"I'll be waiting for you, Draco...didn't you know that?" He muttered softly, turning away from the blonde for just a moment. "I'll always be waiting...until your ready for me, I suppose." He sighed softly, staring at the blank brick wall.

The pair had been bickering steadly all day long, in classes, the corridors, even the Great Hall. Harry had been trying to escape the blonde by making his way outside to a sitting area. He ran a hand through his still unruly locks, fingertips scrubbing across his hardened, stubbled cheek.

But the lunatic had followed him outside! Rambling on about how he needed to know what the ebony haired "nitwit" was talking about with his cryptic messages and catchphrases all day.

All Harry had mentioned was that he may or may not have feelings for the blonde. Draco, however apparently thought that was enough reason to trollop behind him all day, annoying sneer in tow.

"What in Merlins name are you blubbering on about, Potter?" Draco screeched, his hands piling into his now disheveled blonde locks. He looked beyond livid. He just couldn't understand what the brunette nitwit was going on about.

Harry shrugged, his frail shoulders rolling back as his emerald eyes swept upwards to meet grey. Draco saw him swallow, then visibly pale as he took a deep breath and muttered,

"I'm in love with you..."

Draco felt his jaw slacken just slightly, his hardened facade slipping away."What?" He said softly, his eyes becoming unfocused as he watched the brunette. His heart was suddenly pounding.

"I've clearly been trying to express this to you all day, but you apparenly have thought I was making death threats or something with the way you have been screeching at me." Harry said, turning completly now and peering at him through dark lashes. "I have been in love with you since the war ended. Nearly a year now. I can't believe..." he bit his lip, his voice wavering slightly. "that...that we have been friends this whole time...and you have never noticed...at all." Harry crossed his thin arms, wrapping them around his tapered torso. He felt the backs of his eyelids stinging with unshed tears. He was not going to cry in front of this blonde tyrant.

Draco gaped. "Well how was I supposed to know that? Bloody hell, Harry! It's not as though you've been running around grabbing my arse and calling me baby, have you?"

"Are you really that thick, Malfoy?" He spat, coming closer, the moonlight sweeping over him. "That you think that's how you show attraction to someone?" He scoffed, watching him. "I don't know if that's how Blaise showed you affection, but that's not how it works." He glanced up at him, eyes showing less fire than his stinging words. "All the looks, and the attempts to spend as much time with you as I can...hell, even the offers to do your schoolwork." He shook his head, arms flailing slightly in exasperation. "Draco, I've been trailing after you like a bloody school girl and you haven't had the slightest idea I fancy you?"

"Do you really love...love me?" Draco muttered, still trying to wrap his head around the idea. He couldn't believe that he had Harry so close this entire time, just waiting...waiting for him and he had had no idea. The blonde mentally kicked himself. He moved forward, watching the brunette squirm, his emerald eyes sparkling with tears. Bloody hell, the poor kid was upset...

"Of course, or else I wouldn't be out here making a fool of myself." Harry growled, putting his hands up. "I'm tired of waiting, i'll do everything different...i'll be better to you if I have to...if that's what you need me to do."

Draco simpered, watching the young man raise his hands in defeat. "Why would I need you to do that?" He asked softly, biting his lip and moving closer to Harry, noting how thin the brunette still was, having returned to Hogwarts and its volumes of food. The boy had shrunk even further during the war. Draco had done the same, stress had withered him away. Quidditch had allowed him to regain some muscle, but he was not nearly as virile and well, manly as he had been before the war.

Harry swivled those brilliant green eyes to meet Dracos, emeralds reflecting the moon. "Because obviously i'm doing something wrong...something that's making you not want me back." He said in a pitiful voice.

"Bullocks, Harry..." Draco muttered, moving closer, his hand reaching out to grip the boys thin hip, pulling him towards him until they were almost touching. "I'm really just that thick I guess...I really never knew you fancied me." He muttered, watching those green eyes go wide.

Harry swallowed hard, eyeing the blonde as he was pulled close, warm hands firm on his hips now. "What do you mean...do...do you fancy me too?" He asked on baited breath. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know or not.

Draco smiled, leaning in to nuzzle Harrys neck and ear with his nose. "I fancy you Harry, I guess is what i'm trying to say here." He wrapped his arms around the brunettes tiny waist. He felt him shiver against him, a brief sob issuing from his mouth. Please Merlin, don't be crying, Draco hoped, pulling back to peer at the boy. "Oh thank Merlin, I thought you were bawling, I didn't want to have to kick your ass." He smirked, before kissing him slowly.

Harry felt his heart swell. He felt like a giddy schoolgirl as he wrapped his arms around Dracos neck, leaning into the kiss. He couldn't really believe this was happening. "Did you think I was? I'm not that big of a sissy, I am the saviour of the Wizarding world, you know."

Draco pinched the brunette on the side, grinning at the yelp that followed. "Smart ass." He smirked, moving his hands up to cup his stubbled cheeks. "A smart ass who needs a shave, damn. I can't make out with you until that forest is off." He declared, stepping back.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Well, being that i'm the Saviour of the Wizarding world AND Head Boy...would you like to come to my dorm and make sure I shave to your liking?" He said, grinning wickedly.

The blonde felt his stomach drop to the floor at the Golden Boy's devestatingly sexy grin. "Maybe I'll just have to do that." He said, clasping the boy hand and following him.

A/N: Another chapter tomorrow! Promise! The boyfriend has 14 hour rounds on the surgical floor tomorrow, so NO DISTRACTIONS. Haha. Please review if you read. Your feedback makes me write just a little faster! :P