AN: I only own this FanFiction! This is the LAST CHAPTER! Enjoy!

Chapter 14

Alice jumped in the backseat with me and I grasped her hand. As we pulled out of the parking lot leaving everyone in the dust behind us Alice giggled excitedly. "You're going to have a baby for your birthday," she said, "Fucking Edward still manages to outshine me with gifts even when you aren't talking."

"Jasper can give a mean right hook," I said.

Alice smiled at me. "Sexy wasn't it?" she asked.

"Alice," Carlisle groaned.

"Got it, sorry," Alice laughed.

I giggled myself. We were on the way to the hospital when I had another contraction.

"Oh," I groaned, tightening my grip on Alice's hand.

"Take some deep breaths Bella," Carlisle instructed me, looking at me in the rear view, "Just breathe."

"I'm not ready for this," I groaned, dropping my head back against the head rest.

"Bella, what?" Alice asked me.

"I can't do this," I groaned, "I can't push a watermelon out of my vagina."

"It's a little late for that honey," Alice said, "You're doing it."

I dropped my head on her shoulder and held my breath as the contraction eased up. "Fuck," I groaned, "Never again."

"You'll see Bella," Esme said, "Once you have one child, it's hard to not want more." She smiled sideways at Carlisle who kissed her hand before continuing to drive.

We arrived to the hospital at the same time as Edward and Jasper. Emmett and Rosalie were going back to their house to pick up my hospital bag.

"Page Dr. O'Brien," Edward told the nurse in the Emergency room, "We're going right up to labor and delivery."

"Dr. Cullen?" called a nurse from behind us as we made for the elevator.

"What?" Carlisle, Edward and I all snapped back.

"Bella," said the nurse shyly as Jasper laughed with Alice and Esme.

"Yes?" I groaned as another contraction hit.

"Congratulations," she said softly.

Thirty minutes later, we were all in a large delivery room and I was being helped out of my clothes and into a hospital gown. Dr. O'Brien was at home but she was coming back, but she wouldn't be back for the better part of an hour.

Jasper was sitting well out of the way with a magazine in hand. Alice was helping me change. Esme was sitting anxiously beside Jasper.

Edward was standing with Carlisle as the chief washed his hands and put on a pink delivery gown at a pair of gloves. He was speaking in hushed tones and I didn't really care about what it was about.

"Shit shit shit," I groaned as another contraction started.

"Come on Doctor," the nurse said, leading me to the bed. She and the other nurse helped me onto the bed and they put me on a fetal monitor. "Alright Bella," Carlisle said as they hooked me up to a machine as well, "We're going to check how dilated you are, okay?"

I nodded and Esme and Alice stood to either side of me and held my legs up. Carlisle gently reached up and felt how dilated I was. "Hm. Okay," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"You're only a few centimetres," he said, "Two I think. Has your water broke yet Bella?" he asked me.

"No," I said, gripping Alice's hand tightly.

"Okay, well we can give you some medication if you would like," Carlisle said, glancing at the nurses.

"Yes," I said, "Please."

After 45 minutes, I was trying to be comfortable on the hospital bed. Alice, Rosalie, Esme and Carlisle were hovering around the room. Jasper and Emmett had went to get coffees, but I think they just wanted to leave the room. Edward was alternating between awkwardly standing in the doorway and pacing in the hallway.

Esme was standing beside me, dabbing my face with a cool cloth.

The contractions were often, every ten minutes, but I had only dilated to about five centimetres and my water had yet to break. Dr. O'Brien finally arrived.

"Well well Miss Bella," she said, walking in and going to was her hands and put on gloves. "How are you doing?"

"I've been better," I said weakly, resting a hand on my stomach.

"I can imagine," she said, "Alright, so what have I missed?"

"Contractions are ten minutes apart and getting stronger," I said, "I've been given some IV meds to keep it bearable."

"She's about five centimetres dilated," Carlisle said, "Last that I checked."

Dr. O'Brien nodded. "Any fetal distress noted?" she asked the nurses.

"No, Dr. O'Brien," said Cheryl, one of the nurses.

"And your water?" she asked me.

"Hasn't broken," I said.

"Alright," she said. She looked at my readouts and screwed up her face slightly. "I'm just going to check how dilated you are again," she said.

I nodded and pulled up my legs as she felt around.

"Okay, so you're still at five centimetres," she said nodding. "Are you okay?"

"Just uncomfortable," I said.

She nodded at me. "Are you feeling antsy?" she asked.

"Sort of," I said, "My legs are cramping."

"Well if you wanted to go for a walk down the hall, that's been known to help a little bit with bringing the baby down and helping in dilation," she said, "With your drip and someone to walk with you of course," she said.

I glanced at the doorway where Edward stood leaning against the frame. His arms were crossed over his chest and his gaze was on the floor.

O'Brien caught my gaze and said, "Dad, want to take mom for a quick walk?"

Edward looked up, surprised. He looked at me, then at Dr. O'Brien and then back to me. He nodded jerkily.

Esme and Dr. O'Brien helped me out of bed and made sure the gown was tied up tight enough around me. They put my flip flops on my feet. I wrapped my hand around the IV stand and walked slowly towards Edward. He followed me out of the room.

"Are you in much pain?" he asked as we walked down the hallway slowly.

I shrugged. "It's off and on. Mostly just uncomfortable," I said, "Esme's helping a lot."

"I'm sorry," he said gently.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry," he repeated, "About yelling at you earlier."

"I yelled back," I shrugged, "It's not just your fault."

"Bella, is this baby really mine?" he asked.

I nodded as I rest my hand on my stomach. "It's yours," I said, "I promise. I haven't," I moaned as a contraction hit me. We stopped and I gripped his arm tightly in my hand and squished my eyes shut.

He stepped closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pressed his lips to my forehead as we stood still.

When the contraction passed, I sighed. "I haven't slept with anyone else. Not since high school."

"I'm so sorry Bella," he said as we continued walking again.

"What for?" I asked.

"For doubting you," he said as we turned at the end of the hallway and started walking back, "I shouldn't have. We're married for Christ's sake."

"We haven't been acting married recently," I said, not looking at him.

He caught my wrist and I looked up at him. "Bella, I'm sorry," he said, "I'm sorry that I reacted so poorly about the miscarriage. And I'm sorry if you took that as me blaming you. I didn't. I just didn't know what to say to you to make you feel better."

"I'm sorry for not taking care of myself," I said to him.

"It's okay honey," he said, cupping my chin in his hand tenderly, "But have you been taking care of yourself more recently?"

"Very well," I said, massaging my stomach, "I wasn't going to lose him."

"It's a boy?" Edward asked softly.

"That's what the doctor said," I said, looking up at Edward and smiling despite myself.

"What do you want to name him Bella?" he asked me.

"I'm not sure," I said, "We'll see when we meet him."

"Do you want me in there? When he's being born?" Edward asked.

"Yeah I do," I said after a moment of hesitation.

"Are you sure honey?" he asked.

"100%," I said, "Edward, I know we've had our problems, but I was hoping that we could get back to the old us. I want this baby to have his father and I don't want us to always fight. I can't always fight with you," I said.

"I want nothing more Bella," he said.

I hesitated, looking up at him. "Edward, kiss me?"

He leaned down without a moment's thought and pressed his lips onto mine. He cupped my head in his hand and he dropped his other hand down onto my belly. "I can't believe we're having a baby," he whispered against my lips. He pushed back my hair from my face and then kissed my forehead.

I smiled up at him, wincing in discomfort. "Can we go back?" I asked.

"Yeah absolutely," he said, taking my hand in his tightly and squeezing. "And Bella?"

"Yes Edward?" I asked in a whisper, looking up at him.

"I love you," he said, "So so much."

My heart pounded in my chest. "I love you too Edward," I told him in a whisper, "Now let's have this baby."

AN: THE END! I know it's not the happily ever after some of you wanted, but it leaves the possibility for a second story based on this one if you want it. Let me know in reviews and PM's if you want a second story starting after the baby is born. Thanks for sticking through with this story the whole time. I appreciate everything you have done! =)