Warning: This is well, really fucked up and when I say it's fucked up I do mean it's fucked up not just twisted or slightly cringe worthy I mean truly completely fucked up. I would put what's in it but it would give away the surprise. So yeah either proceed with caution or skip all the way to the end.


It was the pain, the awful pounding aching throb deep within her brain that finally drags Hermione unwillfully back to consciousness. Cracking open heavily lidded eyes weighed down by a mixture of sleep and exhaustion, her pupils adjusted sluggishly to the inky blackness and she wearily glanced around as she blinked owlishly in a vain attempt to clear what little vision remained. Her mind tried to piece together the events of the evening only to come up empty. Hermione groaned feeling the deafening pounding in her head increase. Needing any sort of relief, she lethargically tried to lift her arm only to have it halted midway by some sort of invisible bond.

Confused, she yanked first her arms, finding them both restrained then her feet only to find that they too were strapped to the wall behind. Seeing no means of escape and rapidly tiring, Hermione sagged against the bonds. She inhaled and exhaled willing her breathing and heart to calm. After all, it wouldn't do her any good to panic.

A silence fell over the room like a saturated wool blanket and that's when Hermione heard it, a bone-chilling pained moan echo from across the room. Vitals picking up once more her head snapped back upward and she squinted against the darkness until her eyes were mere slits and that's when she spots something or should she say person, hanging from the opposite wall mirroring her exact position.

Hermione leant forward, her aching muscles and restraints protesting with the movement but she just had to know the identity of this person."I just need a light. Just a small bit of light of any kind." She muttered to herself not even aware she'd said it out loud.

Outside as if some deity above heard her plea, the clouds begin roll onward allowing just a sliver of moonlight to pierce through their thick layer and illuminate the Manor.

Now with the aid of the moonlight streaming in through the barred window, she can now just barely make out the identity of the person. Hermione gasped, tears well within mocha eyes and an enormous lump began to form deep within her throat. It was Professor McGonagall.

The older witch lie dangling limply in the moonlight, her wrists high above her head restrained by metal cuffs hooked to rusted chains hanging from the ceiling. Willing herself to see just how hurt her mentor was, Hermione gaze lowered from elder witch's chained hands to her head which lie loosely to the side. Her stomach flip flopped when she saw liquid darker than the night surrounding them, glimmer in the pale gloom cover what little bit of face she could see. No. Please no Minerva couldn't be hurt.

Hermione opened her mouth to call to her but was startled when giggles suddenly broke out through the darkness, shattering the silence like fine glass, they were followed by that all too familiar childlike voice. "Awe, this is lovely isn't it. The lit'l know-it-all mudblood and her favorite Professy wessy together at last." Chocolate orbs widen, darting wildly away from Minerva to the dark creature looming unseen in the shadows and her rapidly beating heart drops.

Bellatrix. The name was whispered in her conscious causing already sore muscles to tense in anticipated dread.

And as if on cue, a scuffed laced boot stepped out of the darkness soon followed by its owner. Black laced medieval dress clinging to a shapely body like a second skin combined with equally dark raven curls contrasted dramatically against skin so white it was like porcelain whilst at the same time matching a pair of heavy lidded eyes that never once blinked.

Smoldering coals drank greedily, scorching their way up and down the girl's body before an amused smirk tugged at crimson lips. "Oooh we are going to have so much fun muddy o' mine." A full on manic grin broke out. "And the Professor over there," Obsidian irises darted over to the elder witch."is going to hear every last scream and groan that comes from that filthy little mouth of yours the entire time. Divesto." In the next second, Hermione felt a cold draft whoosh over her and couldn't help but glance downward in curiosity.

She gasped in horror. She was naked. Bare as the day she was born and now fully exposed to this monster. She does the one thing she can do; sob.

"My, for having such filthy blood you're a pretty little thing, aren't you." Bellatrix purred as her long claw-like fingers began unlacing her tightly bound corset.

In a borderline sensual display, the dark witch shed the fabric, letting the dirty material slid languidly down her shapely body only to pool around her ankles to reveal an expanse plain of alabaster skin that seemed to glow against eyes and hair appearing nonexistent within darkness. The dramatic contrasts giving the dark witch the appearance of a demented angel. No, not a celestial kind but one of the devil's minions.

She was death in the flesh that has come to collect its due.

"Oh now that is much better." Bellatrix sighed in relief.

Despite the nearly overwhelming fear, Hermione could not force her eyes away from the sight before them. They began at swan-like neck, to full proud breasts topped with dusty pink nipples, down a surprisingly muscular stomach, but once her gaze reached Bellatrix's groin Hermione's eyes grew wide.

"You like what you see, muddy?" Bellatrix asked coyly, her crimson lips fashioned into a small smirk.

Hermione shook her head and tried to lean away as Bellatrix advanced on her, the deep seated nausea gnawing into the pit of her stomach. Each of the dark witch's steps was accompanied by a measured sway of her shapely hips causing the faux penis to sway lewdly. Hermione could only look on in horror as Bellatrix drew closer and closer.

The protruding phallus was held in place upon her hips by thick leather straps and the member itself was coloured a royal shade of purple. Hermione, however, did not know whether to be more horrified by its presence or sheer size of the thing. It was enormous not fit for a whore much less a virgin like her. A virgin, Hermione whimpered, she was a virgin. The pain was going to be excruciating. Cool trails of sweat trickles down throbbing temples and the young witch began to feel faint.

A cackle erupted from deep within the raven haired witch's throat. "Are you going to scream for me, muddy? Do it, scream for me. Perhaps, iffen you do it loud enough you might just wake up your precious professor." Bellatrix spat out the last part like it was poison before sauntering over to the frightened girl and pressing fully into her. Her black as pitch eyes sparkling when the girl attempts to press farther back and away from her touch.

Hermione's mind was racing but couldn't coordinate the thoughts. There was only fear and adrenaline fueling her now. Sucking in as much air as she could and Hermione began screaming, writhing, wiggling like a fish out of water against the binds.

"Enough!" Pain exploded from left side of Hermione's face as a fist slammed into it. A horrible yet familiar metallic taste of blood filled Hermione's mouth a second later and she knew that either one of her teeth had been knocked out or the inside of her jaw was likely cut. She spat sending a glob of pinkish saliva raining down on the other woman's feet.

Bellatrix jumped back, eyes leaving the floor and once more locking onto Hermione's, she snarled. "Why you little bitch." She waved her wand, unlocking the cuffs and sending the girl crashing to the ground with a solid thump.

Hermione cried out in pain as the impact rattled her bones and bruised her muscles.

"Stand!" Bellatrix barked only to giggle girlishly when the younger witch flinched like a startled deer.

Hermione barely managed to stagger to her feet before the dark witch began to circle her, onyx orbs assessing her with the intensity of a predator sizing up its prey. The girl's breathing caught within her throat and all five senses became alive. They tune in on the movement around her. Ignoring the younger witch's discomfort, Bellatrix once again circles her dragging chipped nails across a taut stomach and shapely hips only to come to a halt right behind her.

She snaked an arm around and lays a hand an inch above Hermione's navel, its thumb immediately begins making circles as hot breath from mere began to bathe the back of her neck in heated puffs. Hermione's pulse quickened and the fine hair along her body rose.

"You move and I'll kill her." The girlish lilt from before gone, replaced by ice. Hermione knew not to push her luck.

The arm at her waist rose, seeking the exposed mounds of her chest. Her hands reached them at the same time, sampling the swell of each breast beneath the pads of her fingertips. Bellatrix traced lines upwards and downwards, soon coming upon the baby pink pebble at the centre of each fleshy mound. She drew circles slowly about them whilst she tilted her head over Hermione's shoulder to watch the flattened nubs begin to harden.

She brought her lips to Hermione's ear as she splayed her fingers wide and gripped both the girl's breasts. "You like this, don't you pet," A tongue peaked out licking the lobe. "being at a deatheater's mercy and not knowing when or how you will be ravished." She purred, low and sweet her voice like liquid sin.

Hermione fought to rein in herself as Bellatrix teased and taunted her nipples. She had no desire to be brought to pleasure by these hands, hands stained with the blood of countless innocents. "No-no" The girl sobbed out, wanting nothing more to just go home to her muggle parents and crawl into her mother's arms.

"We shall see, now, won't we." As Bellatrix spoke, her hands descended, following the curve of Hermione's waist and hips before reaching her thighs. But it was when they grasped a hold of each of them that Hermione renewed her struggling.

Bellatrix flicked the point of her tongue against the back of Hermione's ear, earning a shiver from her. "You like that, little girl." She pressed herself into Hermione as she caressed her thighs slowly, the cock pushing comfortably against the pillow of soft ass cheeks.

Hermione's body betrayed her beneath Bellatrix's small, soft touches. She could hear her own breath and feel the thud of her heart as Bellatrix's hand slid upward, higher and higher until….she gasped as fingers pressed against her molten core.

"Well, well, looks like muddy's not so virginal after all." The dark witch taunted when her fingers were nearly drenched.

"Stop," Hermione managed to squeeze out from between tightly clenched teeth, though the moment after the word had been spoken, she wondered whether she truly meant it. She didn't want this, but her body more than welcomed the pleasure it spread to every inch of her form. Her skin tingled with anticipation and she felt her heart pounding in her throat. Her mouth grew dry and her tongue heavy. Need spun itself into a tight coil at the pit of her stomach and her legs began to tremble.

Bellatrix merely cackled at her and moved her finger downward, causing the girl to stiffen when they dipped shallowly within her.

Was this how she was going to have her virginity taken? Rough and merciless by the hands of a sadistic monster in front of a woman she came to love as her own mother, Hermione sobbed harder.

A hum of pure satisfaction. "You're so pretty when you cry." Bellatrix cooed as she moistened her fingertips with Hermione's juices and began coaxing the girl's nub out from its protected hood.

The dark witch's tongue, heavy with saliva, lapped at the exposed flesh of the girl's shoulder just before lips wrapped themselves around her earlobe and began suckling like a babe at it.

The dark witch pulled back and admired her work. "Now that's more like it eh?" Before the brunette could think of a reaction the older witch grabbed a fist full of hair and yanked her backwards, slamming her into the stone flooring.

Hermione yelped in pain and began to scramble to her feet only to be slammed back down by an heavy boot to the chest. Rapidly growing impatient of Hermione's thrashing, the dark witch pounced, straddling the thin waist, using her weight to pen the girl down. She leaned downward so that her naked breasts pressed fully into the girl's and moved her plump crimson lips so that they are even to Hermione's ear. "You were a bad little girly, muddy."

"Please don-" The older woman cut her off by crashing their lips together, plump lips move over thin, and a tongue darted out immediately seeking entrance into the latter. Chocolate eyes widened and Hermione attempted to scream only to have a tongue shoved down her throat. The wicked little muscle greeted her own in rough swipes forcing movement and interaction.

After a moment, Bellatrix finally pulled back taking the girl's bottom lip between her teeth. She kneaded and suckled at it, making the lower swell and ache. The grasp on the Hermione's hair slackens before slipping lower down a sweat soaked neck to her breast. Once there she grasped ahold to a puckered nipple and twists. Hermione screamed in pain.

"Bellatrix." A raspy voice made its way from the corner.

Onyx irises darkened, darting over to Minerva and crimson lips curl in amusement. "Well, now looka who's finally awake, muddy, and just in time for the show too. Are you enjoying yourself over there, Professor?" When Minerva struggled to say something, Bellatrix cackled and turned her attention back on Hermione positioning the head of the tool at the girl's entrance. "Seems like our professor is a bit lost for words, ah well I suppose it's for the best then."

"Now where were we, pet?"

"Bell..trix.. you..." Minerva tried once more this time with sheer desperation sounding in her raspy voice.

Bellatrix swiveled her head back around, eyes locking on the battered woman, she sneered. "What could you possibly want now you mangy old cat. More crucios?" Before the elder witch could mutter a single word plump crimson lips formed a silent crucio and dark eyes watched in glee as the eldest witch seized, muscles bunched, face twisting in agony. A bone chilling began shaking in her bonds, rattling the chains so violently that dust puffed from the places they were nailed to. It felt as though she was being skinned alive slowly by a dull knife.

Seeing the woman whom she'd come to love as a mother thrash in pain was just too much for the young witch to bare. "Minerva!" She bucked wildly underneath the dark witch in a fruitless attempt to dislodge her. "Stop! I'll do anything you want just take the curse off...please." Her voice desperate, pleading for mercy.

Ignoring the screeching girl, the crazed witch only grinned with sadistic glee as unforgivable ravished the older woman.

Thinking quickly an idea came to mind one that sent her stomach rolling with nausea made her body shudder. Hermione swallowed hard and steeled herself against what she was about to do. Lifting a leg she coiled it around the other woman's waist and used what she hoped was a seductive voice. "Bella, please just forget about her. I need you." The dark witch's head snapped back to girl, her eyes wide and mouth slightly agape in surprise then slowly her expression morphed into a devious one. "Well, well, seems like the mudblood finally found her place."

In the background, the spell was lifted and Minerva sagged forward in mild relief, trying fruitlessly to catch her breath.

Bellatrix aligned the head of the phallus to Hermione core and readied herself to ram home but just as she was about to a scream rang out. One that froze the dark witch better than any petrificus totalus ever could.

"Stop! She's your daughter!"
