He's Famous, She's Not

Chapter 1- One Summer!


Here's the bad thing about being famous, you never get to spend time with your family, right when you turn big, BAM! Nothing will ever turn back to the way you were used to. Like you can't eat ice scream with your girlfriend in peace, as in your bombarded by paparazzi 24/7. You can't go to a super market, without the tabloids making up some stupid shit. Like seriously? GET A LIFE!

So here I am today, driving to the studio because my manager had called a meeting.


I pull in and park. I walk in and greeted the recognizable faces. Like Emma, the receptionist at the front desk, Whelsh the doorman, but he never gets the door, because we're all family. Oh and Jorge the janitor.

"Yo Jorge"

"Morning Fang, another meeting or recording?" he asked.

"Meeting" I said walking into the elevator.

I pushed the button to the 11th floor.


As I walked into the room, the band was just on the couch in tank tops, and the classic boy skinny jeans with Nikes.

I then made my way, and took my favorite spot on the couch.

"So, Dyl, what's the plan?"

"Ok, guys I know how you guys have been exaughsted the past year, so since its summer, you guys are getting the entire vacation off!"

"God I have to call my family" Gazzy our bass player said.

"OMG! I have to call ELLA!" Nudge, the guitar player said.

"I got to make plans dude" Iggy our drummer said.

"I got to make plans with Max." I said.

I then got my phone and dialed her number.

She picked up on the third ring.

"Fang?" she asked.

"MAX! I have great news" I said smiling.

Whatcha think? Eh? EH?

It's the first chapter; of course I'm going to leave it off like this.

Not to be mean or anything, that would be terrible.

Anyways, you guys know how I roll when it comes to these,

10 reviews= New Chapter!

- Aria Ride