If it weren't for the dire situation, Sakura would have laughed at how comical Shintaro's face was. His jaw to the floor and his eyes wide open, he looked like a wax figurine for a moment. Yumi on the other hand was more composed, although it was quite clear that she was taken aback as well.

Naruto let out a low chuckle. "When will you guys understand" he asked, "to never underestimate Konoha."

And with that a swift blow was delivered to Shintaro's face.

Sakura at this time had gotten over herself, and had already freed her hands, so as Yumi stared at Shintaro's body slumped over on the wall across from her, Sakura made it a point to quickly send her to the spot next to him.

However, as soon as Sakura did so, a wave of dizziness washed over her body, and she found herself having to catch her balance. Her chakra hadn't been completely replenished. Not even close, but this wasn't the time to be bothered with that. Naruto needed her. And she would be there for him, this time, like she couldn't all the others.

She watched as Naruto went up to Shintaro, and picked him up by his neck, and slammed him against the wall.

He leaned into his ear and whispered something, which Sakura didn't exactly catch. But through the corner of her eye, she saw Yumi moving as though she wanted to do something. Sakura wasn't going to let that happen.

Sakura stabilized herself, but unfortunately, Naruto, even in his state noticed that she wasn't completely well. However, before he could do anything, Sakura walked up to Yumi, who at this point was getting back to her feet.

Sakura grabbed a fistful of her hair, and pulled her face in really close, and looked her straight in the eye.

"People's feelings are not meant to be played with." She bashed her head against the wall, and laughed almost sadistically as a trickle of blood ran down her temple.

"Especially special people. Special people like Naruto." And she slammed her head against the wall harder.

Sakura was going in for a third time, when she felt a warm hand on her wrist.

She felt the anger seep out of her, and she realized just how much energy her hatred towards this bitch had taken up.

She fell back into Naruto's arms, who by now had went back to his previous self. That was all Sakura could remember, because after that she once again faded into a world of darkness.

Her last two thoughts that she could remember were that Naruto smelled really nice, and she seriously had to stop blacking out.


Sakura and Naruto were walking down the bustling streets of Konoha, and she had a smile on her face that stretched over her teeth. Hand in hand, they talked and laughed with animated gestures. It was everything she had wanted, and it was everything she could possibly have asked for.

Sakura smiled at all the passer byers but all she could really think about was how perfectly their hands fit together. The sun was out and shining down on everyone graciously, however there was a slight breeze in the air, which Sakura noticed, tousled Naruto's hair as he laughed.

Everything was finally perfect.

Something she could never have imagined a week ago, when she had awoken in the Konoha hospital.

Her first question as soon as she sat up in the white bed was what happened to Naruto. She was about to beat the crap out of the nurse who was attending to her, who kept referring to her as "Sakura-sama" and refused to give her answers, or let her out of bed, but thankfully Kakashi-Sensei showed up.

He put a comforting hand on her shoulder, and with a bit of force, made her lie down again.

"He's fine. Ill let you talk to him as soon as he wakes up again."

And with those words, Sakura visibly relaxed.

"Wh-What happened anyway?" she asked, recalling the events that she could.

"Well, those two spies from Suna as they claimed, are now in custody. Naruto and you did a real number on them, but Tsunade-Sama spoke…or more like screamed at the council, to let you two off the hook, as it was in self defense."

"…oh, I gotta thank her for that"

"We found you lying in a corner, and Naruto was next to you. Both of you were soaked in blood, but we later found out that wasn't you guys. At the time we were so worried though. I personally ran you over here as fast I could. Kami-sama, you guys need to stop scaring me. My old heart cant take it anymore."

Sakura laughed, and lightly punched him in the shoulder.

"Sensei, stop. Don't say things like that."

"Actually, You cant call me your sensei anymore."


"This little incident, landed you and Naruto back in the bingo book, except this time, you guys are higher than me."

Sakura's eyes widened, and her jaw basically fell to the ground.


"Its true, you can see for yourself once you are out of here."

Sakura grabbed the pillow from behind her, buried her face in it and let out a squeal.

"You are the first person I have met that is happy to have their name higher on a hit list…" Kakashi said as he let out a chuckle.

Sakura simply looked up and grinned so hard, her eyes squinted shut in an adorable manner. So adorable that Kakashi couldn't help but to ruffle her hair.

Thinking back on the moment now, it was the cutest moment she had shared with her Sensei.

Soon after that moment, Naruto had been wheeled into her room, and the two of them stared at each other speechlessly.

No words were needed though. Because their eyes did all the talking. From then on, it was obvious the two were official, and basically inseparable.

Suddenly, Sakura remembered something.

"When we were at that warehouse, and you were fighting Shintaro, you leaned in and whispered something…what was it?"

Naruto looked down at the ground pensively, while trying to remember. He then turned to her, and motioned her closer with a finger.

Sakura got on her tip toes and turned to give her ear to his mouth.

"She was too hot for you anyway asshole." Sakura laughingly pushed him away.

"No, really, tell me" she half whined, half begged.

He put up a finger to his lip and shook his head, then he turned around and ran, bumping into a few people as he did.

Sakura ran after him.

And soon they found themselves in the clearing of the woods, the one near the border of the Konoha. The place where they had shared their first kiss, although both doubted the other one remembered.

"Tell me." She said slightly out of breath.

He grabbed her by the waist and put his mouth near her ear again.

"I always knew I could love her more than you. She's mine. Remember that."

Sakura's eyes widened at his choice of words.

'I could love her more.'

'love her.'


Before Sakura could fully process it, and make sense of what he had just said, he turned her around a bit more, and kissed her. Fully on the lips.

It took a second, but soon Sakura gave in.

He pulled away after.

"Hey would you look at that, Naruto finally made the first move." Sakura giggled.

"Shut up" he muttered with a smile, and pulled her in for another kiss.

"I love you too" she mumbled on his lips.

And she felt his grip tighten around her.

The only other thing she could feel was the cherry blossom resting on her collarbone, and she couldn't ask for anything else.


Wow. You are all allowed to hate me for taking so long to up date this, but I swear my writers block, had reached a new level of pathetic-ness xD

Anyway, I hope you guys liked it. Writing this has been a real journey, and I hope you guys come back for more of my stories. :D

Also, if you have any suggestions for future stories, just send them to me. Or if you want to be my beta reader…or anything for that matter. Just let me know.