Hi guys! Lets just jump right to it after the disclaimer!

Zatanna: Even though she doesn't own Young justice, she still can mess with me emotions on this site...

Authoress:You'll get your say Zatanna. On with the story!

Zatanna POV

"...I...I don't know how to say how I'm feeling right now." now that was an understatement. Dick was Robin? How could she have not picked up on this before! Her head was a swirling hurricane of emotions. Was she happy that he told her? Was she mad he kept this from her? Was she a little creeped out the he had been stalking her as a civilian? A bit of all three I suppose She thought to herself. Then she looked right at Di-Robin. He looked absolutely adorable right now, albeit a little scared. He bit down slightly on his bottom lip as he looked at her in concern. I probably should say something.

"I... think I'm mad at you." He frowned at this, she was breaking up with him, wasn't she? But this time, as both Dick Grayson and Robin. "But I'm also ridiculously happy with you." Now he perked up, which she thought was again, adorable. "You trust me enough to let me in. What else could a girl ask of her boyfriend? But where was this confession like, three weeks ago when I had to choose between 'Robin' and 'Richard'?" Now his expression turned slightly dark. She could faintly hear something being muttered about stupid bat paranoia and training... so she decided not to dwell on it. "So-"

"Richard Grayson." He interrupted her. Now she was slightly confused. He smirked at her. "Lets try to forget the last few weeks, ok? So let me introduce myself. I'm Richard Grayson. Sometimes I'm known as Robin, but I'd like it a lot if you would call me Dick, as long as you called me of course" She laughed lightly.

"You're starting to sound like Wally again."

"I thought you said you didn't mind?"

"I never mind when it come to you boy blunder." At this, he blushed and I could feel my face heating up too.

"So..." Started Dick, but I stopped him.

"I want to know about you. The REAL you. So... just talk." Now he looked slightly uncomfortable. Guess he isn't used to talking about himself I thought.

"Well... I'm not Bruce Wayne's real son." That was a given. Wait, if Robin was Dick Grayson would that make Bruce Wayne Batman?! I'll have to come back to that... "I was born in Romania, in an international traveling circus. My parents were acrobats, the best in the world. I could tumble before I could walk, which is why transitioning to be a superhero came easier to me." He didn't stop there. He kept talking about his life, the horrible way his parents died, which made me realize why he could be so empathetic when I talked about my dad. His time in the orphanages, which was downright cruel. And his first few years training with Batman. As he was telling me the story of how he first fought Bane I fought back a yawn and leaned my head on his shoulder. Just a minute. I'll rest my eyes for just a minute...

Robin POV

As I recounted the time that I first fought Bane I felt a weight on my shoulder. Zatanna was fighting to keep her eyes open, and losing. I stopped and checked my watch/wrist computer.

"It's already almost midnight, you ready to go back to the cave?" I asked softly. She nodded, but clung to my arm tighter.

"Carry me?" I chuckled at how childish we could be as I scooped her into my arms bridal style.

"I just have my R-Cycle, but if you don't think you can make it I could call Alfred with the limo..." She looked a little more awake now, but shook her head.

"Lets just go on your motorcycle, ok?" I nodded. Gently setting her down on the motorcycle, I climbed on and felt her wrap her arms around me. Despite the fact that she was my girlfriend I blushed. Glad no one can see it. When we sped back into the cave I carried her to her room. Setting her down and tucking her in, I was about to walk away when her arm reached out and wrapped around my wrist.

"Robin... will you stay with me?" Now I blushed even harder, but of course I agreed. Getting a second blanket, I crawled on top of her covers and threw the second blanket over both of us. As much as I'd love to cuddle, sleeping under the covers with my girlfriend would make me a dead bird, helmet of fate or no helmet of fate. As the heat from her body was lulling me to sleep, I pressed a kiss to the top of Zatanna's head.

"I love you." I said surprising both her and me. She looked a little shocked, before smiling and replying

"I love you too." When we kissed, it was like nothing could ever break us apart. I knew there would be problems, but at this moment, everything was perfect. Maybe it doesn't suck to be me after all.

*Sobbing* The end of my first chapter story! This is so sad! I've still got other things to work on though... and maybe I'll write something about Robin and Zatanna now with the time skip. Last chapter, so make sure you review!