Hi, guys. This is my first story and my first writing too. I am inexperienced so there might be a lot of misspelling and error in my story so feedback is really appreciated.
I just edit the formatting of the first chapter. I'm going to write chapter 2 next week.
A Man with Swords: The First Sword
Chapter 1
"Ah, I've been waiting for you. Well then let's get down to it. H-Here's the money we promised. It's all here please see for yourself", the old man said.
"Not yet, after the job is done someone will be sent to collect the money. You will be give it to them then"
"Huh?", he can only stare at me confused.
"If I get killed there will be no reason to pay"
*scene break*
Rubel has given me another job to finish. There's already some mysterious death in this village and they decided to call us when they think it's been done by Yoma, a creature with power beyond human capabilities that prey upon human being. We are the slayer of those creature. They are fast but we are faster, they are strong but we are stronger. And to hunt them is not by merely overpowering them but to sense them since they gave a unique odor from their body, like this one.
"Agh, ah..." The boy scream when my sword stop right next to his neck.
"What was that for? I wasn't doing anything wrong. I was just following you that's all"
Young, that's my first impressions to him.
"Ah, hey you're a claymore aren't you?", he asks me cheerfully
"No", I reply, there's something wrong. I'm sure I sense a yoma but... I see
"Huh? But ", he keeps chasing me giving a little run since I walk rather fast
"Our organizations has no name. Your people thrust that name upon us", I reply without looking at him. I understand now. He is not a yoma but he gives a weak odor of it from his cloth. There must be one that is close with him. Presumably masquerading as his family member.
"Oh I see. Still I can't believe it. You look like.." Before he can finish his sentence there a scream. Follow by a familiar scent.
Before the boy can react I already ran to the source of it.
*scene break*
"Help me. I think it was him. The man with red hair did this. He suddenly broke in and throw me out." He looks okay but seems a bit shocked
"I think he's the yoma. He is so strong, I never saw a man that can break a door like that. Please help my nephew is still inside." No, a yoma won't care about a human being, much more trying to spare their lives.
I immediately go into the house and inside it was full of blood. But it's not a human blood, it's a yoma blood. Judging by the quantity of it the yoma must be dying. But there's not a single body in here. It's just a single empty room painted with blood.
There's a trail of blood to a windows. I immediately follow it and it was not long before I found where's the trail stop. Not far from the village I found a dead body. A yoma body being sliced into pieces. It has a blond hair and wearing a village cloth. So the nephew was the yoma.
*scene break*
"We don't know, he showed up just a couple days ago after another incident happen. It was weird for people to come to place that might being infested by a yoma but he insisted on staying and say he's going to help"
He's not lying, besides yoma will never try to act like a stranger. They will eat someone in the village and then they will try to act as like the person they eat. That way they can hunt without raising attention.
"What happen to Zaki? Where is he? Is he okay?" The boy asked hysterically. I see so his brother is this yoma
"He's dead." It's true. Yoma has already taken his appearance and memory. And the only way to do that was to devour it's victim
They both cry but before they can say another word the village elder has already ask me a question,
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but have you found the yoma" he ask me very carefully. He fear me, that is no wonder though.
After a while I reply simply, "It's dead"
*scene break*
"So you are saying some man with red hair has already slay the yoma", Rubel smile while watching me closely
"Indeed, you don't look so surprised", as always it seems he's already has some information regarding this
"It's not the first time Clare. This is the fourth time a yoma has been mysteriously being slain. And judging by the scar it was killed not with a fang nor claw." he explained to me relentlessly
"And based on the eyewitness", he continued, "He moves as fast as yoma and he use swords to slay them."
"Swords?" I asked confused.
"Yes, swords. He has two of them. Black and white sword in each hand."
"So, this man. Do you already know what he looks like", I continue to ask
"There's been rumors but yes he has red hair and..."
"Silver or yellow eyes?" It's not impossible for a man to use yoma power but still.
"No" Rubel stopped for a while.
"He has brown eyes." Rubel stare at me and then smile "He is just an ordinary man, Clare"
"That's impossible. No human being can match the speed and power of yoma. What has the organization said about this?"
"Nothing. We only has a few unreliable eyewitness." Rubel also looks amused "There's been theories but until it proven to be true it will not be dealt with."
"The organization has more concerning matters. You won't be facing him tomorrow." He continues
"For now let's focus on your task Clare. Here is your next mission.", he gave me a slip of paper
"I see." He's right, this was not normal but it is not my job to pursue this matters further. I have missions to be done.
I start walk away from Rubel to the next village. Still, I have this feeling that I might meet with this man soon.
A man with red hair. A man with swords.