Well the time has come everyone.

This is the final chapter of 'Reality'

Chapter 24:

I awaken from a peaceful slumber and turn to my side to see Derek beside me.

"Good morning husband" I say Marilyn like

"Morning wife" he says with a kiss to my forehead.

"Derek, Eileen called me the other day and asked me if I was asked it yet. What is it?" Before I could even finish he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I shake it off as we decide to head to the beach today down the hill and spend the day. We pack a picnic and head out within a few hours. The walk is quite long but we keep each other going. We roughly spend the entire day their either swimming, kissing, both and enjoying each other's company. Once it is around sunset my mind comes around what happened this morning.

"So what does Eileen mean?" I say as we lie on the warm sand

"Ok here it goes. On the day you went for your dress I met with Eileen, Linda, Josh, Cameron Mackintosh, John Howell and we were asked to hold auditions for a Broadway revival of "Oliver". We had the idea as Eileen and Cameron's come back to Broadway."

"Ok that sounds great but what does it have to do with me?"

"Well darling we went through hundreds of girls for the role of Nancy and once again my eyes started to bleed. Half of the women I think were there to see if I was actually engaged. After about 2 hours we called it off and had no one. Cameron was not really happy about that and believe me no one was. Then I was playing on my phone and a picture of you popped up-"


"Relax it was from the Tonys' and Eileen happened to see and threw my phone to Cameron and knew who you were and I think it was decided then and there. So Eileen went to you so we didn't look too suspicious, you met the crew at RENT and our wedding so Karen are you interested in playing Nancy in the newest revival of "Oliver!"?"

My heart stops for a second as this was quite a surprise. I thought I would have to audition for my next job but I guess I just have to get used to being asked for jobs. That would mean working with Derek as a director again. Heck I did it last time and looked what happened. Plus I love the story, music, everything.

"Would it make you feel better if it was not me who said yes first but Cameron? Plus he has a fast voice him. Karen we have no one else. I'm asking as a director not as your husband."

"What about My Fair Lady?"

"Well Jerry has some had some issues and he is the last man I can trust now after him almost squealing out on Bombshell." He says as I reflect on the demons Broadway does have. Along with others.

"Derek of course I'm going to do it. Not just because I am your wife but I really need to get back on Broadway. I miss it."

"Thank you love. You won't regret it." He says as we get up and embrace.

Remembering the movie I run from Derek so my toes are touching the edge of the water

"But I've got to go back. I want to go back!" I shout flinging my arms in the air

"Do you want me to come after you there missy?"

"Now don't you take no notice of them, just because you got manners and they ain't!"

"That's it!" Derek says as I turn around and see him running this way and I head into the water which is slowing me down. After trying to run with the current not in my favor one of his arms comes around my stomach and I'm lifted off of the terrain and spun around screaming and laughing and enjoying this moment. Once I am put down my arms go around his neck and his arms go around my waist as our lips meet. The kiss is full of passion and not long after my legs are around his waist still locked in a kiss. The sun setting beats on our faces and once I release from the kiss our heads press together and enjoy the company wishing it would never end. Overlooking the sun comes a giant wave and before long we are washed into it. I feel myself move along with the wave and land on top of Derek as the wave slides from under the shore. He pulls a strand of hair behind my ear and just smiles.

"Let's go before next time we drown." He says as we get up and head back to our little paradise.

We dry off by sitting in front of the fire under blankets like we did in Iowa.


"Yes love?"

"Remember when you said you wanted kids?"

"Of course and I still do Karen don't doubt that."

"No I'm not it's just that if I take Oliver that means it will be at least year before we can even consider starting a family."

Tears begin to swell in my eyes thinking that having a family may never happen to us. I know I'm only 26 but with Broadway the best thing can happen to you then it can be gone in an instant.

"Karen I believe everything happens for a reason and I believe when that time is right we will experience a great family. I'm certain of it. Plus I would be the one who would get in trouble if you got pregnant during Oliver." Derek says with a smirk and laugh.

"Your right when fate decides to bring a little Karen or little Derek into the world it will. Fate brought us together."

"No I think that was me being a womanizer and your beauty."

"But did you ever think you as a womanizer would give up your ways and get married to one of your stars?"

"Marriage bloody hell no. With a star….no. Alone…yes. Well if it weren't for Bombshell this wouldn't have-"

"Ah ah ah Derek you said yourself that I would be at the wedding with Dev and you would be there for Grace and a flame would rekindle so I think we were meant to be."

"Yes Karen it has been meant from the beginning of time. You would change a man's sickening ways and turn him into a loving husband."

With that we share a kiss goodnight and fall asleep.

We ended up staying an extra week with the condition of spending time with Derek's family but we didn't mind. Then it was back to New York facing the press while we were still newlyweds.

"Jessica?" I answer my phone while waiting for my contract for Oliver to come.

"Karen the papers said you were pregnant…"

"No I'm not…yet."

"Sigh* Oh well did you sign it yet?"

"Nope it's coming."

"Don't you think it will be weird working with Derek now that you guys are married?"

"We talked about it and we set a rule…we are married and we can always talk about it at home but if he yells as he does at home about the show…sleeping on the couch."

"That a girl. See you soon."

"Yes soon to be Tony winner."

My old 4-some of friends were each nominated for a Tony for their show along with Ana who is fighting against Sue. Ivy is in an early Houston-Levitt production, Kyle and Jimmy are writing a show together, Sam has a pilot for a dancing show, Veronica is still with her show and Rebecca is doing well. Basically the dysfunctional people we all were at the beginning all grew to be friends.

"Alright dear once this is signed we can get started. Our Oliver is ecstatic to see you." Cameron says as I sign it as the name I love so much:

Karen Wills.

"Ok shall we begin?" I nod. They all head out of the office and I follow behind. I take a breath before I walk in but before I walk in a hand entwines with mine. I look and smile and see it is my husband.

"Oh come on they all know were married." He says with a smile and I kiss him.

"I wouldn't change our love story for anything."

"Neither would I."

With one more kiss we lock ourselves in an embrace and stay lost in love.

Lost in a love that will never die.


A.N. Rate/Review/Favorite and Follow! Please!

Thank you so much to everyone who has read. reviewed, followed & Favorited, It really means a lot to me.

So how did everyone like the Cartwills makeout? I loved it best thing on tv.

And Kyle's death was very sad, had me crying and I like how they did a Johnathon Larson esque tribute...but it was weird because so did I and I wrote it way before the filming of that scene. Not trying to be rude or anything

Then remember when I said 'You guys know how I pre-write my stories and Reality is complete? Anyways, some news just came out that is quite similar to what I was wanting to happen in the story at the end.'

Well that was the rumor going around about 'Oliver' getting a revival with Sam Barks and I thought it was kind of weird since it was what I had planned for Karen. 'Oliver' is a show really close to me and I could see Karen/Katharine singing as her. BUT THEN...last night there was a thing about Laura Osnes (who I absolutely adore)was in 'Oliver' and I was like...are you kidding me SMASH? Again? So I was thinking about changing it briefly but it's my work that I believe in so I kept it and I hope you guys agree with me because I finished 'Reality' before the S2 premier so HitList was not in my books.

In conclusion, thank you all again who have inspired me to write and having a voice on what I write and being open about things. So I hope we get the Cartwills going again on SMASH and a season 3 (fingers crossed) but be honest people...would you read a third part to this series of stories?