Between a Wild Time and a Flat Line

Hunters can have fun too. And since these young hunters are the Winchester brothers, well, what was fun without a bit of spice and chaos?

Be warned. This story contains cross-dressing, a particularly overly smug Deano, embarrassed!Sammy (or should that be Samantha?), randomness and excessive kicking ass. Don't get too overwhelmed now.

Title is from Adam Lambert's 'If I Had You' – "There's a thin line between a wild time and a flat line..." Renaaaaaeeeee ~ that one's for you. :P

A/N: Here we go. xD FIRST OFF. This is a gift-fic for mah bestie, Renae. x) She gave me this prompt, right. A pretty crack-y one, but I think I'll pull it off as at least semi-believable. :P SO. Sam-girls – don't hate me for this. IT WAS HER IDEA! *wide eyes* And, and Dean's! 's all their fault. I merely transferred the story into writing... *pats Sammy on the head* Don't worry Sammy, you're very awesome. And manly. Extremely manly. Very. Macho. *solemn nod*

So, um. I think I've given fair warning. Facepalms galore. So just... don't... ask.. how things happen. And stuff. All will be explained. xD I hope.

Oh yes. HEY REI – I divided it up. So much funner than just a one-shot. xD Plus I had this part done and I was all, "Y'know what, I'm gunna post this up!" Or else you'll probably think I'm never gunna get it done BUT I GOT THIS DONE. Will get to the next bit soon... *snicker* Oh Sammy... I pity you right now, I really do...


Sam Winchester could safely say he had the guts to take on whatever came his way. Maybe he wasn't exactly fearless, or – like Dean – fearlessly reckless sometimes, but he could handle more things than the average 16-year-old.

His pride, though? Well, he was a Winchester, which meant blows to his pride were not taken lightly.

Which, in turn, meant that agreeing to a dare from his brother was something he did before he could stop and consider the possible consequences of what would happen. To be fair, though, he had thought he'd have a fair chance at winning, thus making Dean have to take on his dare instead.

But as such, life wasn't fair - and through some decidedly unfair mistakes on his part...

"I can't believe you missed that, man! It was right there," crowed Dean, grinning all over his stupid face. Sam huffed and jabbed him with his pool cue stick.

"Yeah, but your stupid 4-ball was in the way," he muttered. He wasn't a sore loser, he really wasn't. It was just that, thanks to his aforementioned pride, losing two games out of the three against his brother meant he had to take on whatever dare Dean had in mind.

It was a pride thing.

"And dude, your face, right then?" Dean snickered, setting his own cue stick on the table and leaning on the wall next to it. He shot his brother a faux-hurt look. "You'd think I was gonna make you do something unspeakably horrible for your dare."

"You? Horrible?" Sam scoffed. "Nah, man... I think fucking ridiculous would sum up your dares a bit better."

"You wound me, little brother." Dean put a hand over his chest, shaking his head sadly. "I don't know what I could've done to make you think that, but I assure you, it was all in the name of good fun." He waved away Sam's skeptical snort. "You need your definitions re-evaluated, so I'm not talking about what you classify as fun."

"Dean, you dared me to sing at a restaurant-"

"It was a good song!"

"In front of everyone."

"Aw, Sammy." Dean grinned at him knowingly. "You're not still cut up 'cause what's-her-name, Juliet, saw? Oh, you poor Romeo."

"It's Julia," Sam corrected, rolling his eyes. "Dean. You made me serenade that old waitress who had a grudge against the world."

"Well, it must've made her day."

"No... No, Dean, it really didn't. She threatened to make us - me - pay for holding her up and threw us out before we got our dinner and told us not to go back there."

This time his brother looked wistfully regretful. "Yeah. Damn, that part sucked. And they had awesome pie, too." He threw Sam a begrudging look. "Well, maybe if you could actually sing, she wouldn't have. You'd think years of being around me, you'd have learnt a few tricks. What am I gunna do with ya, Sammy?"

Sam stared at his brother with a bored look, waiting for the theatrics to finish. "You done yet?"

Dean shot him a look. "Jeez, lighten up Grouchy Pants, we haven't even started." He let an evil grin slowly uncurl on his face.

It immediately set off blazing alarms in his brother's mind. Sam backed away a step, eyeing the other Winchester warily. "Why do I get the feeling that whatever you've got in mind is going to make all your other dares combined look like a freaking jog at the beach? I'm not gonna like this..."

"My dares are awesome. It's not my fault you don't appreciate my amazing comedic skills, little brother." Dean smirked at him. He set his cue stick aside and started heading out of the motel games' room, glancing back to make sure Sam was behind him.

"Not my fault your so-called skills are a catastrophe just waiting to explode," said Sam in an annoyed tone. He narrowed his eyes when he realised his brother was going to the car instead of their room. "Where are you going?"

"We," Dean grinned at him over the Impala's hood, "are getting you new clothes."

Sam stared at him, making the older Winchester pause before opening his door and cock an eyebrow his direction.

"Take a picture, Sammy, it'll last longer."

"Why exactly do I need new clothes? What's wrong with my clothes? Dean, what the hell are you thinking?" No, Sam was not panicking. He was just being wary. Extremely cautious. One could never be too careful when their idiot of a brother was wearing that sort of smirk.

"Well," Dean said casually, crossing his arms on top of the black hood and leaning on it. "What I'm thinkin' is – we're running low on cash, right?"

"Yeah?" said Sam slowly, mind pausing at the sudden random subject shift and failing to link it to the situation.

"So. We're heading to the bar tonight," his big brother continued, still wearing that infuriating I'm-enjoying-this-too-much look. "They've got this sort of pool comp going on. Double the cash if you win."

Sam blinked, his confusion evident. "I still don't see what..."

"The guys there would be all the hot-shots of the town, right?" Dean grinned at him. He looked too pleased by what he was going to say for Sam's liking. "They wouldn't be expecting anyone like us to go up against them and win."

"So... what, you want me to hustle pool against them?" That sounded a bit too easy.


Make that a lot too easy.

"What's the catch?" Sam asked cautiously.

"Oh, yeah." Dean waved a hand nonchalantly. "Here's the thing – these guys would underestimate you so much more if they thought you were a chick."

Sam's mind froze. His mouth fell open silently as he gaped at his brother, trying to figure out in what fucking world did this sound like a good idea?

"No. No way," Sam refused adamantly, crossing his arms and glaring at him.

The jerk just smirked back lazily. "Hey, you did agree," he shrugged.

"But that's 'cause- you – dammit," Sam cursed in frustration, throwing his hands up in defeat. "You suck," he grumbled.

Dean's smirk grew into a shit-eating grin. "That the best you can do, Sammy? Or, should I say-" he shot Sam a gleefully sadistic smirk as he pulled his door open; "Samantha."

Sam glowered daggers at him as Dean's laughter followed him into the car.

Catastrophe didn't even begin to cover this.

A/N: :D That's just setting the story up. Next chapter... things get kinda hot. ;)

...Renae, mate, you're paying for the mental scarring writing the next bit will give me. xD

REEEEVIEW! (Rei that means you too. Review. Then call to spaz. xD Seriously.) What do you think is gunna happen? :P Oh yeah, almost forgot – this takes place like almost right after my one-shot called Sneaky Pete – it works for their ages and it was sort of part of Rei's prompt thingy. She wanted that "first time that Dean used the gun was to save his little brother's life" thing to be in this story, plus the whole hustling pool thing. So yeah.

Um, don't have much to say. xP Reviews are love. Sammy is awesome. Dean is kickass.

That is all. *salutes*

