Nope, don't own CSI.

I really enjoyed writing Jackson, and I thought it might be cool to have a sequel. And am I the only one who thinks Greg would make a great dad? Anyway, this takes place right after Jackson's proposal to Morgan. Please read and review!

Greg Sanders couldn't believe it had been almost a year since his son Jackson had come to live with him. The little boy was now four years old, in preschool, and had added so much happiness to his life. For every sleepless night-or day, in Greg's case-there were countless smiles and laughs.

And Greg couldn't wait to start his future with both Jackson and Morgan Brody. She had come to mean so much to Jackson, and the little boy had come to mean so much to her.

The day after Jackson had proposed marriage-asking Morgan if she'd marry him and Greg-the three found themselves in the office of Greg and Morgan's supervisor, D.B. Russell. They'd already been to her father, undersheriff Conrad Ecklie, and told them of their engagement. To their great surprise, he was thrilled. He told Morgan that he'd already missed out on more than enough of her life, and he could tell that she was really happy with Greg and Jackson. So, Greg had the blessing of Morgan's father. Now the three of them and Ecklie were waiting in Russell's office for everyone to arrive after he texted everyone, calling a family meeting.

When everyone including the lab techs and Captain Brass had all gathered, everyone looked at Greg and Morgan suspiciously. He remembered the last time such a family meeting had been called-when Catherine had announced she was leaving. "Nobody's leaving," Greg quickly assured everyone.

"So, what's up?" Finn asked.

Morgan smiled and looked at Jackson, who was squirming in Greg's arms. "You want to tell them, Jackson?"

Jackson shrugged. Greg whispered in his ear. Jackson smiled. "Daddy an' Morgan are getting married!"

Cheers erupted in the small room, and everyone hugged Morgan and Greg. Jackson got hugs, too, much to his delight.

When the excitement died down, Greg pulled Morgan and gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek. Not to be outdone, Jackson wrapped his arms around her neck and gave her a big hug and kiss of his own.

"So, you're going to be the best man, huh?" Nick asked Jackson. The little boy simply shrugged and hugged Morgan.

"And Sara, please be my matron of honor?" Morgan asked.

"Of course!" Sara eagerly agreed.

After a few more minutes of congratulations, everyone went back to work. Morgan, Greg and Jackson remained in D.B.'s office with Ecklie. The undersheriff stared at Greg, and Morgan wondered if he was going to give Greg a hard time.

"Sanders, I know my daughter's in love with you," Ecklie began.

Greg looked at Morgan. "I'm in love with her."

"Good." Morgan looked at her father with surprise. "I know I probably have no right to say this, but you have my blessing." Morgan smiled.

"What's that mean?" Jackson asked.

"It means I want your daddy and Morgan to be very happy together." Ecklie raised an eyebrow when he looked at Jackson. "And I know she's crazy about you. You can help take care of her, okay?"

"Yeah!" Jackson said with a smile. Greg shook Ecklie's hand, and Jackson reached his hand over and shook Ecklie's hand as well.

Morgan gave her father a strong hug. "Thank you," she said softly.

Just then, Ecklie's pager went off. "It's Sheriff Liston," he said when he looked at the message. "I'd better get this. See you later?" Morgan nodded.

"Bye!" Jackson said as Ecklie left. He turned and smiled and waved at the little boy.

Morgan stood there for several moments, taking in the fact that her father not only accepted Greg, but gave them his blessing.

"You okay?" Greg asked.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Just..."


Morgan responded by giving Greg a brief but passionate kiss. Jackson cringed and laughed.

Greg arrived home with Jackson while Morgan stayed at the lab to complete some paperwork. Jackson was so excited about starting preschool and helping his dad and Morgan get ready for their wedding, the last thing he wanted to do was take a nap. But Greg insisted he take his afternoon nap before Greg had to drop him off at Mrs. Russell's for the evening while Greg was at work.

As Greg was holding Jackson's hand, walking into the apartment, Jackson looked up at his father. "Daddy, when you and Morgan get married, do I have to call her mommy?"

Greg stiffened slightly. "Not unless you want to."

Jackson shrugged as Greg led him into the apartment. "I love Morgan."

Smiling, Greg said, "I know you do. I love her too."

Climbing on the couch, Jackson asked, "Would mommy be mad?"

Greg sat down on the couch next to Jackson. "No, Jacks. I don't think she'd be mad."

"Do you still love mommy?"

Greg looked into his son's big brown eyes. "I love her, but not the way I love Morgan." Seeing Jackson's confused look, Greg added, "I love your mommy because she gave me you. And she loved you so much, that when she couldn't take care of you, she gave you to me. You are the best ever gift I've ever gotten."

That brought a smile to Jackson's face. "I love you, daddy."

"I love you, too," Greg said as he pulled Jackson into a hug. When Jackson pulled away, Greg said, "It's okay if you don't want to call Morgan mommy. I think she'll understand."

"Okay, daddy."

Try as he might, Jackson couldn't hide the fact that he was getting tired. Greg carried him into his bedroom and laid him down on his bed, giving him a kiss on his forehead.

Watching his son sleep, Greg couldn't hide the smile on his face. But he knew he'd still have to tell one more person about his engagement.

Walking into the living room, Greg pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed the number Riley gave him. After a couple of rings, she answered. "This is Riley."

"H-Hey, Riley."

"Greg? Hi. Is Jackson okay?"

"Yeah, he's great. He's taking his nap. Did you get the pictures I sent?" Greg was sure to send Riley pictures of Jackson as often as he could. Even though she'd given up custody of their son to him, she was still Jackson's mother.

"Yeah. He's really grown. I can't believe he's four already."

Greg quietly sighed. As happy as he was to be raising Jackson now, he wished he'd been part of his son's life from the start. "He is. Riley, he's amazing."

Riley laughed softly. "I know. He's just like his daddy."

Greg smiled. "Riley, I just...I wanted to tell you something."

"Well, what's wrong?"

Blowing out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, Greg knew he should be honest. "I'm getting married."

Silence was on the line for several moments, and Greg thought they'd been cut off. "Riley? You there?"

"Uh, y-yeah," Riley stammered. "You''re getting married?"

"Yeah. A CSI I work with. Jackson adores her, and she loves him."

"That's...wonderful. Really, that's good."

Greg sighed. "And she knows she can't replace you..."

"No-no," Riley quickly said. "I-I understand." After another couple of moments of silence, Riley added, "I'm happy for you. Look, I knew what I was doing when I gave Jackson to you. I knew something like this might happen. As long as he's okay and happy...that's all I care about."


"Really, Greg. Just...she'd better be good to him, to both of you."

Greg smiled. "She is. Her name's Morgan, and she's beautiful. Jackson adores her."

"Yeah, you-you said that."

"Look," Greg said with a sigh, "Jackson still loves you. And, like I said, Morgan knows she cannot replace you. We still want you to be part of Jackson's life."

Greg could imagine Riley smiling a sad smile. "I will be. Greg, I knew what I was doing when I gave you our son to raise, that you would take care of him and give him the family he needs. That's what you're doing."

" you're okay with this?"

Riley sighed. "I miss Jackson and, yes a part of me wishes it had worked out between us. But Jackson...he's where he should be. No regrets."

Greg sighed. "Thank you."

"I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye, Greg."
