A/N: Not beta'd, doesn't entirely follow the Glee episodes since a lot has changed considering I've established Quinn as a new resident in Lima. This obviously means no bond with the Cheerios, no Beth, no love triangles and bad history between her and Rachel, etc. However, we can assume Quinn went through something similar at her old high school (but with better results). This means she could be a bit OC at times, but while she is the relaxed, nicer version from the end of the last season, she still has enough bite to revert to the Quinn we have seen many times on the show.
Rachel Berry didn't lead the perfect life, but it was a pretty damn good one. It was the beginning of a new year; she was a junior now and was miraculously (finally) dating the quarterback, Finn Hudson. The HBIC Santana and the strange Cheerio Brittany had been marvelous in Glee, despite constantly picking a fight with her. In fact, Rachel was so close to feeling like a regular teenager if it weren't for the nonstop slushies. Turns out just because there were Cheerios in Glee Club and just because she was currently dating the quarterback, it didn't automatically make her untouchable. No one was an exception unless they were a Cheerio or played football, Kurt nonchalantly told her. But the thing was, Rachel was so sure the tormenting would stop if Santana stood out against it since all of the 'cool kids' in Glee club (Puck, Finn, Brittany etc pretty much anyone with an amount of influence) would stand behind her. They were all too comfortable at the top of the social ladder to really make an effort to change it for the less fortunate, such as herself. To conclude, they didn't have a personal problem with how things ran in McKinley High.
She would often wonder why she liked Finn in the first place. He had that boyish smile and comforting presence no doubt, and he could sing, but sometimes she felt she desired him only because she required a boy to fit that perfect image she prepared in her head. And he could do that, with lots of encouragement and willingness to be by her side no matter what. Rachel had high dreams and desperately needed someone who could keep up - it wouldn't be right to slow down, she reasoned – and Finn was the best candidate in Lima, Ohio. She simply hated how her thinking makes her seem so shallow.
Dressed in a short, lovely white polka-dotted navy blue dress, she forewent the knee-high socks and slipped on her favorite loafers. With a beaming smile and bag in hand, she stepped out of the Berry household's security and inhaled a deep breath of crispy autumn mornings. None of them will stand a chance.
Car parked, check. Satisfying schedule, check. Locker found, check. No horrible names and slushies, che –
Rachel held in a gasp at the familiar, ice-cold and uncomfortably wet and sticky sensation of the infamous slushy. Here she thought she had escaped them.
"There's more where that came from, loser!" A few boys bumped past her while sniggering at her expense. The other students, as per usual, unsubtly giggled to their friends or casted short sympathetic glances before resuming down the hallway. After all, this always happened and it's not like they cared anyway.
Rachel swallowed. Briefly closing her eyes, she turned back to the privacy of her locker. She was dimly aware that her grip on her schedule had caused the paper to crinkle, but was more upset at the fact that her dress was ruined and she had stupidly forgotten that a new year at McKinley meant a new bag of spare clothes. What exactly should she do now? Go to the nurse?
"This is unbelievable!" she muttered, angrily shoving text books into the safety of her locker and out of the bag she was sure would get soaked by the end of the day. "My attire is soiled and class hasn't even – " The warning bell for first period rang shrilly, instantly quickening the steps of lagging students. Rachel slammed the locker and spun in the lock, aiming to calm herself. "I can do this. I have Glee…and I have Finn." Nodding to herself, she determinedly made her way to class.
"Hey Rach, where have you been?" Finn threw an arm around her shoulders, greeting her with a wide smile. "Eat lunch with me and the boys?"
As happy and flattered as she was, a trickle of uncertainty swam through her. Then again, it was good to be around someone nice and who generally liked her. "Depends, who are the boys?"
"From the football team. I mean, they're not Glee material," he rushed in, "but they're cool, you know?"
Disheartened at the word 'football,' she hesitantly replied, "That's not a good idea for me, Finn. They like to harass me, remember?"
"They won't do that while I'm there," he reassured. "Besides, it's not like I hang out with Karfosky."
Rachel bit her lip. "Maybe next time. Okay?" She pecked him on the cheek as consolation.
"Alright, but where are you eating? I guess you'll be looking for Kurt."
She brightened at the mentioning of his gay step-brother. "Yes, quite right." Then she deflated when she was reminded of the slushy incident from earlier.
"Uh, Rachel, what are you wearing?"
"Thank you, thank you, Kurt!"
"Wow, I cannot believe Rachel Barbra Berry actually said thank you. Twice!"
She hurriedly pulled up the very nice, form-fitting jeans that Kurt had stashed for emergencies and twisted her way into a white collared shirt.
"Oh here honey, let me." He deftly rolled up the sleeves to just above her elbows, unbuttoned the first three at the top and the last one at the bottom to show off a little midriff. "And since we can't possibly do anything with those shoes," he gave them a mild glare, "I'll have to settle on this." He then proceeded to roughly push his hands through her tame hair to give it a more tousled look.
"Ow! Kurt, I merely requested clothes that are not from the lost and found, not a fashion make-over," she complained.
"Hush, Rachel." He rolled his eyes before carrying on, "This will be sexy enough to keep slushies away from you for the remaining of the day."
She perked up after that. "Really?"
When she returned to her locker at the end of 6th period, she was in disbelief but also giddy to see that Kurt was right! Instead of being met with slushies, she was met with gawks and wolf whistles. It made her blush and fluster at first, especially pleased when she noticed Finn's strained reaction, but now she didn't mind the attention.
What she didn't count on was how the white shirt may have caused a bit too many dirty thoughts, meaning the possibility of another wet shirt except with horny intentions if that made sense. Considering the guy who flung the first slushy was presently towering over her, she resolved to listen or else that same beverage would end up specifically on her chest.
"Since that slushy made you change into these hot clothes," the tall boy gave her a hungry once over, "think I can see through your wet top first before you take it off again?"
Appalled and indignant, she retorted, "There is in no way that will ever happen, and do you know who my boyfriend is?" There was a small pang inside that she couldn't say 'do you know who I am?' because it wouldn't help her situation at all.
"Finn Hudson? Ha, and what's that giant teddy bear gonna do to me?"
She opened her mouth to get it in his head that he would be committing a huge mistake, but then closed it when she realized she didn't honestly know if Finn would do anything. Sure, he comforted her and tried his best to keep her out of harm's way. However, he never prevented any bullying and never threatened anyone to back off. Everyone knew they had a thing last year and today was officially their first time in school as boyfriend and girlfriend, so why was there no proud declaration, no warning to the student body that she was off limits?
She was immediately dreadful when the jock smirked. "That's what I thought." She recognized the fast movement of his hand that would spill the large cup over her once again and instinctively squeezed her eyes shut.
Nothing came.
"What the fuck!"
Startled, her eyes flew open as she took a step back and the sight caused her hands to cover her mouth in shock. The boy was covered in the sugary substance instead of its previous target and it looked like it was all thanks to the girl suddenly beside him. The blond wore a smug grin after all.
"Taste good?" The voice was low, throaty and enticing. "If not, maybe you can try getting a refund." It was obvious she was laughing at him.
"You bitch, what the hell did you do that for?" His jacket was heavily stained and his face still had remnants of leftover slushy.
Rachel curiously looked her over. She was immensely grateful for the rescue, although anxious on how the mysterious girl was going to handle this. Tall, flawless milky skin, with short hair in perfect disarray on top. She was adorned in red shorts and a gray top with the superman logo print. There were circular glasses, like the Beatles, placed upon the bridge of her nose so Rachel couldn't see the girl's whole profile, but she was positive her savior was undeniably pretty. From the looks of it, she was a total badass too.
"Girlfriend? With that loser?" The boy scoffed. "She's with the quarterback."
Rachel blinked. Did I just miss a part of this conversation?
The blond shrugged before dangerously approaching closer, only to casually nudge the boy back with just enough strength as a warning. "If you don't back off, I'll be forced to use the water balloons I filled with the cafeteria's ketchup and mustard. I'm not an artist, but it wouldn't be difficult in the least to paint you into an ugly mess of red and yellow. Would you like to do more laundry today after being drenched in a slushy?" She was both terrifying and beautiful all at once; it was a serious mindfuck.
"Whatever, dyke. School's done and I'm leaving this shithole." He marched off in a fury, feeling chagrined for being bested by a random chick in front of the students still collecting their things before heading home.
Besides the normal clanging of lockers, shuffling of feet, and vague conversations, there was currently some loud whispering – probably about what transpired. Rachel Berry was amazed. This must have set the record for the most dramatic first day of school.
The blond chose that moment to connect their gazes, despite the fact Rachel was staring into the dark lenses of her glasses and not her eyes themselves. "That would have been nasty if he had hit you with the slushy before I saw how uncomfortable you were. Everyone here is awful." She gestured meaningfully around them. "How have you lived here your entire life? They just watched you get cornered."
"It's not that bad," Rachel found herself saying, secretly touched by her concern. The brunette was never a loss for words, so she went straight to the point. "What you did for me, it was… I'd like to formally thank you for that. May I know your name, or should I call you Superwoman?" She nodded at the girl's superman shirt and looked back up eagerly.
"I'm Quinn," the kind blond offered a dainty hand with a ring engraved with roman numerals on one of her fingers. "I'm new to McKinley, as you can probably tell."
Rachel shakily reached out and gently took the girl's hand. "Rachel. Rachel Berry," she said all in one whoosh.
A small smile actually had the petite singer melt a little. "Rachel…" Quinn lifted an eyebrow suggestively and used her hand to pull her into her personal space, driving the surprised Rachel to place her other hand on Quinn's shoulder to steady herself. "How do you feel about being my girlfriend?"
A/N: This will be a slow romance but a very compatible friendship. One, Rachel is dating Finn. Two, Quinn doesn't care.