Hello! Like I said way earlier, this is not a chapter! These are my credits!

First off, thanks to the following people for following the story:





















-PercabethFabinaandCailey4eve r

-Radiant As You






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Next, I'd like to thank the following people for favoriting the story:





-From Anonymous




-Koori Hana







-R5 Rocks smile





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And I also thank all my reviewers, who I will not list, because you can see them yourselves But thank you! I am very happy with this story, I loved writing this one particularly. I haven't started the sequel, because I'm currently writing a Christmas story! So, you'll see the sequel sometime next year!

And also, if you ever want me to read one of your stories, just PM me! I love reading fanfictions, so it wouldn't be a problem! (:
