Hello, dear readers of the world! I decided to go back to third person with this story, just because I feel more comfortable with it. Just to make sure you understand, this story takes place a year after the end of the TMNT 2007 movie. By this time, Raph, Leo, and Don know about the secret behind the Nightwatcher, and Mikey is still unaware that it was his own brother Raph in the suit.

Hope you all enjoy, and please review to tell me what you think! Thank you very much.

It wasn't an understatement to say that Mikey was going insane with unadulterated joy. He was practically bouncing off of the walls, laughing and cheering at the TV. And like always, Raph, Leo, and Don reluctantly left their exercise and studies to find out what had happened this time. Raph especially hoped it had nothing to do with comics. Or movies. He didn't feel like waiting in line for anything—more so for Mikey. With an annoyed sigh, Don watched as his brother continued to jump around like a lunatic. "This better be good," he said, putting his hands on his hips.

Leo tried to get Mikey to settle down, but Mikey darted out of his reach. He narrowed his eyes. "Mikey, please don't tell me you've been sneaking candy bars into your room again. The last thing you need is a sugar high."

Mikey shook his head excitedly. "You guys, look at the TV!" He pointed over enthusiastically. "You won't believe this!"

Raph snorted as he recognized the channel. "I didn't know ya watched the news. Sure ya can understand it?"

"Shhhhhh," Mikey shushed Raph loudly, putting a finger to his lips. "Just listen!"

The four brothers paid close attention as the news reporter gestured to a blurry picture on screen and droned on "…and here you can see another picture of this once completely mysterious vigilante. This is all the proof our city needs to know that 'The Nightwatcher' has reemerged from his disappearance. Stay tuned for the inside scoop when we come back…"

Mikey anticipated a reaction similar his, maybe smaller in scale—but all his brothers did was stand in front of the TV, dumbfounded. "Isn't this awesome? He's been gone for a little over a year, but there've been a bunch of recent reports that he's started right back up again." Mikey smiled even wider, putting a hand on Raph's shoulder. "Maybe we can meet him this time!"

Suddenly, Raph gave Mikey a rough shove. "Ya idiot, this isn't the Nightwatcher!"

Mikey frowned at Raph's totally unexpected reaction. "What? What in the world are you saying?"

"Ya seriously don' see it?" Raph barked, gripping Mikey hard on the neck. He turned the youngest's head back to the TV where another snapshot of the so-called Nightwatcher was being shown. "See? It's not him!"

Mikey cried out, unsuccessful in wriggling out of his brother's strong hold. "OW! What the heck, Raph?"

"Raph, let him go." Leo separated the two. He put his hand on Mikey to get the turtle's attention. "Look, what Raph is trying to say is that this guy is an imposter."

"Dudes, how do you even know?" Mikey countered heatedly. His brothers were totally rejecting his hero! He turned to Don, the most rational turtle of the family. Surely he'd understand…"Donny, you agree with me, right? I mean, it looks like the same guy in the same outfit doing the exact same thing. How does this not add up to being the same guy?"

"We just know, Mike. You have to trust us on this," Don answered in an even tone.

To Mikey, he sounded pretty angry. His purple-banded brother's hard stare suggested that even he wasn't in the mood to hear any of it. But that didn't discourage Mikey from trying to convince him otherwise. "Come on, he can't be an imposter. Why would anyone want to pose as him anyway? "

Raph growled. "Probably some sick guy with a freakin' twisted mind."

"Hey, watch what you say," Leo instructed sharply.

Don reached forward to click to TV off and turned to Leo and Raph. "We've got to find this person. They can't be allowed to just freely roam the streets as the Nightwatcher."

Mikey couldn't believe his ears. "Hey guys, I still don't think you're getting it—"

"—We get that there is a fraud out there who is using the Nightwatcher's status to get what they want," Leo interrupted.

"You are all acting really weird." Mikey stared pleadingly at Raph, Leo, and Don. "What aren't you telling me, bros?"

"Mikey, we keep tellin' ya he's a phony. Just get that through yer thick skull!" Raph snapped.

"No, I won't believe you!" shouted Mikey in return.

Don raised his voice over the youngest, "He doesn't exist anymore! Someone who shows out of the blue after a year—"

"—He does exist!"

"Mikey, calm down and listen to Raph and Don!"

"No, you calm down!" Mikey cried. He hurled the TV remote in his hand at Leo's chest and it bounced off with a loud 'thunk'. The youngest watched as remote hit the ground and the back panel came off, spilling the AA batteries across on the floor. He couldn't look at his brothers anymore, feeling guilty for shouting so much but also angry for being yelled back at. Still panting from the uproar, he twisted around and made his way out of the lair. None of his brothers said anything to stop him, so he answered their silence by slamming the large door shut.

After a couple hours of wandering around the city, Mikey finally stopped to perch on the highest spot of a tall business building. He watched sullenly as a flock of pigeons flew by, his eyes following as one dived down and sat on one of the many satellite wires just a few feet above him. Mikey giggled in spite of his melancholy mood. "Wish I could be like you," he found himself whispering to the bird. "I've always wanted to fly. Like one of those superheroes, you know?" He turned his head back to the view of the city, shining and full of movement even at this late of an hour. "I could just fly away right now…" Mikey sighed.

Suddenly, as a strong gust of wind rushed through, the pigeon flapped its wings in surprise and took to the air, leaving Mikey behind.

"Wait!" Mikey cried, reaching out. "I still haven't finished talking with you yet!"

The turtle almost tripped over his own feet as he dashed after the bird. He looked up into the clear, night sky as he gave an impressive chase to his new feathered friend. "You should hear the story of how I became Battle Nexus Champion!" Mikey shouted to the pigeon excitedly, knowing full well that what he was doing was bordering on insanity. "Or what happened to me last Christmas!"

He leaped across buildings and sprinted past roof after roof until he couldn't go any further. Mikey panted heavily at the last tall building's edge and watched the pigeon soar away in the distance. He smiled widely as he wiped the sweat from his forehead, his adrenaline rush winding down. Finally, the orange-banded turtle was in much higher spirits. Mikey remained motionless for a few more moments before deciding that it was about time he headed home. The fight didn't matter anymore—Mikey knew it shouldn't have been such a big deal in the first place. Still, it made him mad when his brothers ganged up on him. It was them who overreacted first, right? Mikey shook his head, telling himself to let it go. More importantly, he needed to think of something yummy to bring home. After all, nothing said 'Let's forget about it' like a good old pie from the local bakery on 2nd Street. Or cake. Cake was always—

Without warning, Mikey caught the fleeting vibration of movement behind him and instinctively dove into the shadows, cutting off his thoughts. Mikey stayed deathly silent and strained to hear the sound of footsteps. Mikey prayed that whoever they belonged to hadn't seen him, and then wondered why anyone would be on a roof in the middle of New York City anyway. After waiting for five minutes, Mikey was starting to get annoyed. The suspicious person in question was still there. Now Mikey couldn't hold his curiosity back anymore…Who were they? And what the heck were they doing up here? He had to see who it was. Slowly, carefully, Mikey leaned away from his hiding place to catch a glimpse.

And then his jaw dropped. The suspect was wearing a unique thick leather suit, with those metal plates, a helmet that was easily recognizable to the citizens of New York City—it was the Nightwatcher! Mikey could barely keep his breathing in check. He couldn't believe it. All that talk about the Nightwatcher not existing, about it all being a hoax—and here he was, in the flesh! Mikey let out a snort at that, completely forgetting about the situation.

"Who's there?" a deep voice rang out instantly. Mikey shot right back into the shadows and clapped his hands over his mouth. He mentally cursed for revealing himself as the Nightwatcher called out again. "I heard you, whoever you are! Don't think I'm stupid." Mikey could hear heavy footsteps and the hollow sound of metal move toward him. "Come out 'n show yourself!"