Chapter 1: It's Not Right


"No! Now shoo!"

"Why won't you go the 'Tofu Festival' with me?" Beast Boy was begging Raven to go with him to the tofu festival at his favorite restaurant. She of course didn't want to go for obvious reasons.

"Why don't you invite your lame girlfriend, Terra?" Raven asked him coldly still not looking up from her book. She had been reading the book for school, but got bored of it and decided to read one of her own.

"She's not lame! And why do you hate her so much?" Raven had always disliked Terra since they first met in the 8th grade. She had been a new student and Beast Boy had had a huge crush on her. Of course he told his best friend, Raven, about how he felt. She was all he would talk about; everything he thought about was her.

So one day, Raven and Beast Boy were going to go to see a movie; well that was the plan. Beast Boy had decided to invite Terra to go with them because they had become friends. Raven obviously didn't know until they got to the theatre, but by then it was too late.

Beast Boy knew Raven didn't like Terra for unknown reasons. Also, she didn't like to converse with people outside of her small group of friends which consisted of: Richard (Dick) Grayson, Victor Stone, and Kori Anders. So inviting someone she didn't know nor like without telling her was a bad idea.

Although Beast Boy was able to keep Raven from leaving, things only got worse.

Terra decided that she wanted to sit next to Beast Boy and got in the middle of him and Raven. Raven let it slide, but what she did next wasn't ignorable.

As they were walking out of the theatre, Terra linked arms with Beast Boy and moved Raven out of the way. Raven had had enough so she spilt them apart then pushed Terra down. She then proceeded to walk out of theatre.

Ever since then it's been 3 years of rivalry and hatred.
*present time*

"She's not right for you. And I have always disliked her." Raven said, still not looking up from her book.

"Whatever. But I don't want to invite Terra because I want to hangout with you instead."

"Yeah, sure. Let me guess, Terra has other plans and you didn't want to make her feel guilty." Raven retorted. Ever since the beginning of high school, he had been shifting more and more towards Terra until the 11th grade when they finally started dating.

This highly upset Raven. 1) Because she doesn't like her 2) because she makes Beast Boy neglect his friend time for her and 3) Because Raven didn't like to share. Beast Boy was her friend first, he was her bestfriend first, and he didn't need another best friend.

"Well, that's a... Coincidence. Enough about Terra, why won't you just go with me?" Raven's accusation had been correct. He did want to spend time with her, but if Terra didn't have to go to her grandmother's house, he would have taken her instead.

"Because I'm just back up. I'm not your go to person when you hear about things. First you tell Terra, then if you see me, you'll tell me. It used to be that you wouldn't tell anyone until you told me." Raven said in her monotone. She had finally decided to look up at him. Beast Boy was stunned; he had never thought about that.

"But you know you're still my best friend, right?" Beast Boy asked her. They would always be best friends; ever since they were three years old when they first met.

"I may be your best friend, but she she's your girlfriend. She can persuade you to ditch me and the others; and you're too naive to see it!" Raven exclaimed as she stood up from her seat on the couch. She walked over to the front door and opened it. Then she walked out of Beast Boy's house.

A/N: Okay, I know grasping the concept is difficult, so let me explain. Everything about them is the same except their past. But everything in their past is the same except they've known each other longer and they have identities. But the way they became a team of superheroes is the same. Also, they live in separate houses, but Titans Tower is still their headquarters. It's a difficult concept, I know, it'll be clearer in future chapters.