A/N Well here it is. I hope you enjoy it. I'd like to thank you all for letting me basically write what I wish was happening in my life lol! Who wouldn't want a little romance? Thank you for all the reviews. I love them!

Saturday was D day. Aria was excited because they were going to the prom together and it was an excuse to get dressed up and have some fun. Ezra was nervous because he would be proposing later in the evening and he wanted everything to be perfect.

"So what do you want to do today?" Aria asked.

"Well how much time do we have?" He replied.

"Well it's 9am now and Hanna isn't picking me up until 4:30pm so we've got time."

"Ok. Do you want to get ready and go grab coffee? Maybe hit up the museum and grab some lunch?"

"That sounds like a great plan."

They both got ready and headed out. Aria wondered as they were wondering around the museum if life would always be like this. She knew at some point they would have to do regular things like laundry, food shop, the normal stuff that everyone needs to do but she was enjoying the vacation like atmosphere of their time together.

After wonderful tour of the museum and lunch at a nice bistro they headed back to the apartment. "Did you have a nice day?" Ezra asked.

"I did, I'm glad we didn't waste it by hanging around. How about you?"

"Of course, I was with you."

"Aww, that's very sweet."

"Hey, I try." He said with a wink. "What time did you say Hanna was coming?"

"I think she's coming at 4:30pm. Why?"

"Just making sure I have enough time to do this," he said scooping her up from the chair and bringing her into the bedroom. She began to laugh as he kicked the door shut behind them.

Around 3:30pm Aria climbed out of bed and jumped in the shower. She was quickly joined by Ezra. "No funny business while we're in here." She said.

"What do you mean funny business?" He asked then kissed the back of her neck.

"Ezra, I only have an hour and I need to dry my hair." She said leaning into his kisses.

"Fine, I'll leave you alone." He said stopping abruptly. He knew he was driving her crazy and he loved it.

The two finished their showers quickly. Aria was slightly upset with Ezra. He had pushed all the right buttons to get her going in the shower and he knew it, and then he left her high and dry. She could not wait for the prom to be over so she could drive him crazy.

Aria quickly dried her hair. Hanna had asked that it be clean and dry when she came over. She quickly packed her dress, shoes, jewelry and other essentials. "We are coming back here tonight after the dance, right?" Ezra asked.

"Yeah, why?" Aria asked barely looking up.

"You're bag is huge. I just wanted to make sure it was all for tonight."

"Shut up! It takes a lot of stuff to look this good." She said making a goofy pose before she burst out laughing.

"Jeez, I guess so." He said laughing.

Aria's phone beeped, checking the message, it was Hanna. "She's here. I guess it's time to go." She said.

"Do you want a hand carrying your stuff out?" He asked.

"That would be great." Aria led the way. Ezra grabbed the keys to the apartment and the car. He was going to help her and after she drove away he was going to bring the stuff in from the car. Once Aria was in the car he stood on the sidewalk and waved good bye.

"Now I need to get going." He said out loud as he walked to the car. First things first he needed to go pick up Aria's flowers. "I miss my mom at times like this." He said to himself while he drove to the florist. He had forgotten that it was his mother that got the flowers for his date. As he was pulling up to the florist he noticed Hanna's car pulling away.

"Can I help you?" The lady behind the counter asked.

"Yes I'm here to pick up a corsage. The name is Fitz," he replied.

"Just a second, let me go get it." The woman returned quickly and opened the box. It was the most beautiful arrangement.

"It's beautiful. It's perfect thank you so much."

"You are very welcome. Have a nice night."

"Thanks," he said picking the box up and heading out the door. He arrived back to the apartment about 5pm. He did not have that much time. He carried everything into the apartment. The flowers and champagne went into the refrigerator.

Then he started putting the candles out. He created a pathway from the door into the bedroom. He decided to work backwards from the bedroom to the door with the rose petals. He found a wooden tray in the cabinet. He put the ice bucket on that on the bed with a few candles. He also put candles on the nightstand and on the floor.

"I need to get dressed before I spread out the rose petals." He said out loud. He quickly changed into his suit. His tie was straight and his hair was combed. "I look pretty sharp." He said laughing into the mirror. He quickly began spreading the rose petals; he did not have as much time as he thought he did.

While Ezra was trying to decorate, Hanna was busy working on Aria's hair. She had set the top of it in hot rollers and waiting for them to do their magic. She had spun the chair away from the mirror so Aria could not see what she was doing.

"Now nothing crazy with my hair and makeup. I want to look natural." Aria said.

"Yeah, she can't look better than the seniors," Spencer chimed in as she came walking through the door. "Sorry I'm late; I was trying for finish up some notes for court on Monday."

"I know. You'll look great. What were you thinking for your hair?" Hanna asked.

"I was thinking something swept to the side since I'm wearing a strapless dress. I want to make it look like something I could do myself," she said laughing.

"Oh that will look pretty," Spencer added.

"No problem I can do that." Hanna said.

"So are you excited?" Spencer asked.

"I am. I think we're going to have a great time."

"I'm glad you're happy. I think you'll have a great time too. So what do you guys do as chaperones?" Hanna asked.

"Honestly, we check the kids when they come in to make sure they aren't drunk and then we let them have a good time. Obviously if someone gets out of hand they need to be escorted out but other than that it's their night and we want them to have fun."

"Really? That's all. So will you and Ezra have time to dance or anything?" Spencer asked.

"We should be able to steal a few dances. We also get to mingle with the other teachers too. So it isn't exactly the best date but I'm glad he's coming. Now I will have an excuse to not dance with Matt."

"Who's Matt?" Hanna asked.

"He's the gym teacher I told you about." Aria said looking at Spencer.

"Oh right. He's a little touchy feely." Spencer replied.

"To say the least." Aria said.

"Why don't I know who this is?" Hanna asked.

"He's the gym teacher and he just likes to give hugs and put his arm around you and stuff, plus I think he likes me. He's a nice guy but with Ezra there he'll actually get the hint." Aria said.

"Oh I think I do remember you talking about him." Hanna said. "So are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" Aria asked.

"To see what you look like." Hanna replied.

"You're done?" Aria asked.

"Yes, I hope you like it. I can change it if you don't."

"Aria you look great. Hanna you have out done yourself." Spencer said.

"Hanna, just spin me around," she said anxiously. With that Hanna spun the chair to face the mirror. "Oh Hanna, it's perfect. I love it." She said standing to hug her.

"Oh good I'm glad. So it's 5:45pm. You have thirty minutes to get ready."

"Oh god. Alright time to hurry." Aria grabbed her dress and headed into the bathroom. She emerged about ten minutes later.

"You look great," Hanna squealed.

"I love that dress." Spencer said.

"Thanks. Nothing is hanging out or anything?" Aria asked.

"Not at all. I pulled some jewelry out for you." Hanna had it laying on the vanity. Aria decided to wear the bracelet she brought and the necklace that Hanna picked out and Aria always wore her diamond studs on special occasions. She slipped into her silver heels and completed the look. "Are you bringing a bag?"

"No, just my phone and some money. I'll make Ezra carry them." She said laughing.

The three of them finished making sure she was all set. Hanna scrambled to find her camera as well as her phone to take pictures that she could post quickly. Spencer came prepared with her own camera and she would man Aria's phone to post pictures as well. Spencer and Hanna felt like mothers sending their daughter off to prom. Deep down both were slightly jealous they couldn't go.

Ezra sprinkled the last of the rose petals near the door as he was leaving. He had his wallet, phone, keys, corsage and the ring. "I think I have everything," he said tapping the pocket the ring was in, as he locked the apartment.

What Aria did not know was that Ezra hired a car to drive them to the dance. He climbed into the livery and they headed to Hanna's. When he rang the bell Hanna let him in. Moments later Aria walked downstairs to greet him. She was stunning.

"You look absolutely beautiful," Ezra said trying to catch his breath.

"You look great too. We match perfectly." Aria said as Hanna let out a giggle. "Did you help him?"

"I suggested the tie." Hanna said.

"It's perfect." Spencer said. "Now give each other your flowers so we can take pictures."

Aria pinned the boutonniere on Ezra's lapel and then he handed her the corsage. "The ribbon is perfect. I love it." Aria said throwing her arms around his neck and giving Hanna a wink over his shoulder.

"Ok let's take some pictures." Spencer said. If she was not around people would never stay on time.

They posed for a few pictures. They looked perfect together. Both of them could not stop smiling and they both glowed. "We need to get going. I don't want you to be late for your duties." Ezra said.

"You're right." Aria said heading out the door. "Where's the car?"

"We're taking the black one."

"Are you kidding?"

"No I thought it would be more special." He said opening the door for her. "Hop in. I'll get in on the other side."

"Thank you," she said kissing him on the cheek and climbing into the car. He shut the door once she was settled. He turned to Spencer and Hanna.

"Everything is set up. I think if you go in around 11pm, we should be home right after that."

"Sounds good, have fun." Spencer said.

"Yeah have a blast." Hanna said.

"Thanks, for everything," Ezra said walking around the car and getting in. They both heard the emphasis on the word everything.

Both girls smiled and waved and squealed. Aria saw them and figured it was because they were excited for her but she would soon find out it was for something else entirely.

All of the students looked great all dressed up. Aria's students came over to meet Ezra and comment on her dress. Ezra could tell she was a great teacher because they all seemed at ease with her; they could come to her for anything. He missed that part of teaching, but he really enjoyed watching Aria in her element.

The other teachers were very nice and all seemed on board with letting the kids have a good time unless they were completely out of control. Matt, the gym teacher approached them. "Hi, Matt Goodrich," he said to Ezra extending his hand to shake it. Ezra shook his hand noticing his firm grip.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ezra."

"So how long have you and the little lady been together?" Matt asked.

"On and off for the past ten years, but we're on right now," Ezra said giving Aria a squeeze. The music changed to a slow song, Dancing Away with My Heart by Lady Antebellum, and Aria looked at Ezra.

"Let's dance; this is one of my favorites." She said pulling him away from Matt. She did not need some pissing contest between the two of them.

"Sure," Ezra said leading her out to the dance floor and spinning her around before pulling her towards him. The both effortlessly began swaying to the music. Every few seconds or so Ezra spun Aria. The two really know how to dance and people were taking notice. The last time he pulled her in close she whispered in his ear, "You may have been kidding about the bowling but you weren't about the dancing."

"I know, I just like surprising you," he said kissing her earlobe as he pulled away.

"People are watching us."

"I know it's because of my moves. They're just jealous."

"Exactly," Aria said as she laughed. He was cute and funny. They continued to dance as Ben Howard's Only Love came on. "I love this song." Aria said.

"Me too." He held her close as they danced. The senior girls were jealous they wanted to be loved like that.

As the music changed to a faster paced song, Ezra started showing off is dance moves as they both headed off the dance floor. They were laughing and joking near the punch. Carmen Delgado was approaching from the foreign language department.

"You two look like you should be students at this prom." She said to Aria and Ezra.

"Carmen let me introduce you to my boyfriend Ezra Fitz." Aria said.

"We've met before; you used to work here right?" Carmen said. Aria forgot she had been a teacher when she went to Rosewood.

"Yes, I did. Nice to see you again." Ezra said shaking her hand.

"How did you two end up together?" Carmen asked.

"Well Ezra went on to teach at Hollis with my dad and we got to know each other and we kept in touch. The rest is history." Aria said. She was ok with their relationship but she did not like announcing that they began dating while she was in high school.

"I see well like I said, you guys look like you're enjoying yourselves. Ezra it was nice to see you again," she said.

"Yes you too." He said as she walked away. "Smooth story." He said giving Aria a little wink.

"Are you ok with that? I'm never really sure what I should say."

"Yes, that's fine with me. Especially at a school event. It's a little odd to tell a teacher 'We started hooking up when I was in 11th grade' some people just don't understand." He said choking back laughter.

"I can't believe you just said hooking up. God we are old."

They continued to enjoy the evening. They watched as the whole senior class took part in a final group dance. At 11pm the lights came up and people started to leave.

While Aria and Ezra had been watching the students Hanna and Spencer let themselves into the apartment. "Look at all these rose petals, Spence; he did such a nice job."

"Yeah he really did. Let's get lighting there are a ton of candles." They started with the candles in the main living space and headed towards the bedroom. That's when Hanna saw it. Written on the floor in rose petals were the words 'marry me'.

"Did you know about this?" Hanna screamed.

"I might have."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it would have been a tough secret for you to keep, this way it won't kill you to last an hour or so."

"You guys are terrible. I am so excited for her."

"Me too," Spencer said looking at her watch. "We need to hurry up. They should be heading home soon."

"Ok, I'm almost done."

"Good, I'll send Ezra a text that it's all set."

The two finished lighting all of the candles and carefully let themselves out so they did not disturb the rose petals. It was the most romantic sight that they had seen and were so happy for Aria. They could not wait to get the call.

Some of Aria's students hugged her good bye again. Ezra received a text message from Spencer saying the apartment was all set. Suddenly his anxiety level was through the roof. He knew he wanted to get married, he knew he loved Aria, he was just nervous to say it correctly.

The car was waiting for them as they exited the country club. The driver started to head home. Aria turned towards Ezra. "Are you sure you want to go home? We could stop and grab a drink." She said.

"No, I think I'm ready to head home. It's been a long day. Plus you owe me something," he said with a wink. She knew exactly what he meant.

"You think so, huh? We'll just have to see about that."

"Hey it was part of deal." He said starting to whine.

"Fine, we'll go home." She said laughing.

As they arrived at the apartment building Ezra began to be more nervous. Aria noticed the expression on his face. "Are you ok?" She asked as they headed into the building.

"I'm fine. Why?"

"You just look nervous. You know we've had sex before." She gave him a playful punch.

"Oh I know. I just have a surprise for you."

"What surprise?"

"This," he said opening the door.

Aria so the soft glow of candle light in the apartment. She noticed the rose petals on the floor and the pathway leading to the bedroom. "When did you do all of this?" She whispered.

"I had help. Now follow the path."

"Ok," she said as she started walking towards the bedroom. She entered the bedroom and saw on the floor written out in rose petals, surrounded by flickering candles, the words 'Marry Me?'. She turned to find Ezra. He was behind her, down on one knee holding a ring out for her. "Ezra, I," she could not seem to finish.

"Aria Montgomery, I have loved you since the day I met you, I've never stopped loving you and I will never love anyone else. Our path has not always been easy, we have lost some time, but now that I have found you again I never want to lose you. You make me feel alive, you fill my heart, and with you my life is complete. Aria, will you marry me? Will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

"Yes," she whispered. "Yes Ezra I will," she said as the tears began to run down her face. He stood up and hugged her, picked her up off the ground and spun her around.

"I love you so much. You have just made me the happiest person ever."

"Is this really happening?"

"Yes it is. I'm just so glad you said yes."

"Of course I would say yes. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I am so glad to hear that."

"I can't believe you have to leave tomorrow." Aria said her mood deflating slightly.

"I know but now we have something to look forward to and you'll be coming to visit in a month and we can really start making plans."

"Do you promise?"

"I promise," he said leaning in for a kiss. She responded passionately to his kiss.

"I thought you wanted to get lucky tonight." She said pulling him by the tie.

After blowing out most of the candles, they made love all night long, trying to get as much of each other as possible before Ezra had to leave. Calls to friends and family could be made in the morning. Now was the time to be together and enjoy each other before they had to say good bye.

So just to let you know, I'm a little stuck on where I want the story to go next. I'll try to get it straightened out and post a new chapter soon.