up my sleeve," Eggman told him.
At his signal, three robots landed in front of them. It was Metal Sonic, Shadow Android, and Mecha Knuckles.
"These three robots' fighting and abilities have been enhanced to their highest point," Eggman gloated.
Sonic was about to fight them, but he was stopped by Shadow holding on to his arm.
"Don't waste your time with them, Faker," Shadow told him, "Hurry up and defeat Eggman."
Sonic grinned and, using the seven chaos emeralds he and his friends were holding, started his transformation into his Super form. He floated into the air as the chaos emeralds circled around him. His body turned a glowing shade of yellow, with the quills on his head standing up. His eyes went from green to red. He closed his eyes as the emeralds got brighter and brighter, spinning around him faster and faster until they disappeared in a flash of light, disappearing inside Sonic's body. Flying over to where Eggman was who had moved far away from the rest of the group, Sonic got ready to fight.
Meanwhile, Shadow and Silver, who were nearby Shadow Android, were chaos controlled to a room inside the base with a lot of open space. Metal Sonic went around to the back of the base with Blaze and Knuckles chasing after him. Left alone was Amy and Rouge up against Mecha Knuckles.
"Should we help them?" Espio asked as he, Vector, Charmy, and Tails watched Sonic and the rest of their friends go separate ways.
"Nah, they can take care of themselves now," Vector told him.
"Woo hoo! Go everyone!" Charmy cheered.
Shadow and Silver were facing Shadow Android. Shadow Android folded his arms, much like Shadow's own pose, unable to speak. He held his hand palm upwards, moving his four fingers towards himself.
'Come get me,' he was signaling to Shadow.
Shadow ran to punch Shadow Android in the face, but he chaos controlled out of the way, reappearing behind him. Silver then used his telekinesis to levitate some boxes and threw them at Shadow Android, but he kept dodging all of them. He then threw a couple of chaos spears, knocking Shadow and Silver up against a wall. Picking himself up, Silver looked over at Shadow.
"What are we going to do, Shadow?" Silver asked him.
"Keep fighting," Shadow simply said as he resumed attacking.
Blaze and Knuckles were catching up to Metal Sonic when he halted and turned around. Blaze threw a couple of fireballs at Metal, but he just jumped out of the way.
"You two are no match for me," Metal Sonic said while landing.
"That's it!" Knuckles yelled, enraged, while jumping and raising his fist.
Metal spun into a ball and dodged his attack, making Knuckles punch the ground instead. Seeing Metal too fast for Knuckles to land any hits, Blaze shook her head. How are we going to defeat him? She thought to herself.
Amy and Rouge were the only two left to go against Mecha Knuckles. Just like his organic counterpart, Mecha Knuckles immediately started attacking. Amy had summoned her Piko Piko hammer and started swinging it towards him. Seeing her come closer, Mecha made a few computerized noises which sounded to them like a chuckle. He grabbed her hammer and flung both it and her into a nearby pole. Amy slowly got back up from the impact, unhurt, and rushed towards him again, until she felt Rouge put a hand on her shoulder.
"Let me try," Rouge said, having Amy draw back.
Rouge then used her martial arts to fight, but Mecha just countered it with his own moves.
Amy wondered if they were going to be able to beat him.
While all this was going on, Sonic was going head-to-head with Eggman and his giant robot. Eggman swung his robot's fists, but Sonic dodged them.
"Ha! You missed me," he said in a sing-song voice.
"Why you… Try this then!" Eggman yelled at him, holding up a robotic hand and activated a giant laser. The laser lasted for a few seconds, and when it ended Eggman looked in astonishment as Sonic wasn't even fazed by the attack.
"Please, was that you best shot, Eggman?" Sonic taunted.
He continued dodging, though his thoughts wandered to his friends, wondering how they were doing.
Shadow and Silver weren't doing too good with Shadow Android. Silver was running out of things to throw, and Shadow couldn't get close enough to attack. As they fought, Shadow recalled a fight he had with Silver once.
"Silver!" Shadow called over to him, "Use it on him."
Silver, realizing what he was talking about, used his telekinesis on Shadow Android. A light blue aura surrounded Shadow Android, lifting him off the ground and immobilizing him. Shadow Android, with a look of puzzlement on his face, struggled to get free. Shadow then jumped into the air.
"CHAOS BLAST!" he yelled.
His body glowed red with chaos energy and, having enough control so that it wouldn't destroy too much, released it in a big explosion. Shadow Android, caught in the blast, shattered into hundreds of fiery pieces. Only a few charred pieces remained. Shadow and Silver looked at each other.
"Let's go," they said at the same time, moving to where Sonic was.
Metal was proving to be too fast for Blaze or Knuckles. While Knuckles was currently fighting him, Blaze started thinking about where to throw a fireball. She just had to wait for her chance. Metal had jumped out of Knuckles' reach, and had landed onto the ground. Within that second when he was distracted, and both feet were on the ground, Blaze saw her chance and threw a couple of fireballs at his feet. Metal tried to move but couldn't. He looked down to find his robot feet melting and sticking to the ground.
"What is happening?" Metal said with a mixture of confusion and a slight hint of fear.
With Metal unable to dodge, Knuckles managed to hit him. He punched a hole through Metal's robot head. Tearing through the wires that activated him, Metal collapsed in a gooey puddle of his own Metal. From the waist-up he was still solid, with his eyes no longer glowing but had a near black color to it. Having defeated him, there was no reason for Blaze or Knuckles to stay there, so they ran in the direction they saw Sonic fly.
The way Amy and Rouge were trying to beat Mecha, separately, wasn't going to good. Rouge then flew up into the air and was now above Mecha's head. Rouge twisted her body and did a corkscrew kick. Mecha saw her and jumped backwards- right into Amy's hammer. Slammed by Amy's hammer and kicked by Rouge, Mecha had no room to dodge and soon fell to the ground broken up, half-flattened with holes and dents in him. Amy looked at it, then her thoughts led to someone else and her eyes brightened up.
"Come on, Rouge! Let's go find my Sonic!" Amy squealed and went to where Sonic was.
Rouge just sighed and followed her.
Sonic had been fighting against Eggman, and so far Sonic hasn't got hurt. But he wouldn't be able to keep this form, as Super Sonic, forever. If he didn't hurry and defeat Eggman, he will transform back into his normal, blue form and then he'd have no chance of winning.
"Come on, Sonic!"
Sonic looked down and saw his friends. Shadow, Silver, Knuckles, Blaze, Amy, and Rouge were there. Even the Chaotix and Tails came over to cheer him on. Motivated, Sonic flew and, becoming so fast he looked like a streak of light, flew right through Eggman's robot. The robot exploded and Eggman was launched into the sky. Sonic floated back down and turned back into his normal form, the chaos emeralds being scattered in the process. Then they all headed toward Sonic's house to try to have everything explained.
About an hour after their fight with Eggman, they were now sitting in Sonic's living room. Vector was trying to find a way to tell Sonic what happened.
"Well Sonic, Eggman-" Vector started.
"Turned us into toddlers," Sonic said.
"How did you know?" Vector asked.
"We remembered all of it," Sonic explained.
"Unfortunately…" Shadow added.
"Thanks for watching us," Amy said.
"You're welcome. Oh, and sorry about those holes in your wall, Sonic," Vector said.
"Don't worry about it; it's not your fault. And I think I'll settle with that now," Sonic said, walking upstairs.
"Wait up, Sonic! I want to help!" Amy called after him and followed him upstairs.
"Well, guess I should go back to Angel Island," Knuckles said and walked out.
"Guess we should report back to the Commander, huh Shadow?" Rouge said to him.
"You go on ahead, I have… something to drop off at my house," Shadow said, spotting something on the ground and chaos controlling out of the room.
Rouge, knowing what he just took, just shook her head and went outside to go meet GUN.
Silver and Blaze soon followed, going back to their house.
The Chaotix was about to go out, when Tails told them to wait. He soon came back with some rings.
"Here's your pay. 2000 rings for those three days, with 500 rings for that half-day when I first called you," Tails told him.
"Thanks, Tails. Well, we'll be going now," Vector told him as he, Espio, and Charmy left.
When they got back home, they all looked at each other.
"This was all well and fun," Vector stated, "But let's stick to detective work from now on. Agree?"
"Agree," Espio and Charmy said.
How's that for an ending? Everyone's going their own way. Shadow misses Maria, so he took something to remember her by. Only Rouge knew, but she's enough of a friend not to say anything. And the Chaotix are paid after all their hard work taking care of seven toddlers. Thanks for everyone who sent in comments, and those who have read this story.