BTW first Harry potter story and I don't like Snape at all. And know that I can't tolerate SnapexLily but it was part of the inspiration I had from story, which is why it seems familiar. Please don't hate I love LilyXJames

3 Person P.O.V

Lily opened her eyes to see Severus beside her. She stroked his arm, her heart beating as if it would explode with love for her new husband. Even though they've been married for 2 years they still haven't taken that step to consummate, but Severus understood that.

Since James died, Lily had never felt this way, until she married Severus Snape. Her only regret was that Harry resented Snape. Harry Potter was the boy-who-lived. When James sacrificed his life for him, the killing curse Voldemort had cast was rebounded from Harry's forehead and it had hit Voldemort himself. Lily had not been at the spot that fateful night. The night when her little son had became so famous. The day James, her first love, had died. Lily felt hollow for many months, perhaps years even. Then, her best friend, Leona Abbott had encouraged her to date again. Lily had been hesitant at first. But when she met Severus Snape, she felt that her hesitation was all gone. Snape was indeed a sweetheart. He looked really handsome when he washed his hair and put on brighter-coloured robes. When she remarried Snape, the hole in her heart was filled with Snape. But somewhere in between Harry wasn't there.

Lily woke up, yawned and went into the bathroom to have a nice, hot shower. She came out of the bathroom clad in a strap-less dress with her hair tied in a pony-tail. She went downstairs to the dining room.

She became very surprised when she saw Harry sit there, eating toast he had made himself. Lily went up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Why so early, Harry?" Harry looked up. His eyes were red and his face betrayed his tiredness, shrugged off Lily's hand and glared at her, 'Why should I tell you, Mrs. Lily Potter?" Lily gasped, her heart racing.

Harry sounded as if she was the person Harry hated the most in the whole wide world. "Wh... what... you... me...mean? And I am notLily Potter anymore, I am Lily Snape. You are Harry Snape." Lily said, sitting down at the dining table.

Harry exploded.

He stood up and glared icily at Lily. "I will never be a Snape, you destroyed dad's last memory by marrying his enemy, HIS ENEMY!" Tears were now flowing down Harry's eyes. "You knew I didn't like him-" Lily tried to protest because she knew what was coming next. But Harry continued. "You didn't care though did you. You love Snape more than you love ….MUDBLOOD!"

Lily was now freely sobbing, her heart was shattered. Her baby boy hated her and she knew she was the cause. No matter how much she knew Harry despised Snape she went beside her son's wishes and married him.

"What did you say boy!" Severus Snape came down the stairs his hand raised and toward the eight-year-old boy. Snape slapped his palm against Harry's face sending him flying against the kitchen table. The blow of the hit left and angry red welt ,but the collision that shattered two teeth, bruised face, and blood out of his mouth.

Lily stood in shock at what she had just witnessed. She knew Snape disliked her son as much as her son disliked Snape, but she never thought. No. Lily gasped and held her hands to her mouth.

"I'm guessing you didn't know that he hit me did you" Harry's soft voice sounded throughout the room.

"Silence boy" Snape said getting ready to charge the eight year old again.

"I was going to give you a choice and let you decide between him or me, but I think we've played that game many times before right mummy." Harry's bloody smile pierced her heart. She knew he was talking about the many times he's asked her to run away from Snape, all of which she denied. Harry pulled out a gun from his pants and aimed it at his heart.

Lily P.O.V

I didn't know what to do. More heart was breaking more and more with the sight before my eyes. I loved Severus and he… I had no idea what he did to my precious baby. What else has he done to my child that I never saw was hurting inside and out? How could I have never noticed?

I look back and think of the times that Harry would come out of the closet limping with Severus following right after. I ignored it because Severus filled the pain that was in my heart after losing the husband I still loved. I couldn't stop the tears from falling, the sobs wracking my body, and pain engulfing my heart.

I looked at Harry who was smiling directly at me with blood dripping out of his mouth and he said "I was going to give you a choice and let you decide between him or me, but I think we've played that game many times before right mummy." I knew he was talking of all the time he's asked to run away and leave Snape. Right then and there Harry pulled out a muggle gun and aimed it at his heart.

"You suffered in the heart, right mummy"

The gun safety was released.

"It hurt like a bullet to the heart when daddy died, right mummy"

The trigger was slowly pulled back.

"Now I will feel the pain you were feeling, so that you can then feel pain I had"

The trigger was pulled back all the way.

"Nooooooo!" I stood and ran to my son before the trigger was completely pulled. I would NOT lose my baby. Jumping from where I was I tackled him.

And yet there was blood everywhere. Blood that was not Lily's but Harry's scattered across the floor.

A/N: Tell me if I should finish this and I will.