I wake up starting to realize the world around him is still blurry and existent. My head hurts like hell. So does my arms and ass. My mind tries to retrace whatever the fuck happened last night. I remembered Clyde's party first. That where i was, Next came the alcohol, Then other drugs. The last image was something I wasn't expecting.
I instantly fell into panic. I'm not even gay! I love girls and their tits! I just figure I could move around it for the rest of the day. It was Sunday after all. I sit up in his bed and notice I'm was wearing boxers on my head.
"Fuck." I sigh removing the boxers from my head. I remove the thin blanket and start to investigate. I have bruises up my arms and hickeys down my stomach and bite marks on my neck. I also had bruises on my hips. Well shit. I stand up.
I put on a fresh pair of boxers and some beat up jeans. I add a black shirt and my orange parka. It had become my signature icon since kindergarten. i open my bedroom door and notice the house was quiet. My parents must've left the house because they had fought and needed distance.
I walk over to the front door and opened it planning to head over to Craig's. I'm usually over there come to think of it. I generally don't see eric anymore. We've grown apart as he started to get along with kyle. Maybe i'd go see kyle… and tell him that his best friend pounded my ASS? No thanks. And I need some distance from stan today.
Craig it is. I open the door and walk out shutting the door behind me. I walked past the train tracks and a few streets full of nice houses before landing infront of Craig's door step. I knock on the door and ruby opens it.
"Hey ruby." I smile instead of waving my sore arms.
"Hi kenny." She smiled back. He faced the stairs and yelled "CRAIG YOUR FRIEND IS HERE!" it hurt my head even more. I saw craig walk in with a blanket and a ice pack to his head.
"WHO THE FUCK IS IT!?" he shouted back noticing me. "oh." He mutters as if he almost didn't want to see me, (or anyone) "Hey kenny."
"Hey craig." I get enough courage to wave and flinch.
"Hey man are you okay?" Craig asked. It might seem like Craig's a dick but he cares deep down.
"Just beat up." I smile weakly.
"You hungry? I was about to have breakfast." I nod yes and follow him into the kitchen. Ruby retreated up stairs. Craig poured us both some cheerios.
"Your parents working?" I ask pouring milk into the bowl.
"Yea. They're always busy." Crag was already eating his cereal milk or not.
"I have something I need to tell you." Kenny didn't want to bring this up.
"Oh shit it's bad news huh?" craig asked.
"Oh fuck yes it's bad news." I add. Looking him in the eyes. "Me and stan fucked last night at clyde's party." I frown and tried to eat away the cheerios as fast as possible.
"That is bad news." Craig seemed shocked. A smirk comes across his face. "You bottom'd didn't you?"
Stan's POV
I sip the mug full of coffee. My head was pounding. My mind couldn't get off the fact me and kenny had sex last night. Part of me was proud I was top.
"Good morning stan sweety." Mom came in seeming rather happy.
"Morning." I mutter tired and worn out.
"Are you okay?" She asked concerned.
"Yea. Just up late." I replied. All of our parents thought we were out studying.
"well okay." She replied and went out of the kitchen.
"fuck." I get up from the table and go to get dressed and maybe see kyle.
Kenny's POV
I am so not looking forward to this. Seeing stan. Maybe he was so wasted he can't remember! Yes. Lets pray for that. I was the first one at the bust stop. I notice a dreary stan walk up to me.
"What's up?" he asks turning to face the street.
"My body hurts like fuck." I put my hands in my pockets. "Do you know where kyle and cartman are?" I ask trying to keep up a conversation.
"Kyle and cartman are sick with the stomach flu. Apparently it's going around." Stan shrugged it off.
"Oh, well that's too bad. Guess it's just you and me huh?" I grin.
"Cut the funny shit we had sex Saturday night. You're not gay. I'm not sure if it was the right thing to do." OUCH right where I didn't want to go.
"Not like you could impregnate me. I'm sure it's fine. Let's just forget about it." I try to shake it off.
"Yea you're right." Stan sighed with relief. The bus drove up and we both nodded at eachother, smiled and got on.