It felt like a million years until Kim finally reached the dance floor.

She was grateful that she wasn't wearing a long dress because the crowd was vicious when you tried to take away their precious time to dance or better yet grind with each other.

Once she was near the middle, where Romeo was standing, she fell for him.


Everyone bumped and shoved and she ended up landing perfectly in his arms. He looked down at her and she seemed breathless. Once she could stand up straight, a slow song commenced. Thankfully that meant that everyone had to act civilized.

Unfortunately that meant that the winner of the worst dancer award got to dance with the most beautiful boy in the room.


Very slowly, he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"I'm guessing you're okay." He whispered in her ear and she shivered. Who knew Romeo would be so…intimate and…desirable?

"Uh, um…mhm." She nodded, her whole body shaking from such close contact. Kim felt him grin as his lips were pressed to her forehead.

"Did this costume fit your description?" He asked and Kim smiled up at him.

"Better than I ever imagined. I can't believe you're really here." Kim said incredulously now that she found her voice.

"Me neither. I've waited so long to…be with you."

Kim stiffened. Be with me? Did that imply…?

"Be with me? As in…?"

"Relationship. That is, if you want to."

The question that has haunted me since I 'met' Romeo. If he really meant all the things he told me as much as I meant the stuff I said back. I could forget all about…Jack. I could start over with someone that doesn't manipulate me but truly cares for me.

That is all I ever wanted. Jack has no part of my heart, that will soon belong to Romeo.

I'm sure of it.

"I do want to."

He grinned, "That-That's great. I just have one thing to ask."

"Anything." Kim snuggled against his chest as they continued to sway to the music.

"You have to promise me, that once you find out who I am, nothing will change. This very moment where I am with the girl I love, staring at her and she's looking at me the same way; that moment won't change once it's midnight."

"Is that the time we're supposed to take it off?"

"Well, I just thought that if we're going with the disguises like Cinderella, might as well honor her by taking off our own masks off and revealing who we truly are."

Kim laughed softly, her hands playing with his bow tie, "I never imagined you to be so…poetic."

"I'm glad I impress you. In case I forget to mention this later while we're…doing things, you look absolutely lovely this evening Anonymous."

She lifted her head, blushing at how cutely arrogant he was. When her pen name was finally spoken out loud, it did sound kind of ridiculous.

"As do you, Romeo. You know the curiosity has been killing me. I've been dying to know who you are."

"Are you asking me for a hint? Why, I've never been so insulted, Anonymous," He touched his hand to his heart, feigning pain.

"No. I just-well, you're not Todd, right?"

"Doesn't Todd have a boyfriend?"

"Did everyone know about that but me?"

"Most likely. But you'll be happy to know that Todd is very happy."

"That's good. By the way, what did you mean by us doing things?" Kim asked curiously though she felt she already knew the answer to that.

"I don't know. What did you think I meant? What could two hormonal teenagers that clearly attracted to one another do…all by themselves."

Kim gasped, putting out in the open made the thought even more embarrassing.

"You're such a perv." Kim hit his chest playfully.

"I was gonna say play Scrabble. I am the master at that game after all."

"Pretty cocky for someone so deep and charismatic. I guess I can cross plenty of guys off the list."

"If you're so sure, take a guess before the moment of truth comes. Hurry it up; it's 11:58."

"Alright. John?"

"Perry? Nope."

"I thought there would be a sort of soft-hearted football jock like in that Hilary Duff movie."

"I'm not really a jock."

"Okay well, then that's like half the school." Kim joked as Jack bent his head down. They were now face to face and Kim could do nothing but stare at his lips. They were too tempting.

"11:59." Everything about this moment felt familiar. Except there was no room full of students and there were no masks blocking the identity of the person Kim was across from.

Kim's hand went from Romeo's bowtie to her mask and she slowly lifted it off her face.

"Kim." He said but he didn't sound surprised.

"You knew? H-How did you know that it was me?" She said, trying to wrap her head around the fact that everything she was telling her penpal, every single thing…he knew exactly who it was coming from.

Instead of answering, he pressed his lips against hers. It was almost desperate how hard he kissed her, trying to grasp every moment of it. She knitted her fingers in his hair which had been gelled back and kissed back just as roughly.

Then it all hit her at once.

The familiarity of everything that was happening. The reason why she felt like she knew Romeo the moment he walked into the gym. The way he sweet talked her and the look on his face once she removed her mask.

Only one person could be able to pull all of this off.

Kim pulled back immediately, anger surging through her as she pulled Romeo's mask off his head.

Oh, how she wished she'd been wrong.

A hand came to catch the horrified gasp that threatened to escape her lips as well as the tears that were welling up.


"Kim, you promised that nothing would change after this."

She just shook her head as the tears came anyway. People were starting to look and she didn't feel like being the talk of the school. Kim made her way towards the door, guaranteeing that he was going to follow her.

"How could you?! After everything you put me through. You decide to play this awful joke on me? Why? What did I ever do to you to deserve this? Was it Ricky? Actually, that isn't even a good enough reason to pull half the things you pulled."

"Kim, I love you. I am in love with you. Please I didn't even know it was you until…"

"Until what, Jack?!"

"Until I saw the necklace on you that night. In the dojo. I thought that I was finding someone I could have a relationship with. Someone that I didn't have to lie to. Someone to start over with and the girl that I fell in love with just so happened to be you."

"That is such a load of crap."

"Please believe me, Kim. I would never do anything to hurt you. I had to go through all this trouble just so you wouldn't hate me. I can't stand the thought of you not being close to me."

"You can't even imagine how much I want to believe you. You don't know how much I would love to forget all of this even happened. The bet. The penpal thing. The amnesia act. You don't know how much I want to just jump into your arms and kiss you. But the thing is, I can't forget it. I can't forget any of the horrible things you did. I love you, Jack. But I don't know if I can do this anymore."

"Do what?"

"Love you. Be near you. It just hurts too much."

"I know," Kim sat on the grass outside, not caring about her dress any longer. Jack sat down right next to her.

"I don't know what to do about it though. I thought that going Japan would be a great way to rid you of my life but that didn't go so well. I even had warm milk with Rudy." Kim said, smiling slightly at the thought. A weight felt like it was lifted from her shoulders getting all of this off her chest, so much so that Jack's presence didn't seem to irritate her.

She was all angered out.

"I think it might rain." Jack said to himself.

"That's good. Makes a good excuse as to why I'll be late to get home. Even though I'm tired. Mostly of fighting with you." Kim said softly.


"So what do we do now?" Jack asked facing her. Kim bit her lip and sighed.

"What is there to do?"

A glint of mischief flashed in Jack's eyes as he sat up and kissed her. It was more of a feather light kiss but it didn't stop the glorious feeling of happiness go all the way down to her toes. He parted his lips, Kim doing the same, their lips moving in sync.

As Jack seemed to be straddling her, Kim flipped them so she was now on top of him. She pulled back before he got any other ideas and stared at him as tears burned her eyes once more.

"Did you really mean what you said? About…being in love with me? Because I swear it, Jack Brewer if this is just another bet, another game I swear it, I will murder you."

Jack rose up, so now Kim was sitting on his lap and pushed Kim's hair behind her ear, "I meant every single word." He kissed the tip of her nose.

"You swear?"

"I promise."

Kim let out a breath of relief before hitting Jack's arm.

"Ow!" He yelped, "What was that for?"

"For pretending to be my penpal and then making me think I'm Bella Swan, because I had to choose between you and Romeo. Who the hell gave you the impression that this all was a good idea anyway?"

Jack merely grinned and pecked her lips once again. Savoring the moment that he had his girlfriend back. The girl he'd fallen in love with when he was six. Though her bickering didn't stop, Jack found a successful way to silence her. ;)

Author's Notes: THIS IS IT! The final chapter! I decided instead of dragging this story on longer, I wanted to make everything crystal clear now. They had a happy ending and though I've received requests for sequel to Letters to Romeo, I know that making one would just be dragging on a story that already had an ending.

But if your Kick feels are not satisfied, you can go read my Kick story, Here I Lie. Chapter Nine has an extra fluffy ending too .

Wish you all the best xx

Over and out.


p.s. guess which book is #12 on the most reviews list?

THIS ONE! Thank you to everyone who takes the time to follow and favorite

And especially to those to review!

p.s. if any of you want to take the time to look at the first letter of each chapter starting from chapter 10 to chapter 20, i did a little secret message ;)

See you real soon! (Mickey Mouse reference)