Hey everyone! I missed all of you sooo much. My house had to be temporarily with no internet so I am so sorry! Thank you guys so much for the wonderful reviews, I know it's been a while so if you don't remember what happened last please feel free to read back, either way I really hope you enjoy!

Gunther's POV

I sat in my bed. Not really thinking much in particular. There was nothing to think about. What Cece and I did was wrong and we shouldn't have done it; Ty and Tinka didn't deserve it. But I know Ryan is still out there; he's not playing games. He's a psychopath; if we all get back together it's not safe. We can't do it.

Cece knocked my door. I remained seated and waited for her to open it herself. I wasn't trying to be rude; my feet were just glued to the ground.


I could tell she wasn't happy but I refused to order my body to look up at her.

"Gunther Ty knows. He knows everything. He hates me now." She whispered.

"Cece…we…we can't do this anymore." The words flew out.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Cece" I replied looking up into her sad, coffee brown eyes. "You know what I mean." I whispered.

She remained expressionless. No, not really expressionless, more like a bit angry. "You…you mean us?" She said looking down at her feet.

I nodded.

Then I noticed tears forming in her eyes."Why Gunther? Why? Why are you doing this to me?" She cried hysterically. I hated to do this. I hated to this but if I didn't…I just had to keep her and Tinka safe.

"I'm sorry Cece. We're done." I said leaving my own house. Suddenly I wished I was a girl. Girls would just cry in front of who ever and they looked cute. Boys looked stupid if they cried in front of someone. I wish I could just cry everything away. I missed my mom and my dad and everything else Ryan had taken away from me. Then I noticed a small envelope at my feet. It was addressed to me. I gently picked it up. I carefully opened the small white envelope. I wish I hadn't. But I knew it was coming.

Ty's POV

I held on to her hand as if the world would end if I let go. We made our way to my apartment; which was only a few steps away. Without even closing the door we made our way to my couch. I kissed her and thought about all those moments I had missed being without her. We both relaxed after a while. She looked at me and I smiled.

"I love you Ty." She whispered gently in my ear.

"I love you more Tinka." I said going in for another kiss.

Then I remembered. We've really spend most of our time together in our garden. I wasn't used to being with her in my apartment. Ryan had taken away our garden too.

"Tinka." I said gently touching her face.

"Yes Ty." She replied smiling at me.

"I have to tell you something that you probably don't know."

Her smile faded a bit; which disappointed me. "What is it Ty?" She asked a bit concerned.

"I…have to show you."

She nodded in understanding.

I took hold of her hand.

Tinka POV

I thought I'd fear being with Ty after the Ryan thing. I was wrong; I feel safer with him. I believed him when he promised me that he'd never let Ryan hurt me again. He'll keep his word and I know it. I don't want to be scared of Ryan any longer. I won't. He's probably not even in Chicago anyways.

Ty led me down a familiar road. We passed some parents playing with their small children. Two kids lined up on an ice cream truck; eager to get their treats. A sweet brother pushing his baby sister on the swings. Everything seemed so harmless; everything so calm. If only all those children knew how hard life can really be. They don't know what they have until they've lost it.

I recognized every detail of the place where we were heading to. Our place; our garden. I smiled at the thought of the astonishing moments Ty and I had shared in that place. Ty looked rather mournful then agitated that we'd get to spend more time in our little piece of heaven. He didn't stop to look or say anything; he just kept on walking. His hand super glued onto my hand.

Just as I foretold, Ty took me through our secret passage. He led me to our garden. I could wait to see how he had taken care of it all this time.

"Tinka…" He softly spoke as he stopped me merely three feet away from the entrance.

"Yes Ty?" I asked smiling (Attempting to get a smile back from him; he was really scaring me. Would he ask me to marry him?! Oh my goat I'm way too young…I think)

"Tinka I'm sorry." My smile languished instantly.

"For what Ty?" I asked pertained.

"For everything. For everything my messed up ex-friend took away from you. But Tinka I swear on my grave that he will pay for what he did to you…to both of us."

"Ty…its fine. What matters is that we are together now. Forget about what happened back then. Revenge won't do any good."

"Yes it will! He deserves it. You know what they say; an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."

I constrained a smile "They also say an eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind."

He grinned for a split second. "You…you have to see this." He said taking my hand. He gently led me to the garden entrance.

As soon as I took one step in I knew why he wanted to take revenge on what he did to us. Because what he did to us was no joke. He didn't just kill my parents, do horrible things to me and Gunther, and take Ty away from me; he had to go and destroy our place. The only place where we were free from everyone; where we had billions of memories. He really had left us with nothing.

I did my best to stand on my feet and not fall. I couldn't fight my tears. I let them fall freely as Ty held me. I suddenly came into realization of how naïve I was acting. I was crying over a garden. Yes it had been special to us and all; but Ty meant more. A billion times more. And he was there, comforting me. I realized that's all that mattered now. I dried my tears away and met my lips with Ty's.

"I'm sorry Ty…" I whispered to him.

"Sorry? Tinka you don't have to be sorry for anything."

"No…I do. I'm sorry for crying. It was probably way harder for you to lose this place then it is for me."

Ty smiled. "Yes it was. I mean, it's all I had left of the two people I loved the most and lost. But now I have you back. I think my grandma would be happy. We did our best to take care of her garden and what happened was beyond our reach. We couldn't avoid it Tinka, but we have to enjoy the time we have together now."

"Definitely!" I said smiling "But maybe we could try to fix it up again. I mean we sort of did it once, we can do it again."

Ty laughed. "Why not? You know, that's why I love you, you never give up and you always give me some hope; even if there is none."

We kissed once more and then I took along the whole place. It was broken but a little glue could fix it; just like Ty and I had fixed each other's broken hearts, we would fix our broken garden.

Gunther's POV

I was rethinking it over. All of it. Had I done the correct decision letting go of my little cookie. There are some things even Tinka doesn't know about Ryan. Then the knock I had anxiously expected. I fail attempted to dry my hands from all the sweat I had. I carefully opened the door and as clear as the sun, he stood there. Just grinning like an idiot. I wasn't sure what my reaction had to be. I didn't to be sure.

He pushed me passed my apartment and entrance and made himself comfortable in my couch. I always dreaded the first Sunday of every month. It was the time he came. It was really out of my power.

"You have been very bad this past month Gunther, very bad."

"Look I'm sorry. I'm really working on it; I swear." I said in defense. I know he doesn't buy it.

He laughed sarcastically as he pulled out a cigarette from his pocket. "I don't mean that. You know Gunther, I'm not stupid. I know what you and your sister have been up to. You disobeyed me and you will pay for it."

My heart pulse increased "I…you can't keep us away from them forever. It's not fair; I'm doing everything you say. Can't I get something in return?"

"You are; their safety." He said putting the cigar in his mouth.

"Yeah but, look I'm sorry. I broke up with her anyways. It's over. It won't happen again." I said not looking at him any longer.

"Maybe it won't. But Ty and Tinka are having a lot of fun in their burned up garden." he chuckled.

My heart raced again. "You…you were spying on them?"

He laughed. "I'm everywhere Gunther. Ty and Tinka are playing a dangerous game and someone will get hurt."

"No!" I said louder then I had to. "Give me five days, they'll never see each other again, I promise." I said lowering my voice volume with every word.

He smirked evilly. "Four days, and make them count."

I nodded.

"I have to get going. Wouldn't want to be late for my date."

I didn't want to know what 'date' he meant.

I led him out the door and he didn't say much anymore. I'm tired of playing this game with Ryan but what else do I do? I have no choice but to hurt Tinka to keep him from hurting her. There are some things that break and can never be replaced. My sister and Cece are one of those things; so I have to protect them before he really breaks them.

So basically, if you hate my story and where it's going just stop reading. Please don't put negative comments. If you really want to just PM them. As for the rest of you I'm so sorry I've been gone so long. Please forgive me? I 3 you all and please review.