A/N: Hey guys, this is my first fanfiction so sorry if it's terrible. I got this idea in my head and thought why not have a go at writing a fanfiction. Please leave a you enjoy.

Chapter 1

The wind swept through her long black hair, the cold violently hitting her bar arms as she gazes down the road wondering what lay ahead. She stood on the outskirts of the little town Beacon hills. It's been six years since she left, well since she stumbled down the road with burns covering her body. Six years since that old couple picked her up with their eyes filled with worry. "You poor dear. Where your parents? Where did you get those burns? What happened sweetie?"

She didn't know. They took her to a town only an hour from Beacon hills, and for the next two months that's what it was like, just question after question.

"Where are you from?"

"Where is your Family?"

"Do you remember what happened dear?"

She didn't remember, her mind was blank and after each question they'd look at her with sympathy and understanding. They didn't understand how could they? They didn't have to live their life with only two pieces of information. Her name was Alyssa and she was a werewolf. That's all she remembered, not even a fucking last name. For four years she was stuck in a foster home, she hated it. She hated what they did to her. She tried and tried to remember but she never did. They turned her cold and hard, she didn't show emotion. She didn't know how to feel, but she never gave up.

When she turned eighteen she moved out of the foster home, she was glad to see the back of it. The look on that bastards face when she walked out that door with not even a thank you or goodbye, just a middle finger. She moved into a shitty apartment that she could barely afford. That's what she gets for working as a waitress in a greasy rundown café. Some months she didn't have enough to pay the rent because she had to pay for her car which was actually decent and with some worked could be a beauty she just didn't have the money, but her landlord was a sleazy lonely man and she was an attractive young girl with her curved body and green eyes that could mesmerize. Every month she'd pay the rent one way or another, she wasn't proud of herself and after every 'payment' she'd curl onto her mattress but she'd never cry she didn't have the ability to cry.

Two years that went on for until the day of her twentieth birthday, which was when everything changed. She was on her way back to the apartment (she couldn't call it home that would imply she belonged there) She was mentally preparing herself for the night ahead, it was that time of month and even though she can control the change she likes to be safe so she locks herself in and blacks out the windows so no one can see in. she was walking down the street when a strong burning smell filled her nose, she didn't know why but she was drawn to the smell. She staggered to a Holt with the scene that confronted her. It was a house, beautiful and majestic, a house you could imagine a loving family living in. It was surrounded by glorious flames, there was firefighters scattered around the house trying to control the beast as they enclosed the house. A familiar ache shot through her body which she couldn't explain. It was when she heard the piercing scream of a little girl shouting "mummy" that brought her crashing to her knees and memories bombarded her mind.


The fire, the screams! "Mummy" she screamed when her mother told her to run. "Go honey, save yourself I need to find your father" "I can't leave without you mum" she coughed. "Yes you can, there's sill chance for you baby, and I love you so much don't ever forget that. I need to try get the rest of the children out I can't do that knowing your still here. Please baby for me save yourself" she hugged her mother knowing it was the last time, they finally separated and her mother ran further into the house .she ran to the back door, she managed to pry it open when a wooden beam attacked her head with so much force it would have killed a human but she wasn't human it simply knocked her unconscious. She woke to the sound of strangled coughs, she didn't realize where hers. "MUM? DAD? She cried through tears. "Alyssa? Go save yourself" she heard someone mumbled, the voice sounded familiar but she didn't know who it was, she didn't know where she was. She was in a burning house, she took the advice of the voice and she ran and ran, from where she didn't know.

"Sweetie are you okay?" a sweet voice dragged her from her memories; she looked up into the soft face of a woman dressed in a fire uniform.

"Yes ma'am, I just remembered something" she mumbled softly. She vaguely remembers dragging herself to her feet, she vaguely remembers running to her apartment and packing a duffel bag of her shit. She left the key on the counter and ran to her car and began her drive to Beacon hills.

Leaning against her car she debates whether to continue or just drive back to her fucked up life. She remembers everything now, that's why she's here because that day didn't kill all her family she remembers her older brother and sister were at school. She would have been to but she convinced her mum to let her stay off and help bake cookies. They weren't in the fire that destroyed their home, their life. They were hopefully still alive, she had to know. She got back in her car and continued her drive into Beacon hills in search of a cheap motel. She would visit the house tomorrow, her home. She would start looking for her siblings and she will find them even if it kills her. Alyssa Hale never gives up.