Disclaimer: Aberrant, owned by Onyx Publishing. The Incredibles, owned by Brad Bird/Pixar. So glad that nobody familiar with either fandoms really don't read my stuff. Otherwise, they'd be threatening me with my head on a pike.

Author's Notes:Okay, another update to Dicker Files. This time, we got Ashley's write up. Sadly, as I said on the Deviant Art page (yes, I have a couple pictures of her up over there), the original source material on her was barely one paragraph, so I had to literally create her history from scratch. Also, the "XWF" is actually a wrestling organization in the "Aberrant" RPG. It's basically the WWE but with super powered beings. And a little side note trivia for those few actually read my stories here on FFN: If I had read about Ashley before I started writing this series, David probably would have been paired up with her instead of Zoe.

As usual, feedback, ideas, death threats, and the usual stuff is welcome.

Name: Ashley Winthrop

Alias: "Boom Box"

Sex: Female

Age: 23

Height: 6' 9"

Weight: 289 lbs

Personality: Ashley has been through a lot in the four years since she erupted. But despite what she has been through, she is a kindhearted soul and is friendly and outgoing to just about everyone. She is very loyal to her friends and willing to put her life on the line for them. Towards her enemies, she tries to be merciful but won't hesitate to cripple or kill those who present a threat to her or those she cares about. She is particularly close with David Pine Flynn ever since he helped her out of a dark time in her life. Though they are not romantically involved, it is possible that they would have been if David had not met Zoe Kilmarten.

Capabilities: Ashley stands over six and a half feet tall, weighs close to three hundred pounds (most of it compact muscle and curves that have given her the body of an Amazonian goddess straight out Greek mythology. She possesses super-strength, limited super-speed (she has been clocked running at mach 1), and is capable of taking hits from tank shells and laughing them off. She has also capable of sending seismic shockwaves into a target and causing a "ripple effect" that can damage targets up to a half-mile radius.

Background: Ashley came from a decent middle-class family. Her parents owned a local business and Ashley had a relatively normal life. She was a fairly attractive young woman, but she also knew she wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. Because of that, she refused to learn more about her family's business because she felt she wasn't "smart" enough to run it. However, that didn't keep her from working at various jobs as she grew up. She ended up working at a high-end clothing store in Metroville called Godiva's Boutique. She was very good at sales and reading customers as well as convincing them to buy what she thought would work best for them. Because of her looks, she able to land some modeling jobs on the side, but nothing "big time".

It was a mostly "normal" life, but that came to an abrupt end when she erupted. Suddenly, she went from being this cute strawberry-blonde "girl from next door" to a long auburn haired beauty with the body of an amazonian goddess who could outrun bullets, withstand being shot with tank shells, and able to toss semi-trucks across the city skyline. She took the moment to cash in on this, thinking she could have a good life as a "super-powered celebrity". She signed on with the XWF as the nove wrestler called "Boom Box" and was very popular with the fans (particularly the males ones for obvious reasons) and she had several product endorsement contracts that were worth millions.

Except it was the worst time of her life.

Oh, it was great for the first six months or so, until she realized that she had signed her life away to an unscrupulous company that trapped her in an iron-clad contract that took a majority of her profits and stuck her with a manager who seemed to be living a little too well for the commission he was making for just being her PR and contract rep. She still made money which she sent most of to her family, but she couldn't help feeling that something was wrong. Eventually, she started to fall into a state of depression and, at one point her manager had to give her a pep talk just to talk her into putting on her skimpy costume and do the show.

Though she became even more popular due to various story-lines, Ashley found herself sliding even more into depression. But all that changed when one her co-workers, her opponent for a main-event bout, cornered her before their match and told her "to be ready". Halfway through their match, there was a brief power outage and things got weird that night. When the power came on, David Flynn was there with several police officers who were actually arresting the owner of the XWF and several of the executive staff at the event. Though the public thought this "hostile takeover" was a staged storyline (and the new XWF owner made sure that people believed that), it was clear to Ashley that it wasn't. At the end of the night, Ashley found herself with a bigger bank account and was offered a release from her contract (with a generous severance package).

When she realized that David Flynn was mostly responsible for what happened that, she asked him why he even bothered to help her. His only response was that he promised her family that he would check up on her since they were worried about her (and he jokingly said they threatened to stop making those almond-roll pastries he liked if he didn't help her).

A couple months later, she was back at her parents bakery, working the kitchen when David approached her with a business proposal. A couple weeks later, she was helping build the Silicon Cafe in the lobby of David's SST building. Though it's not the life she thought she wanted, her time with the XWF made her appreciate the "normal" life of owning and running her own business. And much to her own surprise, she's actually good at it. She's not a mega-genius like everyone else at SST, but that's okay. She owns the Silicon Cafe, it's very successful, and she is the one person that the so called "mega-genius" workers feel they can talk to about things not work related.

And she has the best pastries and coffee in town.

The following is an interview with Henry "Duke" Rollo from an excerpt with "The Duke Rollo Show"

Rollo: "And welcome back, listeners. As you all know, we got Ashley "Boom Box" Winthrop on the line. Most of you know her from her stint in the XWF, but she's moved on since that crazy pay-per-view event in Los Angeles a few moths ago. Ashley, thanks for joining us."

Ashley Winthrop(chuckling): "And hello to you, Duke. How are the ribs by the way?"

Rollo: "Healed...but I'm going to say I have no regrets. Best. Hug. Ever! And you did pop my spine back into place."

(They both laugh)

Rollo: "But seriously though, how are you doing since you literally walked away that night."

Ashley: "Actually, I'm doing very well. I know some people are thinking 'Girl, have you lost your fucking mind? You walked away from making millions and having a career that almost anyone would kill for!' and maybe they're right. But I wasn't happy there."

Rollo (snorting): "That's an understatement, especially given what we know now."

Ashley: "Yeah. And while I admit I didn't like being at the center of a real life drama that was being broadcast to the rest of the world, I can't say that I was unhappy with how it ended. My ex-employer and my ex-manager/ex-boyfriend/parasite are paying for what they did to me and others on the payroll and the world got a taste of what really goes on in that particular industry. Granted, some will say it was just an excellently crafted plot/angle and I think it was easier for Heyman to play that up to the public to keep the company going when he took over."

Rollo: "Yeah, Paul Heyman. Tell me is he as crazy as he acts on television? Is he actually a nova himself?"

Ashley (giggles): "Yes to the first question, but as for the other one...no one really knows for sure. One thing I am certain of is that he can literally drum up the crowd whether it's just fifty people in a rented out high school gym or thousands of people packed into an arena."

Rollo: "Did he try to convince you to stay using that 'power of persuasion'?"

Ashley: "Actually, no. That's the one thing I liked about Pauley. I'm truly convinced that he could sell someone an empty water bottle filled with nothing but air and I'm certain that he would have had no problem convincing any of us to sign on. But he didn't do that. He asked each and everyone of us if we wanted to stay or leave. A few of us opted out for various reasons and I asked him why he was willing to let us go like that."

Rollo: "What did he say?"

Ashley: "He said that he would rather part amicably than have a hostile employee who didn't want to be there. He was very generous for letting us ago, and he even left the door open if some of us wanted to make a "guest appearance" or do some limited work. For me, it was a little different when it was revealed how badly I was being screwed over financially. What David was able to get back for me was more than enough."

Rollo: "And speaking of David Flynn, what's your deal with him?"

Ashley: "What do you mean?"

Rollo: "He's the CEO of this high-tech company he only recently started up and he's allowing you to operate a business on the main floor."

Ashley: "I did sign a lease agreement for that."

Rollo: "Oh, I get that, but what's the connection there? And no, I'm not asking from a perverted sense of curiosity. But you know some people are going ask that question."

(Ashley actually laughs)

Ashley: "You mean the 'Am I sleeping with him' question?"

Roilo: "Weeeeellllll….um...yeah."

Ashley (still laughing): "Um, no Duke, I'm not. First off, he's hooked up with one of my closest friends and I wouldn't do that. And second, I'm not sure I would want to do that to David. I mean, you know how strong I am, right?"

Rollo: "Well, yeah...but what does that have to do with-"

Ashley: "So imagine me fucking someone, I wrap my legs around them when I climax. I scream in ecstasy and my partner screams in pain before I crush his pelvis and other bones."

Rollo (after a few moments of awkward silence): "Oh…."

Ashley: "Yeah...kind of kills the mood, doesn't it?"

Rollo: "True...but to be fair, there are far worse ways to go!"


Overview: Ashley is not considered a threat by our organization. If anything, she serves as a convenient asset when it comes to keeping David Pine Flynn under control. Our intel indicates that she is close to David Flynn and they have what some would call an almost brother/sister relationship. She talks to him a lot and, like Zoe Kilmarten and Violet Parr, tends to keep him grounded in reality. Our concern is what would happen should she be taken out by one of Flynn's enemies. She is one of the few stabilizing factors in his life and losing her could possibly send David Flynn on a murderous path of vengeance. When Violet Parr was shot, David had hired a Russian torture squad to kill Lydia Paladino if Violet died. I shudder to think what David would have done to anyone who hurt or killed Ms. Winthrop.