First up on my request list is Spain:
The Spanish man hummed cheerfully, chopping tomatos at an impressive speed, a sweet, content smile playing on his lips. Italy's birthday was just around the corner, so Spain had decided to make him some homemade tomato sauce.
Right when he finished chopping the last tomato, he heard a knock on the door. Curious as to who it was, he put the knife down and opened the door. It was you, but there was clearly something wrong; usually you were cheerfull and smiling, but right now tears were streaking quickly down your slightly flushed cheeks. "Can I...come in?" You asked quietly.
"Si." The spanish man nodded, allowing you to enter his home. You thanked him quietly. There was a moment of tense silence. "Do you want some tea?" The Spanish man asked. He wasn't one for tea, but you were, for some unknown reason. He always had a few teabags, just in case you came over.
You plopped down on the couch, flashing Spain a sad smile. "Thank you, Spain."
"What happened?" Spain asked, setting the freshly prepared cup of tea in front of you. He wanted to know why a strong person like you was crying, because it was just about impossible to make you cry. You didn't answer, taking a long sip of your tea.
"Please tell me." He sat next to you, looking at you intently.
You looked up from your tea, glaring. "Romano's a bastard." Spain sighed; of course it involved Romano. Romano had been your crush for a while. To be honest, it made Spain a bit jealous, but he'd never say that outloud.
"I went over to his house." You began your story, your gaze returning to your cup of tea. "He wasn't on the main floor, so I went to his room. And I found him kissing the neck of some slut!" Furious tears began to spill. "How could he do that to me?!"
Spain didn't say anything at first. But then he wrapped a reassuring arm around your shoulder, pulling you close. "Don't cry, little one. Perhaps Romano isn't the one."
"Then who is?" You mumbled, resting your head against his chest.
Spain didn't answer this. To be honest, he'd always liked you, a lot. But, since you were in love with Romano, he'd never bothered to say anything. But did you still love Romano after what he just did? "Do you still love Romano?"
"I don't know." You replied honestly. "Some part of me really hates him now. But the other part...It's complicated, Spain." He could understand that. Love was one of life's many mysteries.
You sighed, standing up. "Thank you, Spain." You smiled slightly. "I really needed that." You started to make your way to the door, but you were stopped when you felt a strong hand wrap around your wrist. "What is it, Spain?" You asked, your eyebrows raised in suprise.
To be honest, Spain wasn't really sure. But some part of him wanted you to stay, if only for a little longer. You smiled. "You're sweet, Spain." You mumbled, hugging him.
Spain wasn't really sure what caused him to do it, but he gently grabbed your chin and captured your lips. Your eyes widened. You couldn't believe what was happening. Spain was...kissing you! But, for some reason, it felt right. You slowly closed your eyes and began to kiss back.
It was Spain's turn to be suprised. You were kissing back? Did that mean...? You gently pulled away.
"Know what, Spain?" You flashed him a smile. "I do feel better."
Up next is Prussia, guys!