I apologize for the awkward spacing. My new laptop doesn't have Microsoft word, so I have to use this wordpad shit that does all this weird stuff. I'm sorry for how long it takes for me to update, school takes up so much time and I never get a chance. But anyway, enjoy!

"You didn't tell them?" Maya asked hurt.
"Didn't tell us what?" Mrs. Saunders said.
"I was just waiting for the right time-" Cam tried to explain
"THE RIGHT TIME?" Maya shouted.
Everyone was talking at once. They were all whinining and yelling and fighting.
"Look," Mr. Matlin shouted, causing everyone to stop talking, "today has been a very confusing and stressful day. Let's all just go home and realize what we want to do from there. Okay?"
"That's a good idea. Come on Cam," Mr. Saunders went over to Cam. Before turning around, he looked over at Maya, who was looking straight down. She had a mix of pure anger and absolute sadness. She felt betrayed and dissapointed. All Cam wanted to do was run up to her and hug her and kiss her and tell her how much he loved her. But he couldn't.
"Maya, come on," Mrs. Matlin said. She turned around and walked to the car, without taking a second look back.
"Let's go Campbell!" Mr. Saunders explained. Cam took sighed and obeyed his fathers orders. He didn't know who was more mad, his parents or Maya.
"Sending you here was supposed to make a responsible young man! And all I see is an immature boy who skips class for some girl-"
"She's not some girl! And I didn't cut school for just her!" Cam interrupted his screaming mom. They were in the kitchen, Cam sitting on a stool as his parents paced in front of him. His billet parents decided to go out, so the Saunders could have a proper discussion with their son.
"Look, Maya is a very sweet girl but-"
"But she is the only reason that I am here!"
"What do you mean, Cam?" Mr. Saunders chimed in.
"When I first got here, I hated it! Everyone depended on me to be the star hockey player, and I got bullied for it. The pressure was so hard, I couldn't take it. Breaking my arm wasn't an accident. I jumped off the catwalk, because I needed a break from hockey. Everything was horrible! I hated it all. And Maya made it better. She got me through everything. She helped me realize what I truly loved about hockey, and she made it so I could actually enjoy the game. When I say I need her, I literally mean I need her; physically and mentally. If it wasn't for her, I'd be back at home with the quitter status and almost no chance at a hockey career. Ever since her, I've been better at hockey, my grades have improved, and I'm happy all the time! She's literally the only reason I actually enjoy being here."
Cam's parents were silent.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Mrs. Saunders said.
"I tried, but you just talked about what a great opportunity it is and how lucky I am, I didn't want to let you down."
"Honey, we are proud of you no matter what!" Mrs. Saunders said.
"It's been a long day, why don't you just go up to your room, we'll talk about this more tomorrow."
Cam just nodded and went upstairs. When he got there he pulled out his phone, thankful his parents didn't take it away. He immediately started dialing Maya's number.


12 missed calls from Cam. You'd think he'd realize Maya was ignoring him, or at least assume her parents took her phone away. But no, the calls just never stopped.
Maya went through a lot of yelling. Her parents told her how infuriated and disappointed they were. But she just sat there listening. All she could think about was the fact that Cam never told his parents they got back together. Was he ashamed of her?
Maya vaguely told her parents what happened when they asked about what Mrs. Saunders was saying about the breakup. She told them how they broke up and got back together, and how she figured Cam never told them they got back together.
Her parents took pity on her then. They sent her to her room when they saw how upset she was. She was also super pissed. She just wanted to know why he kept it a secret, and there was only one way she would figure it out.
"You have one minute," she said answering her phone.
"I swear i was going to tell them I just wanted to wait until they were back home. I figured all they would do is bug us and it was best to just leave them out of our relationship. I'm so sorry I was wrong and selfish and I should have just told them. I love you so much and I promise I will never hurt you like that again please forgive me?" Cam gasped for air. He was talking so fast just in case Maya hung up on him.
She giggled. He was just too cute.
"Does that laugh-which I love so much I might add-indicate you forgive me?"
She stopped laughing, and just sighed.
"I mean it when I say that I had no intention of hurting you whatsoever, I promise."
"It's not that I don't believe you, it just bothers me that we had to hide our relationship from your parents in order to stay happy. Sneaking around, lying, keeping secrets; it's everything I'm not," Maya said into the phone.
Cam sighed, "I know. I hate what they are making us do, what I have been making you do. I'm sorry."
It was quiet for a second. Not an awkward silence, but I thoughtful one.
"Where do we stand now?" Cam asked bluntly.
"I honestly don't know. We tried breaking up, and we all know how well that went," Maya said. Cam smiled at the thought. The fact that they both realize they can't be apart makes him smile, and gives him hope for their future.
"We can't break up. Two people who love each other as much as we do shouldn't have to be apart."
She smiled, "I know. We'll just have to be honest. Tell your parents that they can't keep us apart, no matter how they feel towards me."
Their conversation was interrupted when Maya's mom called her down, telling her she had a visitor.
"Uh Cam, I gotta go. I'll call you later okay?"
"Okay, I love you."
"I love you, more," Maya quickly hung up before he could rebuttal. She heard a knock on her bedroom door and slowly went towards it. She put her phone aside as she opened her bedroom door, to see Mrs. Saunders standing opposite of her.\

I hope you liked it! I will try to update asap but I really can't make any promises! Don't give up on this story, I'll make it very clear when I will officially end the story don't worry! In the meantime, please review it means the world to me! xoxo